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Fable 2 - In more detail



Fable 2 - In more detail

Welcome to My Very Long Essay Lol, please feel free to skip parts if you wish

1. Co-op is now going to be included in Fable 2 allowing a second player to jump in or out of the

game at any time, without the visual annoyance of split screen.

To me Co-op is quite big and quite exciting. Co-op itself allows the player to get players to play the game with each other and it is fun at times. Now Co-op itself adds a lot more to the game itself. Think about it for a moment, what are the differences between Co-op and single player? And then ask yourself what difference can it make if Co-op is brought into the game

I can answer those questions, In my opinion this is what Co-op brings
o Allows you to play with another person
o Allows a lot more diversity to the gameplay
o Allows you to perform things you couldn't normally do in Single player (This isn't entirely true for every game but meh)
o Brings a whole New experience to the gamer/gamers

These are only a few things Co-op can bring, so now, What difference can it make to the game?

Co-op to me is an amazing feature; Co-op puts a lot more into the game.
Think about Halo, In Halo you had an option of playing by yourself or with another person. Playing by your self wasn't as fun in my opinion - Although many people find it irritating when another player joins their team and has a very low IQ, Co-op brought a bit of competition to the game. You could play the game and compete with each, for example: - Who can kill the most enemies, who will be the last one to die (Obviously me) but that's just to do with the actual Halo Storyline.

What about fighting against each other in Co-op? Fighting each other in my opinion is an enjoyable experience; the one with the most skill would win (Unless the other person cheated)

Co-op would bring a new element to the game. That element is "Competition", because Halo had many multiplayer game modes, me and brother would compete would each other to be the best. Now, I don’t know about you but I had a thirst for winning, I enjoy the sensation of feeling that I've won. So when it comes to Competitions I feel the tension inside of me. Now in my opinion, I think Co-op is great in that way, but this is Halo I'm Talking about...

Let’s talk about Fable 2 Co-op. Halo and Fable 2 are two entirely different games and therefore the things you can do in Co-op is entirely different.
The ability to be able to play with a friend in Fable 2, to me is - Amazing!
There are many things that spring to my mind when i hear "Fable 2" and "Co-op" in the same sentence. Here are some of them:-


Now although player versus player hasn't actually been confirmed, I have a hunch that it’s in
there. I remember reading an article where PM accidentally killed his partner and turned to the audience and said "You’re not supposed to see that" Now that raises some pretty interesting questions. The first one being, Will we be able to fight with each other? Now since Halo and Fable 2 are entirely different, the pvp would surely be much different. I HOPE that pvp is in Fable 2 (I can dream cant I?

The Gameplay Itself

Now the gameplay itself would change. Now I’m pretty certain that the guest you invite to your world can help you complete the main storyline. To some people it could prove quite useful when the player is in a boss battle and they're losing faith in their ability to win. All the other person has to do is pop in a control and set the gold/experience/renown metres and he/she's set. The player could instantly teleport into the game and help the other player defeat the boss. This is another reason why I love the instant Co-op thing

Now gameplay wouldn’t just change in just battles, but it could also change Your World. (If you take the safety off) The other player then has the freedom to just simply shoot your Wife/Husband depending on who you’re married to in the game. They would also have the freedom to simply just kill every single civilian they set their eyes on. Now as we know the world in fable 2 is dynamic. Sooo.... What happens when the guest you invited kills everyone? The anwser to that would be the same thing that would happen if you had killed every single one of those people.

For an example let’s use a small settlement. You invited a friend into the game and turned the safety off. Now the first thing that the guest did was wipe out the settlement. Now think about it for a moment, if you killed every one of those people wouldn't the effect be the same? So lets continue, the Small settlement is wiped out and as we know the small settlement could have grown and become a much bigger settlement, but now that there are no people in that settlement... it would all turn to ruins.

