Can't wait for the fanfic!
I knew there was a reason i liked you Although aren't you often busy?
Can't wait for the fanfic!
I knew there was a reason i liked you Although aren't you often busy?
Too busy to write much myself. But I can read stuff from my phone. In class.
And what do you mean "liked"? You mean you don't like me anymore?! *sulks and wails*
Ahaha of course i do, you're the only person on here that still finds time to converse with me
that's naughty, Im telling
Well, I have an awesome phone that never dies!
Don't worry, everyone wakes up about now... I come from the East, see, so I'm awake when most others sleep.
My phones just as lazy as i am
ah yes but you seem to be the only person who finds me (semi) interesting
Nah..... I'm sure the others are shy...
No they're not that's such a fib XD
Nah, i understand. A naive n00b comes onto your territory and picking up where people left off on possibly dead threads, must get tiring
Well, you've revived quite a number of threads in just two days... And no one's complaining... Achievement Unlocked!
Not yet they're not. Also it just adds to how sad i am
oh noes! Im the max and Sam of threads!
Don't worry! You're doing awesome, so far!
Danny, id hug you if i knew whether or not you hate strangers virtually touching you. actually scratch that *hugs*
Appreciate the hug, but please, I have some personal virtual space to keep clean.
Haha *Hugs back*
So spamming you with hugs is a big no no and frowned upon
Nahhh... I like hugs! Just not from huge guys... or sweaty guys... or dirty guys...
So generally any guy who's been to the gym too often?
Exacto... Abs, testosterone... *shivers*
Yeeah, i dont see the appeal of big muscled men. The geeks need love too XD
Yeah... I... need love...
*showers you with enough hugs that could make a unicorn ill*