Re: Black Dye
its sold in shops, it may take you a while to find it though. seriously i had to rest over and over for weeks (in game) till a shop had it. you can also sometimes find it in dig spots, dive spots, chests, and the like. no exact location for you, as treasures seem to be placed randomly this time
. but anyway, go to bowerstone and continue to check the 2 tailors and hair styleist. one will eventually have it. its "moonless midnight" by the way. when you do get it, you only have to dye the primaray colors of things to get it. also make sure to dye your hair and beard (if your a guy, get dark makup if girl. or guy, if that sort of thing suits you.). the achievment says to have dark makeup, but i got it after dyeing my beard (with no makeup). hope dis helped.