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Chair holder glitch

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Re: Chair holder glitch

so its getting pretty boring ive beaten the game like 3 times lol
Re: Chair holder glitch

its not well the clothes no we do were black becus we are assassins!!!!
Re: Chair holder glitch

For future reference, don't post more than once at a time.

And if the game is getting boring, try beating it using only one hero discipline, or do a combination of two. For example, use only will powers, and wear only will user clothing. Or you could be a highwayman, wearing only the highwayman outfit, and using only the fastest weapons in the game (katana and clockwork pistol). Or you could go through the game only using crossbows. The possibilities are endless.
Re: Chair holder glitch

ive never thought of it that way i could beat the game nude with only rusty weapons and no spells :D
Re: Chair holder glitch

projectego said:
"Double-posting" is a no-no. Please wait an appropriate amount of time before replying to your own topic. As well as posting in order to just raise post count and adding nothing to the threads.

Damn message length...it doesn't include quotes >_<
Re: Chair holder glitch

why are we fighting when this forum is about glitches?????
Necromancer11s first comment was right GROW UP
and why boolsook is your spellings so wrong?
and can any1 help me with a heros tale?it keeps on saying NAY NAY NAY
every time i go on chickin kickin it also says NAY NAY NAY
ANY1 KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My gamertag is EM1N3M
Re: Chair holder glitch

i see this all the time! it is hiarious! sorry, can't fix it, but it is no big deal, won't affect ur game besides the fact they can't drop it
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