blue crow;156686 said:Wow this was obvious since it came out.
blue crow;156691 said:I knew it would happen cause the beta was great. If the beta is great gamer law states the final verison will be 10 times better.
cometojames;156692 said:i have to say the campiang is the best i have played on any fps game espicial all giulied up
blue crow;156695 said:He meant campaign. I only bet it once on normal i am playing through vet now.
Dark Drakan;156697 said:As he mentioned the Ghillie suit i thought he meant Camping as thats what Snipers do.
blue crow;156700 said:Well it was honest mistake. Nothing to chop my arms off for or shoot me from a long range with a sniper rifle for. Also he mentioned all gilled up which is a mission.
Dark Drakan;156704 said::lol: didnt mean it harshly or anything, just saying how i interpreted what he meant thats all. All Ghillied up is an excellent mission also.
blue crow;156705 said:Hardest mission ever. I had to resist my urge to go rambo on those russains.
blue crow;156707 said:One shot one kill is goona be tough on vet. I bet i am goona say the f word a lot during it. I think i"ll keep a count how many times i say it.
cometojames;156569 said:call of duty 4 has now become lets say annoying. Everyon lobs granades constantly. You try and aim with the sniper and you aim for their head and it completly misses. I have now got so ****ed of with the game i have given up on it. I have now ordered my self battlestations midway
Amanda;158631 said:I've heard a lot of people talking about the same thing you mentioned with the snipers. Are you making sure your holding your breathe when your sniping? Also, for head shots, it works better if you shoot between heart beats. I usually just aim for their mid-section as I'm not a very patient sniper.![]()