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Blackthorn Breen

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Blackthorn Breen


Hostility was in one mind, a thought of death, his parents, loved ones, and family. He can see the icy pale grip of death on his families shoulders, slowly he watches them drift away into a dark blackness. It is a black that you will never see in your life, it darkens your soul and makes you bleed inside. I hope that one day the curse of that memory will forever be gone. I wake up to the blinding sun on my eyes. I can hear the birds chirping and the sweet smell of wheat-grass. The forest shade looked tranquil while the sun glistens through the tree-tops and reminds me of home. The trees swayed in the sunlight that made the shadows move… It made me feel comfortable in a sort of way. I look down and saw the initials carved into my boot, in sort of a scripture type font. The initials were “G.R” which stood for my name… “Galad, Redman”. A name that has plagued my mind for so many years, named after my father… I can’t stand to think of him anymore, the way he was tortured, murdered. But I will bring you back to when I was a boy, the day it started was the day before my mothers birthday.

Chapter 1

A young boy 7 years in age, young Galad stood fishing in Oakvale. His feet nimble, ready to move. Galad stood about 4 feet tall, he had blue shorts with patches in them, one was ripping and discolored. His shirt was faded brown, which the original color was blue. Galad’s hair was long and moppy, it was messy and discolored a dirty blonde. You could tell his family was struggling financially. He couldn’t stay in one place for very long, he was constantly thinking of ways to entertain him self. Galad wore a bandanna most of the time mimicking an actor in a play that he use to watch. “Blackthorn Breen”. A story about a rogue bandit that stood for more then thievery and death. He used his cunning and creativity in new ways to help townsfolk’s, promoting the giving and the good. All of a sudden young Galad feels tugging on the string. He quickly got up and held the reel so tight that it made his hands numb. He was trying with all of his might to reel it in, but he couldn’t. As the string was being taken out he panicked and let go of the fishing pole. His heart melted and knew that he wouldn’t be able to get another fishing pole for awhile. His hands still blistered and red, he walked home. Galad was kicking rocks for amusement, on his way back to his house. On the way back he noticed the beautiful architecture of the houses, the landscaping, the tinted windows and the stained glass. He saw that everyone else was living well in Oakvale, but all of them were his friends. Galad felt embarrassed for his family and had a moment of realization that maybe life could be better then it is now. The blighted dirt seemed to grow as he walked, like a vile plague was being brought into town, a disease. When Galad got home he went straight into his room. The barren room of Galad, a chest, a closet, and a bed. What else could he ask for he thought, as he listed the things in his mind it seemed to sadden him even more… thinking of how much his family needed it. While Galad was drifting into sleep he arose 5 minutes later to the sound of his mother’s voice asking if he wanted dinner. Galad declined to his mothers request and thought about her old cook dress, in her dark brown hair, her blue eyes, and the pair of sole torn slippers. He repeated her name in his mind and started thinking of ways to improve his families life.
Re: Blackthorn Breen

hmmm pretty good.....i like it...keep it up and plus rep
Re: Blackthorn Breen

Pretty good? Man, this is great! Very descriptive bro, good job :cool:

Re: Blackthorn Breen

Chapter 2

After the thought of my parents and thinking about life, Galad suddenly feel into a deep sleep. He saw his mother standing near a fountain, the water draining through her hands, her amber-brown hair blowing through the wind. She just smiled and turned away, his dad was attending to the cattle as he watched outwards to the east. He saw the farm and the brown fence surrounding. The wind was blowing moderately, just perfect. He asked himself, is this heaven? Galad started to hear screams, he ponders his thought of reality, and wakes up. As he slowly opens his eyes his senses become aware and he smells burning, his parents screaming. Galad quietly tiptoed to his door and peaked through it, trying to be discrete… he was honestly scared. He didn’t know what was happening and he had to make sure that there wasn’t any danger behind that door worse then a fire. He saw bandits, taking his mother and father away, their serrated blades etched with blood. Galad took the glass of water that he had on his floorboard next to his bed and covers himself with it. He took his sheets and bedspread and rolled them around his hand, he went from the window. The window wouldn’t budge. He smashed it with his arm but it was hopeless, he just wasn’t strong enough. Galad was looking for anything in his room strong enough to break a window, but it was barren and old. The wood was dry so he had to think fast. He hastily grabbed his shoes and started banging them on the window… he started hitting it harder and harder, every hit coming closer to cracking the window. The window cracks after about 5 or 6 hits, he starts hitting harder, but the fire was getting closer and increasing in speed, his final hit was his hardest, he focused all of his energy on the window. His strength was increasing with every blow, and he felt better… a relief was tied in between the window and him. He broke the window and jumped through it, landing on rock, bruising his hip badly. His lungs burnt with smoke and his nostrils flared, his mind was frozen in time as he remembered when his life was so much better then it is now, and he better prepare himself. He just wanted his old life back and he took it for granted.

Chapter 3

His life in disorder, he crawled away from his life, burning in flames. He hid behind a bush while the bandits pillage and raid the town. Galad’s heart thought, you coward! You should go back there and do something about it, then the intelligent side of him said to hide. He did nothing, he sat there and waited, in agony his feet were bloody from the glass and every step made it worse. All he could do is crawl and the though of his mother, and his father being tortured was even more agony. He thought of his father, eyes being cut out of his sockets. He thought of his mother, being raped… and whipped. He thought of so many things that made him just want to give up. Galad just closed his eyes and feel asleep. Hours later he heard dragging, screaming and blood. He saw the heels of some man, being dragged and scrapped across the ground, as he kicks and screams and hurling his body parts all of the place, you can hear him breaking bones and he frantically tries to get loose. At least 20 bandits walked out of the homes, carrying people with them, they sat them down at the stage where blackthorn breen performs. There was at least 60 people watching my father, on the stage. There were 2 bandits up with him, one was really short and stocky, he was about 5”2, and a really tall man about 6”6. Galad couldn’t really see what they were saying, but the tall man held his head back, his throat exposed. Galad closed his eyes. He can hear the laughing and the screams of his father. He heard one bandit say “GIVE HIM THE MARK OF THE SQUEALER!”. Galad opened his eyes and saw the bandits cut his mouth open from ear to ear. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming. Then the bandits just sat and watched his father, mocking him… laughing at him. He screamed so loud it shook the ground. The taller bandit then decided to put an end to his whining, in his terms. He cut out his tongue. After a few minutes of getting bored with his father, they violent slit his throat, his blood spraying all of the place. You can hear him gurgle. Galad felt like dying. You could see his fathers eyes roll back into his head, and his legs start to twitch. The bandits then through him into a hole dug right beside the stage. The bandits yelled, “Bring another one up here!”. His eyes couldn’t take the punishment of seeing more people die, his friends die. He closed them and prayed to avo that someone would have mercy.