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Choice of heroes

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Re: Choice of heros

I mentioned the same thing before, but I can't remember which thread it was. I think it might have been this one, then again who knows.
Re: Choice of heros

jnethirteen said:
Im a girl and I game more than i should. My boyfriend many times feels neglected cause of my habit. and i am pretty good looking so dont worry, there are girls out there who are game freaks and good looking too.
So much for my theory! Ive have not yet met a single girl that likes any kind of video game, hot or ugly.
(I dont mean to offend anybody by saying ugly. Im to nice to insult anyone.............that doesnt include Seigfried)
Re: Choice of heros

You little brat, you better watch yourself now. I'm curious as to what is this theory of yours is? It wouldn't happen to be a theory about girls not being better at games is it?
Re: Choice of heros

I think girls could be as good at video games, they just lack the drive to sit at a tv for 18 hours straight, having no ability to see cause theyve stopped blinking 3 hours into the game. plus, unless its a game like halo, with coop, they arent socializing... girls cant sit by themselves that long without talking. its only the rare few ( like me) that will get up at noon, start playing, watch the sun go down, keep playing and then realize the sun is now coming up again.
Re: Choice of heros

jnethirteen said:
Well it seems most of you are guys, which is cooll, but i think you underestimate one thing. Im a girl and I game more than i should. My boyfriend many times feels neglected cause of my habit. and i am pretty good looking so dont worry, there are girls out there who are game freaks and good looking too. for now, my avatar is my eye ( i'm a litlle shy):rolleyes:

Always good to see girl gamers and ones that are on forums, makes a nice change. I take it hes not a gamer then O.o

Crazyarms said:
So much for my theory! Ive have not yet met a single girl that likes any kind of video game, hot or ugly.
(I dont mean to offend anybody by saying ugly. Im to nice to insult anyone.............that doesnt include Seigfried)

I know afew girl gamers, some are big Halo fans and the others love Final Fantasy and Resident evil games.

jnethirteen said:
I think girls could be as good at video games, they just lack the drive to sit at a tv for 18 hours straight, having no ability to see cause theyve stopped blinking 3 hours into the game. plus, unless its a game like halo, with coop, they arent socializing... girls cant sit by themselves that long without talking. its only the rare few ( like me) that will get up at noon, start playing, watch the sun go down, keep playing and then realize the sun is now coming up again.

I surpose your right in that aspect, men are more stubborn aswel and if they get beat in a game they will spend hours and hours determined to beat it no matter how long it takes :lol:
Re: Choice of heroes

The only game that i have given up on is Prince of persia the two thrones. i am at a poing where im playing Axe and Sword. THey kill me before i even have a chance to scratch them. its really irritating and after 2 hours of trying to beat them i said **** it and quit. that was 3 months ago and i havent had any desire to go back to it yet.
Re: Choice of heroes

Hi jnetthirteen (can i call you only jnet?) , nice to see some female participation in this Forum.;)
Re: Choice of heroes

jnethirteen said:
The only game that i have given up on is Prince of persia the two thrones. i am at a poing where im playing Axe and Sword. THey kill me before i even have a chance to scratch them. its really irritating and after 2 hours of trying to beat them i said **** it and quit. that was 3 months ago and i havent had any desire to go back to it yet.

Sounds like me in Brothers In Arms (damn mortar teams) :blush:
Re: Choice of heroes

Today i turned 23 and i received an XBOX 360 for my birthday! It ****IN rocks! Maybe getting older sisnt so bad after all.... If only fable two and halo 3 were out now.....

Re: Choice of heroes

jnethirteen said:
Today i turned 23 and i received an XBOX 360 for my birthday! It ****IN rocks! Maybe getting older sisnt so bad after all.... If only fable two and halo 3 were out now.....


Happy Birthday and Congradulations, welcome to the next generation of Gaming :D
Re: Choice of heroes

jnethirteen said:
Today i turned 23 and i received an XBOX 360 for my birthday! It ****IN rocks! Maybe getting older sisnt so bad after all.... If only fable two and halo 3 were out now.....


Very happy birthday :D

Hope you had a good one.

Guess you'll have to wait Fable 2 is released to fully enjoy the experience :lol:
Re: Choice of heroes

jnethirteen said:
Today i turned 23 and i received an XBOX 360 for my birthday! It ****IN rocks! Maybe getting older sisnt so bad after all.... If only fable two and halo 3 were out now.....


Twenty-three? Crazy. I read your screen-name and assumed you were 13.

Silly me.

Speaking of girl-gamers, I spotted a *crazy* hot chick (and I'm not talking about 'doable', I'm talking about B.E.A-utiful) working in a game shop the other day, I had to do a triple take. Talk about a paradox. :wacko:
Re: Choice of heroes

Ulicus said:
Twenty-three? Crazy. I read your screen-name and assumed you were 13.

Silly me.

Speaking of girl-gamers, I spotted a *crazy* hot chick (and I'm not talking about 'doable', I'm talking about B.E.A-utiful) working in a game shop the other day, I had to do a triple take. Talk about a paradox. :wacko:

:lol: i can see why you thought that with the name but not many people use numbers in their name thats the same as their age :P

You have been welcomed to the world of hot women gamers now ;)
Re: Choice of heroes

Thirteen is my favorite number. Thanks for all the happy bday wishes. I think it would be interesting having an option to play capture the flag on fable. everbody could use thier will or weapory on each other... can you imagine?
Re: Choice of heroes

no i cant. that would be very interesting.
Re: Choice of heroes

Well it would be interesting to see a bunch of hero characters zapping each other and duking it out for the flag. I think it would be neat.:w00t:
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