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Battle on Home Soil


Amateur Human
Premium Legend
Jun 23, 2008
Battle on Home Soil

Disclaimer: Don't read unless you A: Have advice and B: Are either Atheist/Agnostic or unbiased towards said people.

So, my father harasses me about every 7 - 11 days (Sometimes two or three times a week) about my being Agnostic (So he thinks, I dare not say I follow Laveyist teachings) and continues to muster up things such as "Answers in Genesis" which I know to be total bologna, for example, when I asked him about the age of the Earth, Dinosaurs and Evolution he said "Carbon dating is unreliable and is being replaced and proved unreliable already so much so most scientists don't trust it anymore, for example some scientists killed a chicken, let it rot for a month then carbon dated it, it came up with 200 years old. And everything adapts."
I felt that the first part was utter bullshit as I have heard it get a few decades wrong over the course of a couple million years, but never two hundred years off course, and I KNOW that Radiocarbon dating is one of the most reliable things we have at the moment for such things.

And he has been going to far: Harassing me, attemptign to sign me up for baptisms against my will, talking to pastors for advice, even trying to get a couple of my friends on me! (As he thinks I listen to them more than him.)

Now I am out of options to live a peaceful two and a half years here. I have tried disproving the bible, acting sadistic towards his faith, begging for him to leave me alone, given him arguments to which he cannot win, and he still continues like a child who wants a cookie even after it has been eaten. Any advice to get him off my ass?
Re: Battle on Home Soil

Put him straight. Tell him exactly what you think and if he's decent enough, he'll get off your back. My Dad used to annoy me at the worst times and when I told him what he was doing - he apologised and stopped.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

^ Well said. He should respect your views and realise you can't force faith. If he doesn't show him Zeitgeist, get him to read The God Delusion (I don't see eye-to-eye at ALL with Richard Dawkins, but he does put up some good points.), just rinse him in any ways possible, ie find evidence that suggests that the world wasn't created in 7 days.

The only problem is, religion is a very delicate subject. Hopefully he should accept your views and realize that even if his faith is strong, your faith is your own and no-one else can change that.
Or you could pretend that you converted to Christianity to keep him off your back. Or you could pretend to be a heavily fundamental Christian and find loads of Bible bashing qoutes to out Christian him. Might be a bit pointless though.

tl;dr: God Delusion, Zeitgeist (they're great ways of rinsing him)
Pretend to convert to Christianity.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

I don't have a dad, thanks for bringing it up you heartless fool. Just kidding :P

But I'd just appease him and try to show a bit of compassion. If he thinks you're more neutral he'll calm down a lot.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

The only advice I can give here regarding parents, is if you hate being around them - make sure you are completely prepared to move out as soon as you can. You don't want to be living with people you can't stand due to problems regarding school, funds or a place to stay.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

That's another thing, my school has been slightly failing, I have been happier and calmer than ever but Geometry and Biology has dropped to a B.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

It`s always better to get slightly weaker grades as long as you feel better - I mean not overdoing in school.
Of course, if your parents don`t agree with a B, that`s a nother issue.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

Yeah and if you even know what you want to do later on you can focus on subjects you like.
That should even more relieve some stress.
Edit: sorry it`s abit off topic.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

Just roll with it. If you don't believe in God, what hurt would it do? It makes things easier. Sure, I'd go all out war on him, but it isn't the good thing to do. So as long as what he tries to do isn't to hindersome, just go with it. Be baptised? Why the hell not, you don't believe in god, so what will some stupid ceremony do? I know how you feel, and how you shouldn't be forced to believe in God. It is easier for me to say, because my dad eventually gave up trying to get me to become Catholic. Think of it from his perspective too: If you were a hardcore Christian, how would you feel if your son didn't believe in God? Maybe he doesn't want his son going to hell or whatever.

So, just see it from his perspective and roll with it.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

There shouldn't be a religious requirement for you to live in your own house. He should be tolerant of your choice and respect that. If he can't he's a bad father (at least in that regard). Make him an ultimatum: Tell him that you're not going to be converted under any circumstance, and if he can't take that and continues to try, tell him you'll leave. It might sound extreme, but if he's got any sense he'll capitulate. If he doesn't, I'm sure you could go live with a friend for a week (or however long it takes), and then he'll capitulate. It's important that you don't fold though. You have to be strong and stand up to him.

In a worst case scenario where he doesn't capitulate, I'm sure you could emancipate yourself and become legally independant, but I wouldn't think that's desireable. I don't know if they have anything in the USA like they've got here with Youth Allowance (basically a pension for young people who are studying but can't afford living expenses).

But just remember, it's not like he hates you and is just trying to annoy you. He's only hassling you because he loves you, and he genuinely want's what he thinks is best for you, so please keep that in mind when deciding a course of action.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

Arseface;360168 said:
There shouldn't be a religious requirement for you to live in your own house. He should be tolerant of your choice and respect that. If he can't he's a bad father (at least in that regard). Make him an ultimatum: Tell him that you're not going to be converted under any circumstance, and if he can't take that and continues to try, tell him you'll leave. It might sound extreme, but if he's got any sense he'll capitulate. If he doesn't, I'm sure you could go live with a friend for a week (or however long it takes), and then he'll capitulate. It's important that you don't fold though. You have to be strong and stand up to him.

But just remember, it's not like he hates you and is just trying to annoy you. He's only hassling you because he loves you, and he genuinely want's what he thinks is best for you, so please keep that in mind when deciding a course of action.

I know he loves me and he does it because he worries about my "Eternal future." :blush:

I would try the "I'm leaving." thing, but 40% of my school is a computer program, which means I would have to skip school for a week or two. And can you legally run away from home?
Re: Battle on Home Soil

I know in Australia you can if your home conditions are "undesirable", but I think that's determined on a case by case basis, and reserved for things like abuse, drugs, etc.

You could always just make the ultimatum and hope you wont have to leave, but that carries the risk that he'll call your bluff, and then you'll have to go through with it to show him you mean buisiness. I guess a week or two off school isn't exactly a bad thing, though. School doesn't matter too much until you get to your last year, at least thats how I saw it, and two weeks is nothing compared to what I got away with, and I did alright. If it all pans out ok, the reward will be far greater than the fee.

Alternatively, you could always just sit him down and talk openly about how you feel.
Re: Battle on Home Soil

Ultimatum is I guess my last option, pack a suitcase full of clothes and 360 games and move down to a friends for a bit. And it illegal here, we will get fined. But that will help more?
Re: Battle on Home Soil

I think you should sit him down and have a serious discussion about it - not about god or anything, don't argue with him on that front - but about the fact that you just believe different things and he has to accept that. IF he doesn't change his act, then make the ultimatum. If he calls the cops, just do it again until he changes. If you get fined, he still has to pay it, right?