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One with the force
Apr 16, 2009
Somewhere in America

I love swimming in the ocean; cool salty air, soothing sounds of the waves, and the really hot babes. If I'm not hiking in the mountains, or camping I'm at the beach, and lucky for me I live in close distance between the two. Though it does suck at times, I mean this past weekend a wave picked up my friend, sucked me down and smashed her ontop of my head, nearly knocked me out. Turns out I got a ruptured ear drum as a souvenir, and have to take antibiotics ta boot!
Re: Beach

Oh dear! That's intense. I do hope you feel better soon, that's really harsh.
The worst I get at the beach is scraped up legs from being thrashed about on the shore. Once, though, I did get sun poisoning and that wasn't very fun at all. I couldn't move for a couple days. >.o
Re: Beach

The worst thing that happened to me at the beach is a huge giant wave took me down in the water for like 10 seconds and stuffing a bunch of salt water in my mouth :(

But hey were all lucky compared to the people victim of shark attacks:rolleyes:
Re: Beach

^ Agreed.
I'm terrified of sharks, it's ridiculous. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I live in the same place that "Jaws" takes place so it's like a natural fear. There were huge sharks caught off the coast of Montauk and all so it's a little creepy. I still love to go boating though, but if I ever saw a shark I'd probably shoot it with a high powered rifle. ><
Re: Beach

I hate the beach.

I don't have a beach body.

The sun is my arch-nemesis and it takes every opportunity it gets to hurt me.

You never know what's in the water. Like when you're standing on a nice sandy spot, only to take a step into a big patch of seaweed or some equally gross.
Re: Beach

Tsuyu;303321 said:
I hate the beach.

I don't have a beach body.

The sun is my arch-nemesis and it takes every opportunity it gets to hurt me.

You never know what's in the water. Like when you're standing on a nice sandy spot, only to take a step into a big patch of seaweed or some equally gross.

I tend to avoid the beach for the same reasons, getting stung by a jellyfish when I was 8 being another, that and the only real beach being a couple hundred miles from me.
Re: Beach

^ Jellyfish are disgusting. We get hundreds of them washing up on the shore in August. Filthy little creatures.
I have beaches all around me, I suppose that's one of the benefits of living on an island. ^^
Re: Beach

When I was little and lived in Scotland dead jellyfish used to wash up on the beach and we'd poke them with sticks :P
Re: Beach

Worst Beach Incident:
I have an obsession with jumping into water. All this week, I've been down the River jumping off bridges into it. We jumped off a cliff (not Dover height, or anything..) and twisted my ankle. I got off quite lucky, really. F**king hurt though. Deep water too.. Hard to swim with one foot.

Almost knocked you out, huh? Ouch.
Re: Beach

My worst is expirience was when I was waterskiing and my dad thought it would be fun to max speed and then make a 90 degree turn, I skipped across the water like a flat rock before a giant wave smashed me and took me down, I was so confused that I began swimming down and knocked my head against the sand.
Re: Beach

I hate water, but I love it. xD

I mean... I love water, but I hate everything else that lives in it ;d
Re: Beach

the ocean freaks me out. I dont think I could swim knowing what alls out there in the water. I also have a fear of really deep water. that and the sun doesnt really agree with my doesnt-register-on-film skin. :lol:

Im more of the pool going type, but I can never get away without a sunburn. I dont think Iv been even remotely tan in my life, well mabey my arms a little. I only get burned.
Re: Beach

When you have a fear of Something or Phobia, The real fear is just Dieing.. e.g. Afraid of Heights, Falling and dieing, Deep Water - Shark, Drowning all sorts of things that can cause you to die. So its really Death that is the Phobia.

I love Nature. :wub:
Re: Beach

ScareCrowReturn;303422 said:
When you have a fear of Something or Phobia, The real fear is just Dieing.. e.g. Afraid of Heights, Falling and dieing, Deep Water - Shark, Drowning all sorts of things that can cause you to die. So its really Death that is the Phobia.

Explain my irrational fear of moths then. I'm pretty sure I'm just afraid of them because they're disgusting and creepy-looking, they couldn't do much to kill me.
Re: Beach

LobotomizedLOVE;303320 said:
^ Agreed.
I'm terrified of sharks, it's ridiculous. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I live in the same place that "Jaws" takes place so it's like a natural fear. There were huge sharks caught off the coast of Montauk and all so it's a little creepy. I still love to go boating though, but if I ever saw a shark I'd probably shoot it with a high powered rifle. ><


For me, the worst incident is getting splashed :lol:
Re: Beach

LobotomizedLOVE;303537 said:
Explain my irrational fear of moths then. I'm pretty sure I'm just afraid of them because they're disgusting and creepy-looking, they couldn't do much to kill me.

You can die from almost ANYTHING.. Dont take that into concideration and think up some bull**** crap that I cant be bothered argueing about..

Anyway.. You could Die from Moths, And I thinks its the fact that you're not sure is what makes it Scarier.