This is also where people start saying to themselves "I'm not inviting anyone into my world!" but i think PM has edited the Co-op feature and made it so you had to take the safety off for the guest to attack or something like that

2. These guest players can take with them any gold and experience they acquire in their friend's game world.

Another good feature, with this feature it’d be like your progressing in your own game. You
can mess around with the metres and it can be quite handy. For example a level 10 character needed exp for levelling and his mate who’s level 40, only wanted gold. This is where the whole system would come in handy, they could share the renown equally but the level 10 would get all of the exp and the level 40 would get all of the gold. This system sounds good to me

Let’s say I’m level 10 and my friend is level 25. If I entered his world it would be harder for me to kill the monsters that it would be for him. The good thing about this is – It can be considered a cheat Lol, you can get your friend’s level 25 characters into your world and therefore it would be much easier for you to take down the level 10 hobbe’s since you have a friend who is of a higher level and hence he would have much better stats.

3. Guest players can kill the host players family if they so desire.

This is only possible after the safety has been turned off, so you might not have to worry about inviting random people into your world – That is if Co-op is available through Xbox live.

With the safety off, the person who entered your world has the same amount of freedom you have. He can just go up and shoot your wife/husband dead, which will definitely anger some people lol. I also remember reading an article about Mr. P taking of the safety and shooting his own dog lol. So inviting random people to your world is safer than you think

4. The host can decide how much of a split the guest receives in gold and experience.

Well if your hosting, it's always good to have a + side to it. You get to set the amount of gold/renown/exp you both get. So depending on what each of you want, it's a very handy feature.

5. You can turn off the "safety" in your world allowing your guest to attack things in your world.

This gives you control over what the guest henchman can do. This way you can prevent your family from being killed or him/her wiping out entire settlements

6. it’s possible to attack your dog in the game.

Yes it's possible after you take the safety off you are able to attack your dog – Very cruel thing to do in my opinion.

7. Peter was able to accidentally kill his guest in the last demo which suggests PvP combat.

I’ve talked about PvP at the very beginning of this…of this…post… Lol.

8. A gambling mini-game in the Fable 2 universe can be played in advance via XBL.

Well, if you have Xbox live and if you’re good at gambling or if you think you’re rather lucky, you can benefit from this. I don’t know exactly how the game is played but I’d put my money on number 17 – Lol.

9. Money acquired in this mini-game can then be imported for use in Fable 2.

Yep, money acquired in the mini-game can be imported into Fable 2 for you to use. Although you will not gain the gold instantly, you’ll gain it after some period of time (don’t ask me when Lol) So you could become rich after very few hours of gameplay (Lucky buggers!)

10. You'll get more experience for a mixed "style" of fighting and less experience for "button mashing".

Now as you all know the 2nd Big Feature was combat. Mr. P was trying to get you to mix up you combat style such as you'd first off start with some little blows, then a ranged attack and then perhaps a flourish to finish the enemy off.

Combat in fable 2 is differentits one button based. Yes i know Assassins creed had a one button based combat but Assassins creed's combat controls required you to hold down a certain button, and then tap another button for a certain move. To me this was a way Assassins Creed's developers tried to prevent button mashing but Fable 2's controls are much different.

For Example: - To block you are required to hold down X to block.

To perform a flourish you had to release the X button after holding it down for a small period of time.

To perform "little blows" all you had to do was keep tapping the X button.

PM stated that "Button mashers" could finish the whole game by simply doing that, whereas the "Hardcore Gamers" wouldn't simply button mash but try and put a bit of diversity and skill into their combat. This combat system was made for the very purpose that "Casual Gamers" and "Hardcore Gamers" could finish the game by using this - in my opinion, very easy to use combat system.

Finally! The game can actually tell the difference between skill and button mashing. YAY!

Part 2 is below


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

11. Instead of picking up gold from dead enemies you'll have to rely on getting gold through gambling (as previously mentioned) or acquiring different jobs in the game world.

Well, there is some doubt about this there’s a thread on the forums about looting dead bodies and stealing there possessions. Well this would be great if you want to make lots of money but all the stuff that they have may not be that valuable.

Yes, to make money in Fable 2 you can get a job. I estimate around having about 5-7 jobs too choose from. (That’s me guessing)

12. Confirmed jobs are blacksmith, assassin, and henchmen.

Yep, those are the ones that have been confirmed.

