the beginning of my dlc idea if you want more post that you want to hear more. The scene starts with the king walking the streets of bowerstone market. Hobson: my lord what are we doing here again? King: I told you Hobson reaver returns today Hobson: well I honestly don't think anyone is worth my health I mean look at these streets, this is why I prefer the castle king: Hobson don't forget without a kingdom there would be no castle Hobson: well yes that is true but this does not mean I have to enjoy it. (bird poop lands on hobsons head the camera soars to the bird to take on a birds eye view after showing some landmarks it shows the bridge where everyone is gathered for reavers return. The gates open music plays and in comes reaver. Reaver: my dear denizens I hope you did not miss me too much. King: hello reaver I'm glad you finally decided to return. Reaver: ah yes but I had a good reason for leaving (Hobson under his breath: escaping death...) (king eyes Hobson) reaver: but on my travels I did not forget you, men!!! (men appear holding velvet pillows with gifts) (reaver gives the gifts to hobson and the king) Hobson: a...ummm..what is this? Reaver: it's a rune from the snowspire oracle that is where I was. Hobson: snowspire? Never heard if it. Reaver: yes they prefer it that way. (king opens up his gift inside is a decorative mask with intricate designs) reaver: yes that my lord is a very rare item it's said to once belong to a great warrior. King; thanks. I will ummm.. Treasure it always. ( they begin to walk to the castle)