droded;326550 said:Nice! Hopefully you won't have to drop out like you did last year.![]()
William1193;326658 said:well then my opponent can pretent i accidentally transformed into a squirell and he eats me... theres no rules with shapeshifting u could say my technology malfunctioned and i shapeshifted to a germ and dissapeared from life
Hal;326578 said:Heres mine
The Legendary Ninja Smiley, which can be created by typing *Ninja*. Like a normal Smiley but uses katana. Is responsible for destruction of Pirate Smileys. Ninja Smiley will pwn you all.
Keelee.Hamomin;327436 said:![]()
This is Clohinne (pronounced Clo-HIN-ya). She grew up in County Cork in 1812. However, due to an unfortunate accident with one of her inventions (what she thought was a toaster but actually turned out to be a time machine) she now resides in the present. She enjoys cafe's, bookstores, best buy and the inter-web. Her weapon of choice is her steam cannon and extend-able wrench.
Aside from general hobbies and occasionally blowing things up, Clohinne spends most of her time studying up on the past couple centuries that she missed. Her favorite subjects include technology, history, modern warfare, martial arts and food.... She loves food, fast food.
Yeah, fun with creativity. I like this site, it gives me the warm fuzzies.:wub:
Walker;327518 said:Mmmm, percussive maintenance. Also, congrats: you've won the "token submission that involves some effort and artistic ability beyond bright primary colors and shapes" award.
Walker;327518 said:Also, congrats: you've won the "token submission that involves some effort and artistic ability beyond bright primary colors and shapes" award.