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English Language Pack

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New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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Hi all

As the title says, where is the English language pack that was promised to be made available on the Marketplace alongside the release of the game??? I only bought the game because they said it would be available when the game came out, as it was with Fable 2. Now the game has been sitting on my kitchen table for 5 days and I WILL not play it in German, I'm not about to make my ears bleed out profusely.

Could Lionhead share some information for a change? I mean, if they didn't announce the language pack I wouldn't have bought the game in the first place or ordered the, somewhat more expensive, English version from Amazon.

Anyways, thanks!



New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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bump - language pack please
(and please don't tell me not to bump, cause I will anyway)


New Member
Oct 29, 2010
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True that...

There are like 2 downloads that have anything to do with gameplay at the moment, even though they promised more...


New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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Word up ...

I'm not one to be much of a stinker if things don't go my way, but this is different. Again, I could have easily bought the English version for an additional few bucks but I didn't. Intentionally.

The Problem is, I can't even return the game now to get the English version instead! Correction: I could if I was willing to buy the game twice ... I tried returning it yesterday after work because quite frankly I'm sick of waiting. But since I never intended to return it, I didn't keep the return slip, but I didn't even get that far. When I told the guy at the store my reason for returning, he told me the only way they'd take it back is if the software itself was faulty. He added that they cannot take responsibility for any promises the developer made and thus won't take the game back, as it is working as intended.

Great! Thanks a bunch Lionhead ...


Ruler of All
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Word up ...

I'm not one to be much of a stinker if things don't go my way, but this is different. Again, I could have easily bought the English version for an additional few bucks but I didn't. Intentionally.

The Problem is, I can't even return the game now to get the English version instead! Correction: I could if I was willing to buy the game twice ... I tried returning it yesterday after work because quite frankly I'm sick of waiting. But since I never intended to return it, I didn't keep the return slip, but I didn't even get that far. When I told the guy at the store my reason for returning, he told me the only way they'd take it back is if the software itself was faulty. He added that they cannot take responsibility for any promises the developer made and thus won't take the game back, as it is working as intended.

Great! Thanks a bunch Lionhead ...
You do realize it's the store that won't take your game back, not Lionhead? And the language pack deal is most likely an issue with Microsoft, or if it is in fact at Lionhead's the problem lies I'm sure they're working hard to fix it. Unlike many game companies, Lionhead actually cares. And you know that.


New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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You do realize it's the store that won't take your game back, not Lionhead? And the language pack deal is most likely an issue with Microsoft, or if it is in fact at Lionhead's the problem lies I'm sure they're working hard to fix it. Unlike many game companies, Lionhead actually cares. And you know that.

Yeah, well, you do realize it was Lionhead who promised the language pack to be available with the release of the game, was it not? And you do realize that the store has done absolutely nothing wrong, quite the opposite in fact, I think they're right in not taking the game back. I wouldn't if I was working there ... Be mindful of the promises you make, especially if you have no control over the outcome.

Most likely Microsoft? Well, good sir, that's just not good enough for me, simple as that ;) Quite frankly I don't care who is responsible for this, fact is I have a game here from Lionhead which I only bought because they promised said language pack to be available when it came out. It's not. So, who am I going to blame for this mishap? I think it's quite logical which tree is going to have to take the ****.

Aww, that almost brought tears to my eyes ... Lionhead actually cares, people, lest you forget! Especially Peter "broken promise" Molyneux. That guy cares like no one else could even wish to care.

The fanboy meeting is nextdoor, just in case you were wondering.


Ruler of All
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, well, you do realize it was Lionhead who promised the language pack to be available with the release of the game, was it not? And you do realize that the store has done absolutely nothing wrong, quite the opposite in fact, I think they're right in not taking the game back. I wouldn't if I was working there ... Be mindful of the promises you make, especially if you have no control over the outcome.

Most likely Microsoft? Well, good sir, that's just not good enough for me, simple as that ;) Quite frankly I don't care who is responsible for this, fact is I have a game here from Lionhead which I only bought because they promised said language pack to be available when it came out. It's not. So, who am I going to blame for this mishap? I think it's quite logical which tree is going to have to take the ****.

