Battle on Home Soil
Disclaimer: Don't read unless you A: Have advice and B: Are either Atheist/Agnostic or unbiased towards said people.
So, my father harasses me about every 7 - 11 days (Sometimes two or three times a week) about my being Agnostic (So he thinks, I dare not say I follow Laveyist teachings) and continues to muster up things such as "Answers in Genesis" which I know to be total bologna, for example, when I asked him about the age of the Earth, Dinosaurs and Evolution he said "Carbon dating is unreliable and is being replaced and proved unreliable already so much so most scientists don't trust it anymore, for example some scientists killed a chicken, let it rot for a month then carbon dated it, it came up with 200 years old. And everything adapts."
I felt that the first part was utter bullshit as I have heard it get a few decades wrong over the course of a couple million years, but never two hundred years off course, and I KNOW that Radiocarbon dating is one of the most reliable things we have at the moment for such things.
And he has been going to far: Harassing me, attemptign to sign me up for baptisms against my will, talking to pastors for advice, even trying to get a couple of my friends on me! (As he thinks I listen to them more than him.)
Now I am out of options to live a peaceful two and a half years here. I have tried disproving the bible, acting sadistic towards his faith, begging for him to leave me alone, given him arguments to which he cannot win, and he still continues like a child who wants a cookie even after it has been eaten. Any advice to get him off my ass?
Disclaimer: Don't read unless you A: Have advice and B: Are either Atheist/Agnostic or unbiased towards said people.
So, my father harasses me about every 7 - 11 days (Sometimes two or three times a week) about my being Agnostic (So he thinks, I dare not say I follow Laveyist teachings) and continues to muster up things such as "Answers in Genesis" which I know to be total bologna, for example, when I asked him about the age of the Earth, Dinosaurs and Evolution he said "Carbon dating is unreliable and is being replaced and proved unreliable already so much so most scientists don't trust it anymore, for example some scientists killed a chicken, let it rot for a month then carbon dated it, it came up with 200 years old. And everything adapts."
I felt that the first part was utter bullshit as I have heard it get a few decades wrong over the course of a couple million years, but never two hundred years off course, and I KNOW that Radiocarbon dating is one of the most reliable things we have at the moment for such things.
And he has been going to far: Harassing me, attemptign to sign me up for baptisms against my will, talking to pastors for advice, even trying to get a couple of my friends on me! (As he thinks I listen to them more than him.)
Now I am out of options to live a peaceful two and a half years here. I have tried disproving the bible, acting sadistic towards his faith, begging for him to leave me alone, given him arguments to which he cannot win, and he still continues like a child who wants a cookie even after it has been eaten. Any advice to get him off my ass?