Here is the official list of dye's from the strategy guide. There are 42 colors in all (im only missing 3 colors). Remember you get Dye's from clothing and hair styles shops in bowerstone market, walking vendors, and bloodstone. Also you can dig them up too.
1. Apocalyptic Pink
2. Aquapos
3. Banana Pudding
4. Barely Blue
5. Burning Orange
6. Carotene Orange
7. Cloudless Sky
8. Compost Brown
9. Diver's
10. Envy Green
11. Fishtankarous
12. Freshwater Springs
13. Gables Green
14. Gangreen
15. Greypfruit
16. Greypricot
17. Impermissible Carmine
18. Insatiable Butcher's Pink
19. Java
20. Kangarouge
21. Kilowhite
22. Leathery Tan
23. Liquid Gold
24. Mansfield Green
25. Moonless Midnight
26. Peacock
27. Perwinkle
28. Piratical Orange
29. Pomegreynate
30. Red Letter
31. Regal Purple
32. Scarlet Slime
33. Shiner
34. Soylent
35. Sunshine Yellow
36. Swarthy Revenge Indigo
37. Sweet Cream
38. True Blue
39. Valiant Avenger Pink
40. Vermillipede
41. Viole
42. Yellowbelly