Aww, that almost brought tears to my eyes ... Lionhead actually cares, people, lest you forget! Especially Peter "broken promise" Molyneux. That guy cares like no one else could even wish to care.

The fanboy meeting is nextdoor, just in case you were wondering.
You seem to think that I care. Which I don't. Lionhead is one of the few studios that actually do care, so why badmouth them for the mistake of somebody else?

Oh and what's the matter, they kicked you out of the club for being too much of a [insert whatever the hell, I don't care]? I can totally see that. XD


New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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You seem to think that I care. Which I don't.
You seem to care enough to pester me and this thread with your fanboyism, but no, I didn't really think you cared, what gave you that idea? Which brings me to my next question, if you truly don't care, why did you post a comment in the first place? Anyhoo, it's fine either way, at least you're keeping the thread alive ... thanks for that! ;)

Lionhead is one of the few studios that actually do care, so why badmouth them for the mistake of somebody else?
Awww, there you go again making me all teary eyed. Yes, Lionhead gives out free BJs and Smarties once a week, that's how much they care for you, their loyal customers. On a serious note, what exactly makes you think Lionhead cares more than other devs? Any solid proof to back up that argument? Cause I don't seem to notice their abundant caring.

I mean, it's not like they haven't responded to my question, why the language pack isn't online and when it will be. Right? ... I don't know, but doesn't seem like they care all that much. And yes, I realize this is my specific problem and I can't really expect them to focus on that. That's why I'm trying to make myself heard. I've tried contacting them by other means, but that's not possible either. They don't even have a contact form or e-mail address on their website. That's how much they care. So, uhm, where do I go with my specific problem if not to those that made the promise? I'm open to suggestions ya know ...

Oh and what's the matter, they kicked you out of the club for being too much of a [insert whatever the hell, I don't care]? I can totally see that. XD
I realize that you had poor argument to begin with and absolutely no real reason to post your fanboy crap here, but trying to insult me is not exactly helping your case. You could just stop producing carbon dioxide instead.

So long!


Ruler of All
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
You seem to care enough to pester me and this thread with your fanboyism, but no, I didn't really think you cared, what gave you that idea? Which brings me to my next question, if you truly don't care, why did you post a comment in the first place? Anyhoo, it's fine either way, at least you're keeping the thread alive ... thanks for that! ;)

Awww, there you go again making me all teary eyed. Yes, Lionhead gives out free BJs and Smarties once a week, that's how much they care for you, their loyal customers. On a serious note, what exactly makes you think Lionhead cares more than other devs? Any solid proof to back up that argument? Cause I don't seem to notice their abundant caring.

I mean, it's not like they haven't responded to my question, why the language pack isn't online and when it will be. Right? ... I don't know, but doesn't seem like they care all that much. And yes, I realize this is my specific problem and I can't really expect them to focus on that. That's why I'm trying to make myself heard. I've tried contacting them by other means, but that's not possible either. They don't even have a contact form or e-mail address on their website. That's how much they care. So, uhm, where do I go with my specific problem if not to those that made the promise? I'm open to suggestions ya know ...

I realize that you had poor argument to begin with and absolutely no real reason to post your fanboy crap here, but trying to insult me is not exactly helping your case. You could just stop producing carbon dioxide instead.

So long!
This is a forum, in case you didn't know it's a place for discussion. Oh, and I'm a human so I can say what I want. And before you complain about this nonsense forever and ever and ever and ever (I mean, let it go) you should follow the forum rules.

When you have checked the rules out and you've matured, feel free to start a private discussion with me. I'm out--and I won't be replying to you again, because I for one do not want to flame.


New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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This is a forum, in case you didn't know it's a place for discussion.
Oh I did, but you didn't really contribute anything worthwile to the discussion I started in this thread. If you want to discuss how great and caring Lionhead is, start your own "I love Lionhead" thread. That's what threads are for, in case you didn't know.

