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Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes it

Albion Knight

Avatar the Old
Nov 25, 2006
Northeast USA (NH)
Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes it

‘‘The Xbox cost my mom a lot of money. She could barely afford it, and I really wanted it back,’’ said the 13-year-old Braintree boy, who followed the man across Washington Street on Thursday afternoon and later identified him to police as he was being led out of a nearby house in handcuffs. ‘‘I couldn’t just let it go.’’
I don't get how people can plead innocent after getting caught red handed

I like the "Way to go kid! Never do it again!!" part

Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes it
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

i don't blame the kid, id beat the living **** outa the guy who stole my Xbox my mom gotten me, and my mp3...hes got guts....
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

ohh now i get it... well id go for torture myself, but i lack the necessary equipment
no wait it isnt that its just ... yeah i would revert to torture :) slay the mud sucking thief
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

That kids got some guts, but then again it seems a little wierd some guy would just take his Xbox, walk off, and not notice a kid following him. Good for the kid anyway.
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

andythegill;105175 said:
ohh now i get it... well id go for torture myself, but i lack the necessary equipment
no wait it isn't that its just ... yeah i would revert to torture :) slay the mud sucking thief
Though, the thief might have been poor...maybe he thought the 360 would sell good. :lol: But then again, I'm a bit broke also.

Well anyway, yea. I would get my 360 back. How? Use my assassin skills to bring him to the concrete. But torture? No way. Only if the person kidnapped my family :D

So, master thief. If you're reading this in the future, for any reason at all, you're a really bad thief. I mean, an xbox? What are you, a video game thief? Sheesh....
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

gd lad yet i would calmly walk up to him, explain the situation if he refuses then i take the law into my own hand by, of course cramming a dagger in his balls so he cannot spread his thieving, scummy disease
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

This reminds of that kid who fended of his home from burglury with a sword, it was recent. Makes you think, these kids are really starting to grow some balls, especially when it comes to a console.
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

Seigfreid;105198 said:
This reminds of that kid who fended of his home from burglury with a sword, it was recent. Makes you think, these kids are really starting to grow some balls, especially when it comes to a console.

And they say video game violence is wrong! Fools! Where else would he have learned those fencing moves? School? Homework? Church? I don't think so!
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

Tsuyu;105207 said:
And they say video game violence is wrong! Fools! Where else would he have learned those fencing moves? School? Homework? Church? I don't think so!

I agree 100% Tsuyu! Come on people, if we have more kids playing violent video games then we won't need the Police Force! The Military! Who knows, we could send kids to war because the things they witness in the games will desensitize them, making them fearsome barbaric warriors with little or no mercy... That may have just been the single greatest idea in the history of the universe.
Re: Boy, 13, does a nice bit of police work: He gets his Xbox back after thief takes

I say good for the kid, he had some guts and got his beloved Xbox back. If someone stole mine and i found him he'd be heading to a morgue not a police cell :sly:

Tsuyu;105207 said:
And they say video game violence is wrong! Fools! Where else would he have learned those fencing moves? School? Homework? Church? I don't think so!

FableFreak;105217 said:
I agree 100% Tsuyu! Come on people, if we have more kids playing violent video games then we won't need the Police Force! The Military! Who knows, we could send kids to war because the things they witness in the games will desensitize them, making them fearsome barbaric warriors with little or no mercy... That may have just been the single greatest idea in the history of the universe.

They both made me laugh, something for the ESRB and BBFC to consider maybe?

