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Fable 1 remake! Lionhead released teaser today!


No. How is this doing something right? Yeah, I loved Fable TLC. But what kind of hacks suck so hard that the only way they can get their fans excited is to remake a game that's oh, right, nine years old?

The part that really ****es me off is that I'll probably buy it.
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But they are most likely making Fable 4 as well. Why else have they been hireing people to work on the unreal engine 4? It cannot be because of this remake.. The remake most likely is coming soon to Xbox 360.

The reason I say that this is doing something right is that it seems as though they are going back to the "roots" of the game. And that perhaps it's a sign that they have been listening to fans telling them the third installment was a "wrong turn".
I'd be excited if it were to be a true remake, right from the ground up. Fable: TLC already looks great in upscaled, faux-HD on my PC.

As an aside: so glad that Lionhead aren't -- yet -- touting it as a 'reboot'; so sick of that word.
Yes indeed. I would have to bust out my torch and pitchfork if they started rebooting ****.

Aniratak, I don't care. The fact that they're making a new game I might actually want doesn't make this feel like any more of a desperate grab for my wallet via nostalgia.

Also, I wouldn't say that Fable 3 was a wrong turn. I'm not that complicated. It just kinda sucked.

Vaguely decent premise, but it had a big bad I didn't really give two ****s about, really dumb "decisions" for our monarch to make, a profoundly broken economy, and a severe shortage of characters I really liked. At least insofar as I don't remember any of them at this point. Hammer, Garth, and Reaver still stick out. But Reaver was the only one who appeared in 3 and he was completely uninteresting by that point.
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You haven't been around here long, have you, Aniratak? Everyone here has been disappointed countless of times by our "favorite" studio that our senses have been dulled, our consciences obliterated and yada yada yada.

Anyway, I myself am quite excited by the teaser, and by the looks of things, the remake looks like the original game with new textures. Heck, Jack's TLC voice is still there. I'm happy with that, actually. They won't DARE change anything that made Fable One so special to our dear hearts...

I still want that golden acorn/tree thing that Moly promised us.
Good news. Massive coincidence but I just started playing TLC again on Sunday, then awoke to this!
I guess if Lionhead aren't opposed to remakes, there still burns a flicker of hope that Fable 2 might eventually make it to PC.
Anyways, now might be a good time to finally invest in a 360 ;)
I would say they wanted Fable IV to more closely resemble the original Fable so want to refresh peoples memories with an anniversary special so it doesnt feel odd with transition from Fable III to Fable IV. Plus extra cash to help fund development of Fable IV would be a bonus as its been in the works a while already according to sources.
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You haven't been around here long, have you, Aniratak? Everyone here has been disappointed countless of times by our "favorite" studio that our senses have been dulled, our consciences obliterated and yada yada yada.

Anyway, I myself am quite excited by the teaser, and by the looks of things, the remake looks like the original game with new textures. Heck, Jack's TLC voice is still there. I'm happy with that, actually. They won't DARE change anything that made Fable One so special to our dear hearts...

I still want that golden acorn/tree thing that Moly promised us.

I wouldn't go that far either. Not THAT disappointed.

Oddly, your post made me suddenly a bit more optimistic about this. The same way that TLC was an improvement on the actual release on Fable, I probably WOULD enjoy a complete remake of TLC. If they amp everything up and make it more badass, and then roll from there into a legitimate Fable IV?

I could get behind that.

But I ain't pre-ordering ****.
Anyone feeling it?

Looks a hell of alot better but I hope they fix the crappy scarring and aging systems and actually make Jack's fight at the end way better more like the Twinblades' fight.
Anyone feeling it?


No, actually. If they want me to get excited they shouldn't be playing up "look, it's more of the same!" I mean, if nothing else it should include some of the standard features that everyone approved of from the later games. Like, say, the ability to play as a woman, which is pretty basic.

Just making it prettier won't get my blood pumping, as it were.

EDIT: This, at least, makes it sound like this is JUST a "remastering." Literally just issuing it on the 360 and prettying it up. No, I don't have any real interest in that. If I did, I might have popped TLC into the 360 some time in the last nine years to see if it were backwards compatible.
I'm torn on this.

Personally, I hate re-releases. Especially re-releases that are exactly the same apart from an HD textures pack. The xbox in particular has seen a lot of them. Anniversary/collector's edition, whatever. It's like when a music group gets a bit dated and come out with a "Greatest Hits" album.

But I do want to see a return to the original form. And it doesn't look like a mere texture swap, but an actual update to the graphics. I'm interested to see exactly what kind of changes they will make. I'm curious if they will be using the same engine and system and file formats as before. I wonder if they will add or change any content. I want to know if it will be console exclusive or if I can enjoy this on PC. What has me excited is my own mindless speculation. Will the next Fable be closer to the franchise's origins? Will the styles and settings be the similar to what they were before? Will it be something I can mod?