Oh, and I'm a human so I can say what I want.
Bravo! I'm glad you are, almost mistook you for a fanboy cyborg.

And before you complain about this nonsense forever and ever and ever and ever (I mean, let it go)
If you're referring to the nonsense of me complaining about the missing language pack then I hate to disappoint ya, I'll continue for as long as I want to and deem necessary, because I quote: "This is a forum, in case you didn't know it's a place for discussion." and hell, I'll be discussing the big Jesus out of this one, if I have to. Granted, it might not get me the language pack I want, but it'll sure as hell make me feel a little better about my misspent money. And just for the record, just because something seems nonsensical to you, doesn't mean it's the same for everybody else YOU ignorant fanboy you!

you should follow the forum rules.
Except for the "bump" I posted, I'd love for you to point out where else I've not followed the rules. Unlike yourself I've wonderously managed not to insult you. Yet.

When you have checked the rules out
I won't (again), because you know, Lionhead doesn't follow any rules themselves, so why should I?

and you've matured
Holy Batman on a stick, there you go about insulting me again! Sorry friend, but this time I'm just going to have to report your insulting comments :) Thanks for making this easy.

feel free to start a private discussion with me
Just remind me again why I'd want to do that? I feel pretty free as it is, but I absolutely do not want to have a discussion with the likes of you, that just seems pointless in the light of how you defend your "favoite developa" (best pronounced in a slightly child like manner).

I'm out--

and I won't be replying to you again
Thank the lord! ... But believe you, I do not (as Yoda would say).

because I for one do not want to flame.
Good for you. Although in my book fanboying is on par with flaming. Both are nonesense.


Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Would you two stop it? :/
this forum consists of the general public, none of us work at Lionhead and thus can not tell you when/if an English pack is coming out.

I did a GOOGLE search and found the following information...
An English pack will be available some time during November.
They are obviously aware it needs to be released due to several posts on http://lionhead.com/Forums/ where other people have expressed their concerns about this issue.

I am probably right to assume they have other priories at the moment with other issues like... characters falling through the map, severe lag issues and mass game info loss, making the game unplayable for a lot of people who have already started playing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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I can understand why a language pack wouldn't be at the top of the priority list when the game is available, off the shelf, in English. I realize you bought the game in German to "save a few bucks" but in retrospect, maybe you should have just bought it in English to begin with if the German is too big an issue for you.

Now, if the game had NOT been released in English at all, I could understand the complaint about lack of a language pack.....but since the game is readily available in English I think its a redundant point.

I'm sorry you feel like you were promised something and Lionhead didn't deliver...but its a game development company...this industry rarely releases everything promised on time. Schedules change and things get pushed back. Its frustrating, but a fact of life.

Also, with the laundry list of other bugs/issues on the table, you wouldn't enjoy playing your game right now anyway. Consider yourself lucky that by the time you get your Language Pack and can FINALLY play your game, a patch should have been released to fix the more pressing issues at hand.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2010
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@ OP - I can understand your frustration. I'd be pretty disappointed too. Faedil has some good points. Every cloud......
I do have an inkling however, that the store you bought the game from had to endure the same attitude this forum has, maybe they wouldn't take it back because of it.....god, has fable taught you nothing (probably not as it's in German lol).....consequence! :lol:


New Member
Nov 11, 2010
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I can understand why a language pack wouldn't be at the top of the priority list when the game is available, off the shelf, in English.

But it isn't necessarily, quite depends on where you live. In some countries there's no way to get your hands on the English version. If everybody could just buy the English version, why make a language pack at all? And quite frankly, I don't really give a damn what their priorities are. That may seem ignorant or arrogant or even a combination of the two, but seriously, when you buy something and it doesn't work as intended, are you going to care what other priorities (than solving your issue) the company has who produced said item? I highly doubt it.

I realize you bought the game in German to "save a few bucks" but in retrospect, maybe you should have just bought it in English to begin with if the German is too big an issue for you.

Now, if the game had NOT been released in English at all, I could understand the complaint about lack of a language pack.....but since the game is readily available in English I think its a redundant point.

