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Dlc: The never ending battle

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The Crawler

Jun 20, 2011
the beginning of my dlc idea if you want more post that you want to hear more. The scene starts with the king walking the streets of bowerstone market. Hobson: my lord what are we doing here again? King: I told you Hobson reaver returns today Hobson: well I honestly don't think anyone is worth my health I mean look at these streets, this is why I prefer the castle king: Hobson don't forget without a kingdom there would be no castle Hobson: well yes that is true but this does not mean I have to enjoy it. (bird poop lands on hobsons head the camera soars to the bird to take on a birds eye view after showing some landmarks it shows the bridge where everyone is gathered for reavers return. The gates open music plays and in comes reaver. Reaver: my dear denizens I hope you did not miss me too much. King: hello reaver I'm glad you finally decided to return. Reaver: ah yes but I had a good reason for leaving (Hobson under his breath: escaping death...) (king eyes Hobson) reaver: but on my travels I did not forget you, men!!! (men appear holding velvet pillows with gifts) (reaver gives the gifts to hobson and the king) Hobson: a...ummm..what is this? Reaver: it's a rune from the snowspire oracle that is where I was. Hobson: snowspire? Never heard if it. Reaver: yes they prefer it that way. (king opens up his gift inside is a decorative mask with intricate designs) reaver: yes that my lord is a very rare item it's said to once belong to a great warrior. King; thanks. I will ummm.. Treasure it always. ( they begin to walk to the castle)
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(Back at the castle in the dining room) Hobson: so master reaver I can see your journey was quite interesting... Reaver: quite actually as I've already said it allowed me to see new things including these two fine lady's who ( he is interrupted by a guard running into the dining room) guard: my lord there are riots in the streets! King: riots, what is the meaning of this!? (reaver peering out the window) reaver: it looks more like a gathering to me perhaps we should go see what all the fuss is about. King: I agree guard: my lord it's dangerous out there king: these are my people and I am there king. (reaver,Hobson, and the king proceed to the town square to see what's happening they are accompanied by many guards) ( a prophet is standing on a platform) prophet: the end is nigh for Albion! Darkness will spread across the land and kill all! Reaver: excuse me my fine erm... Gentleman that already happened. Prophet: no an old darkness rises a darkness that history has tried to forget. ( reaver whispering: I think he's insane) prophet: I know because I have seen this darkness I have seen the hell. King: my good man tell me prophet: the very thought burns my tounge you have been warned heed or you shall fall ( prophet dissapears) reaver: thank goodness that's over eh Hobson? Hobson? ( Hobson is kneeled to the ground clutching his chest) king: Hobson are you all right? (Hobson says nothing suddenly they notice he is clutching the rune, a strange blue mist covers his body and he rises into the air Hobson/oracle: 3 heroes destined to die, three shadows hide in the night, they fear the light, your light is not bright. They do not fear your power this is there finest hour. ( Hobson stops and falls to the ground the rune crumbles ) ( the king runs to Hobsons side) king: Hobson are you ok? Reaver: I'm afraid to say it looks like the old fool bit the dust. If you want more just post and I'll give you more I have submitted the manuscript to lionhead and am happy to say they said it was amazing and there's a 91% chance it will be fable 4. According to the phone call I recieved today
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(the guards carry hobsons body up to the castle) king: I can't believe it. Reaver: what that the old fool actually had to die? King: no that more evil rises is it not enough I mean they have already taken Walter and now Hobson! Reaver: well we all have to die one day. King: glad you finally understand that. Guard: my lord it's getting late perhaps you should go to bed. King: yes, yes good idea. We bury Hobson first thing in the morning. Reaver: my lord since you now own my mansion do you mind if I stay here. King: no not at all you can stay in my old bedroom. (king makes his way up to his room, lays the mask reaver got him on a bookshelf and places the crown on top of it. (the king puts on his nightshirt and gets into bed) (he suddenly hears a strange wind sound) mysterious voice: wear me...wear me ( king looks around) king: what did Hobson put in those drinks at dinner. Mysterious voice: you will be immortal (king ignores the voice a strange light appears in the room) ( the king wakes up and looks the light is coming from the bookshelf) (the king makes his way to the book shelf the light disappears when he gets there all he sees is the crown..) king: it must be nothing...wait where is the mask? (the king really doesn't care at the moment and climbs into bed. (suddenly a tremendous rumbling shakes the ground, mysterious voice: I am back! You have awoken me! Jack is back! ( king jumps out of bed and grabs a sword hanging on the wall) (the windows fly open in the bedroom and the ceiling is ripped away) (the sky is bloodshot red and the air consists if cinders and ashes. (the king runs from the bedroom down the stairs the hallway in front of the thrown room is filled with rubble and the thrown room is blocked with rubble. The king runs down the entrance stairs and tries to make his way to the door wood above it falls and hits a lantern on the way down and smashes is fire latches on to the walls and tapestry the king runs toward the entrance to the dining room but the king hears cracking suddenly the belong in the dining room falls blocking the entrance. A strange cracking noise is heard and strange creatures destroy the gate in front of the castle . The king runs to the training room hallway rubble covers the training room. The king turns around by now the only thin he sees is flames. A thumping is heard behind the door in the middle of the hallway the door crashes to the ground there stands reaver holding a large blade in one hand and a torch in the other he looks horrible his legs are badly injured and he has a large scar across his eye. Reaver: what the hell is happening! The guards told us all to take cover in the old fairfax tower but on our way there the doors to the office closed shut and creatures crawled from the ceiling and killed everyone! King: what..! Reaver the time for talking is not now follow me! ( the King and reaver run into the room on the otherside of the door it's a room filled with statues. A statue in the corner has fallen through the wall. On the otherside is the library reaver and the king climb through to the other side and run from the library the king exits first as reaver follows behind the ledge above reaver falls and crashes on top of reaver.) if you want more just post it. I am proud to announce that this is fable 4
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TheCrawler said:
I am proud to announce that this is fable 4

Gikoku Harakami said:
Yeah, and I'm sleeping with the Queen of England. Thread closed.

No offence, but unless I see some real evidence, I won't believe you. Sorry.

Good story though.

But, Jack? Back? Nah...
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