Questions questions. But don't get me wrong; I may be excited, but I know better than to get my hopes up with this franchise. I will hold my reservations until I get more details about what's going on.
Good news. Massive coincidence but I just started playing TLC again on Sunday, then awoke to this!
I guess if Lionhead aren't opposed to remakes, there still burns a flicker of hope that Fable 2 might eventually make it to PC.
Anyways, now might be a good time to finally invest in a 360 ;)

Oh my god! I'm in this exact same situation. I began playing Fable TLC again last night. Just finished it an hour ago, and then I see this. Man, this is gonna be great. I hope the mechanics are still the same though. I personally wouldn't like it to be Fable 1's story with Fable 3's gameplay...
Its been stated that it will be remade using the Unreal 3 engine. This means it isn't just a mere swap of tectures, but an actually proper REMAKE. And it isn't just the textures they're replacing. Lighting, meshes and character models are all being reworked. There's also a new save system, so a lot of new code lies inside this remake. There's also a new interface, though UIs are easily changeable anyhow. And Timmins mentioned that they will be adding more content, besides the "The Lost Chapters" expansion, and usually when you do that for a remake, you would redo the code so that its easier for you to just add new stuff with less possible conflicts.

Now, whether they would add that option to play as either a male or a female is completely debatable. I personally think they won't, as that would mean rewriting a lot of the original script and getting some of the old voice actors to come back a say "girl" instead of "boy". Also, I feel that so many of us are used to the lore of a male Hero of Oakvale that having a possible female Hero of Oakvale just feels weird. Moreover, that's just more work Lionhead might not want to invest in.

Still, anything in possible. The one thing they've done better with this than with any other Fable is that they haven't promised much. So we may be pleasantly surprised. Or not.
What I hope is that they add a "multiplayer" option and make it a bit easier to make some money. I love playing Fable 2 and 3 with my daughter helping her out and vice versa...cameras are tricky with both, but it still makes it fun for her. She hasn't played TLC yet because it is too hard to do by herself. Maybe if they make it multiplayer it will make it a bit easier for her.
What I hope is that they add a "multiplayer" option and make it a bit easier to make some money. I love playing Fable 2 and 3 with my daughter helping her out and vice versa...cameras are tricky with both, but it still makes it fun for her. She hasn't played TLC yet because it is too hard to do by herself. Maybe if they make it multiplayer it will make it a bit easier for her.

Sadly, multiplayer WON'T be added this time. They said that if they tried to add multiplayer, it would feel tacked on, and out of place. They also want to recapture what made the first game so special to many and change as little about the game as possible. I'm afraid your daughter may have to try TLC on her own. Maybe with you beside her, perhaps?
It isn't hard to make money. Once you do the Arena quest that's about 1/3 to 1/2 way through the game, you get a total of 28,600 gold, and 38,600 if you're evil, and you get access to Bowerstone North.

Then all you have to do is go to the shop in Bowerstone North, where the guy has 60+ Diamonds, and since he has a bunch of them they're low priced at 220 gold each. Buy them all at once, then go to Oakvale that has NO diamonds, and sell them all for 880 each. Then buy them all from Oakvale (Which now has a bunch of Diamonds and are selling for around 300) and sell them all at Bowerstone North for 600...

Do this 3 or 4 times and you'll have half a million Gold. Only takes a couple of minutes, really. :/
Now, whether they would add that option to play as either a male or a female is completely debatable. I personally think they won't, as that would mean rewriting a lot of the original script and getting some of the old voice actors to come back a say "girl" instead of "boy". Also, I feel that so many of us are used to the lore of a male Hero of Oakvale that having a possible female Hero of Oakvale just feels weird. Moreover, that's just more work Lionhead might not want to invest in.

Let me argue that point, briefly, since my half-assed example got some conflict going.

The first point is valid, but I don't think it's insurmountable. I don't believe that the script was overly gender-specific, for one thing. For another, if we're lucky they're already bringing back the voice actors for the additional content. How hard is it to get Whisper's actress to re-dub "farmboy" as "farmgirl?" When you get right down to it?

And for the second part, I'm sorry but that is a... fatuous argument. It has the same ring as a lot of the arguments that I've heard with respect to race. Specifically, from this cracked article--"so many of us are used to the lore of a white Johnny Storm that having a black Johnny just feels weird."

Plus, nobody says YOU have to play a female Hero. Just that other people would like to, same as in Mass Effect or the later Fables.

But I keep waffling on whether I think they might actually do it.