This is how I got the gold....
Make sure you have HIGH guile level for maximum profit!
Go to snowspire.
Buy several beers from the tavern (like 50, just buy them all)
Make sure your alignment/scariness is FAVORABLE to other people, so that they will not run from you. If people are scared of you, this wont work as well.
Hotkey your beers, and the apologise emote- just in case.
If its night, just sleep (there is a house just up the hill from the weapon shop with a bed located close to the door. Sleep in the bed, then run outside before the screen goes black, and you wont get fined for tresspassing- if you do happen to get caught, just apologise to the guards.)
Now, everything should be set.
Go to the weapon shop, and tell the owner to follow you.
(Note: if he is scared of you, he wont follow.)
Lead him somewhere away from his shop. Tell him to wait. As soon as the follow icon over his head dissapears, give him 3 or 4 beers.
Then, run back to the weapon shop.
You will notice 5 augmentations on the counter. Steal them all. Before you steal them, position the camera so you can see the door and the window to the right of the door... this is because sometimes workers carrying wood bundles comes into the weapon shop. Just keep your eye on the window, and when you see someone approach, stop stealing so you wont be caught.
(If you get caught, wait til the guards find you, refuse to pay the fine, and apologise to them-your fine will go away)
When you steal all the augmentaions, go to sleep twice (so a full day will pass)
Go back to the weapon shop, and repeat the drunken process and steal the augmentations.
Do this about 10 times or whatever you feel comfortable.
Then, when you have about 7-10 of each augmentation, go talk the shop owner and look at the amount of augmentations in stock. Make sure its a FULL stock. If it isnt, then just sleep the amount of days until the next supply arrives.
(note, dont bother looking at the mana, health, and exp augs. These do NOT matter and wont be used in this money making method. Just look at the stock of the other augs.)
When the shop has full supply, sell all your augmentations.
Then, BUY ALL the augmentations you can. (DONT buy health, mana, and exp augs, they give you negative profit- loss)
Try to buy all of one kind before buy another kind.
Then, RESELL ALL the augmentations you just bought. Then rebuy, resell, rebuy, resell, and so on and so on.
This will earn you good, fast gold. I was making about 200000 gold per trade via this method.
Every once in a while, steal some more augmentations because the amount of money you gain slowly decreases.
You might want to toy around with this as you do it though, to try to get maximum profit.
Its vital you buy all of one kind of aug (except mana, hp, and exp) because when a shop has 0 of one thing in stock, the amount you sell it for is much higher.
It also works in reverse, the more a shop has in stock, the cheaper. Your guile level is important, too, because it lowers item prices when buying and raises them when selling.
The reason why you need to steal some in the beginning is because you need to raise the shop's stock, thus lowering the initial price.
I maxed out my gold in about an hour or 2 using this method.
Although, you dont have to max it out, you could just earn enough for whatever you need it for.