I'm sorry you feel like you were promised something and Lionhead didn't deliver...but its a game development company...this industry rarely releases everything promised on time. Schedules change and things get pushed back. Its frustrating, but a fact of life.

Yeah, I should have in retrospect, but I didn't. Yeah, I made the same mistake I've made before in trusting a Dev and got burnt. In essence you are right, but that still doesn't make it okay. Also, I didn't only buy the game in german to "save a few bucks", it just so happens that I live in Switzerland where people speak German so you usually only get them in that language. I could have ordered from Amazon, but it would have taken about a week to arrive and costs a little more. So, since Lionhead said they'd release the language pack alongside the game, I did the obvious. If that doesn't make any sense, then I don't know what does.

As I said above, it all depends on where you live. The game isn't readily available in English per se. But you're right, it's a fact of life that these things happen, especially in the gaming industry, but that doesn't mean I've got to agree with it or can't complain about it. For better or worse, I can go to a public forum and complain about this issue and discuss it with others, I thought that's what a forum is for, but I, and all the other boards I frequent, are obviously mistaken.

Also, with the laundry list of other bugs/issues on the table, you wouldn't enjoy playing your game right now anyway. Consider yourself lucky that by the time you get your Language Pack and can FINALLY play your game, a patch should have been released to fix the more pressing issues at hand.

Good point and you're probably right about that too, but again, I'll worry about those issue once I experience them for myself and come back to complain some more. For one it's totally not acceptable for Lionhead to release a game as buggy as this and secondly, it's totally unacceptable being lied to, no matter how common that has become.

@ OP - I can understand your frustration. I'd be pretty disappointed too. Faedil has some good points. Every cloud......

Yup, unlike yourself Faedil has some good points. Every cloud what?

I do have an inkling however, that the store you bought the game from had to endure the same attitude this forum has, maybe they wouldn't take it back because of it.....god, has fable taught you nothing (probably not as it's in German lol).....consequence! :lol:

What attitude? Please point it out to me, cause I can't find any evidence of an attitude anyhwere, except maybe my attitude towards Lionhead and their bugged video game. Sure, I defend my point of view, but unlike others I've refrained from name calling and such like. Unlike you, I don't go around making wild assertions.

It's not much of a surprise that you act the way you do when you let Fable teach you things about real life.

@ the forum, mods, etc.
Please, if you decide to bann someone, at least have the courtesy to supply a shred of a reason as to why you decided to do so. I've reread the entire forum rules and for the life of me can't find a reason as to why I would have been banned. What was it that I did? Bumping this thread twice, the one time being within 24 hours? Really? Go **** yourselves and your stupid forum, seriously, if it's too much for you to handle a different opinion, you shouldn't have a forum. get a blog instead.

so long and feel free to bann this profile too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2007
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Feed the horse - JamJam!

Go on feed the dude! or he'll just keep on bumping..... MOAR DOTS
Hey did you ever try telling a girl that you bet she can't bump her elbows together behind her back?
She'll totally do it, because of some female fighting spirit.
... so good

Anyway, this one time, at Lionhead, I met Peter. He asked me to please, please be his assistant
I said "No... dude"
So he made me his boss.. and I made him wear an apron and dust off the lower shelves ... so good

About your problem, I googled it, and you already posted this on the Lionhead forum... so yeah, what they said.

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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@ the forum, mods, etc.
Please, if you decide to bann someone, at least have the courtesy to supply a shred of a reason as to why you decided to do so. I've reread the entire forum rules and for the life of me can't find a reason as to why I would have been banned. What was it that I did? Bumping this thread twice, the one time being within 24 hours? Really? Go f*** yourselves and your stupid forum, seriously, if it's too much for you to handle a different opinion, you shouldn't have a forum. get a blog instead.

so long and feel free to bann this profile too.

How about posting with the intent to argue, bumping threads repeatedly despite not even waiting for a reply, then insulting the staff, saying you wont follow rules and insulting the forums themselves and creating duplicate accounts... i think thats a good enough reason for a ban though i didnt know about the previous banning you have talked your way into another.
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