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Avatar: The Last Airbender | Book 4: Energy


Pokémon Master
Aug 1, 2009
California, United States
Avatar: The Last Airbender | Book 4: Energy

WARNING! All stories in this thread may contain spoilers. Do not read if you do not want parts of the series spoiled for you.

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Book 4: Energy

Chapter 1: Separation

Sozin's Comet has come and gone. Avatar Aang has defeated Fire Lord Ozai, and Fire Lord Zuko is restoring the honor of the Fire Nation. The Earth King has been put back into power in Ba Sing Se, and the Southern Water Tribe is being rebuilt under the leadership of Chief Hakoda. Aang and his closest friends and allies are now celebrating the end of the war and spending time together at the Jasmine Dragon, Iroh's tea shop in Ba Sing Se.​

"Hey, where have you two been? You've been gone almost an hour," Zuko said. Aang and Katara had just come back inside. "We were just taking a walk," Katara said. "Oh, is that what you're calling it?" Sokka said with a smirk on his face. An irritated look came across Katara's face as she blasted Sokka with water from her pouch. Everyone chuckled.

Suddenly, Aang turned his attention elsewhere. He looked up to the ceiling. "Iroh, may I please use your upstairs room?" he asked. "Of course, my boy," Iroh said. "It is always available to you." Everybody seemed somewhat confused. Iroh had a curious but patient look on his face as he watched Aang climb the stairs.

About 15 minutes later, Aang came back down. Katara approached him. "Hey, is everything okay? Why were you up there?" she asked him quietly. "I was talking to Roku," Aang said as he walked past her. "Roku?" Katara replied with a surprised look on her face. "Excuse me, everyone," Aang announced. "I don't think we should be celebrating quite yet. While the war might be over, each of us has a journey that isn't." Katara and Sokka made eye contact. Zuko and Iroh did the same. Toph lowered her head, deep in thought. "You each know what needs to be done," Aang continued, "and as the Avatar, I will help you however I can." "Aang's right," Zuko said as he lowered his head and closed his eyes. "I've regained my honor, found my purpose, played my part in ending the war, and even become Fire Lord." He raised his head and opened his eyes. "But I still want my mother." A tear ran down Katara's face as she put her hand over her necklace. For a moment, no one spoke. Everyone thought of their respective duties. Then, Iroh broke the silence. "It is getting late. We should rest. Our quests will begin in the morning." Everyone agreed.

The next morning came quickly. Katara awoke to find Aang meditating at the bottom of the stairs outside the shop. Everyone else was still asleep. She went downstairs and outside to greet him. "Good morning, Katara," he said as he sensed her behind him. "Hi Aang," she said. She sat down next to him. "Is...is there something wrong? You don't seem like yourself. Ever since you talked to Roku last night, you've seemed a little...off." Aang opened his eyes and looked over at Katara. He then dropped his hands, looked down, and sighed. "I had a vision," he told her. "It was of some kind of explosion. There was fire and destruction everywhere, and everything almost had a blue tint to it for some reason. It was like when I had that vision of Sozin's Comet. I know it means something bad, but I don't understand it. And this time, neither did Roku." Katara put her arm around Aang and rested her head on his shoulder. He looked up to the sky with a worried look on his face as if searching for an answer within the clouds.

A few hours later, everyone was packed and ready to depart. Katara, Suki, and Toph got on Appa's back, and Zuko, Mai, and Sokka prepared to walk to the outer wall of the city to Zuko's royal airship. "I trust everyone knows where they are going," Iroh said. Everyone nodded. "Good," he said. "Then we will meet back here when everyone is finished." Suddenly, Aang ran out of the shop, past Iroh, and towards Appa. "Katara!" he yelled. "I almost forgot. You have to bring your dad back with you." "My dad?" Katara replied in confusion. "Yes, your dad," Aang said back. "Just trust me." Katara nodded in understanding.

After everyone had said their last goodbyes, Katara took control of Appa's reins and said, "Yip yip!" Appa took off into the sky, and everyone on the ground waved to them until they were out of sight. Then, Zuko approached Iroh with a small box. He handed the box to Iroh and said, "Here, Uncle. This should make your journey a little easier." "Thank you, Nephew," he said back with a smile. "You do not know how much this means to me." They bowed to each other. Zuko turned around and began walking with Mai and Sokka. The three of them turned and waved to Aang and Iroh, who waved back. When they were gone, Aang looked to Iroh. He said, "Don't you have something you need to take care of too?" "Yes," Iroh replied, "but it does not require leaving Ba Sing Se. It does not even require leaving my tea shop. It only requires you." "I understand," Aang said. Iroh closed up the shop, and the two of them went upstairs. Aang sat down on the floor, closed his eyes, and held out his hand. Iroh sat down next to him and put his own hand on top of Aang's. Zuko's box was in his lap and covered by his other arm. Aang's tattoos began to glow.

There is definitely more to come. I'd like some constructive criticism. Tell me what you think of the story so far, the way I wrote it, how accurately I portrayed each of the characters, etc. Compliments are nice too though. :lol: Oh, and let me know about any typos you see.