Now for a blacksmith I’d suspect that you could do the following:-
Create armour, Create weapons, Create furniture and perhaps some other things but that’s what I suspect you can do. This in a way is like a neutral job; you would gain neither good nor evil points. The pay would be quite reasonable

Now an assassin sounds fun! I personally will take this job, I just hope the assassin system isn’t the simple (Kill this person) I hope it's a bit like (Kill this person with obstacles) Obstacles would be sweet. These obstacles could stop you from killing you target etc. The pay for this job - In my opinion, would be quite high since your committing a crime and there are risks involved.
Now, I would think this is more of an evil based job and would get you more evil points, but who knows?

Now a Henchman to me is more of a civilised assassin who doesn’t work by hiding in the shadows. I would suspect that a henchman would give you good points for killing enemies. Can you see the difference between the jobs Assassin and a Henchman? But that’s just me guessing. Again you would get paid quite high since you may not necessarily be hired to kill enemies of Albion, an evil guy might hire you and perhaps you were told to wipe out a certain settlement? So there is still risk involved and you may gain evil points for going along with the job.

13. Fable 2 screenshots have been released.

Screenshots have been released of the game; if you visit Lionhead’s FrontPage the screens are visible.

I would just like to talk about the graphics in Fable 2. In my opinion the game looks Fantastic! The lighting, the textures (Although the grass could be improved) but overall Fable 2 has fantastic graphics. It's a bit more realistic than Fable’s graphics.

14. We've seen, for the first time, Fable 2 hobbes in the actual game world.

Every little thing’s an improvement, and the hobbes look’s have certainly improved – although I cant help thinking they look like a cross from pigs and gnomes…. Hmmm.

15. Shops in villages will offer you free items if you've happened to save that village from an evil of some kind.

Yes, here’s another thing. Ever wondered after every single person you’ve saved, countless times after saving cities, and rescuing damsels in distress you never got even a small sign of appreciation? Well Mr.P is trying to change that. He’s implemented what I’ve begun to call the “Appreciation” System. This system gets npc’s to recognise you and what you’ve done for that person/city. So you may get some free items or discounts off certain items.

16. When you marry somebody you become a part of that community.

Well I don’t know much about the whole community thing but I know the idea of marriage can spark off a few issues.

You can have a kid in fable 2 and this would add to what Mr.P wanted you to feel in the game. “He wanted you to feel the emotion “Love”, so I have a hunch that your family will be put into a peril of some sought and you have to make a big choice for their survival.

17. You can have a dowry during marriage.

Yes you can have a dowry – The more money the better.

18. You can have a father-in-law due to marriage.

Yep, it's possible

19. Six hours into the game you will have to sacrifice something precious. As Molyneux states,
"You will put down the controller and ask, what am I going to do?"

Yes, more choice leading to bigger consequences this time around. I just hope the consequence isn’t too big – Lol
For example a choice could be :- Your Child has been kidnapped and Lucien wants some ransom money, Pay up or the kid takes a very big fall to his/her death.
Poor kid

20. Instead of mini-maps there's a new breadcrumb system.

Never got around to get much info on this “system” but I’ll post as soon as I find out more info. But what I can say is a bit about the Dog.

1st feature was the dog. The Dog in a way can be thought of a big feature since it apparently - Don’t know for sure, is supposed to incorporate an emotion into the game known as "Love", ( I'm crap at wording things)

The Dog itself has some of the best AI I’ve seen in ages, It has the ability to scout ahead and lead you to new destinations that you haven't visited before, It can help you in combat such as:- Your character pulls out a ranged weapon, the dogs AI would instantly tell it to stall/attack the enemies that are the "Melee" type. Before even getting into combat the dog can warn you of upcoming dangers with a bark etc

Another thing is that you can play with your dog, tell him what’s right and what’s wrong with the expression system. You can feed him, play with him etc, so in my opinion some people can consider it a big feature and others may consider it a small feature but that’s there opinion.

Part 3 is below


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

21. Albion is 10 times larger this time around.

Yep, Albion’s is much bigger this time around, I don’t know if this is due to free roam but I expect Albion to be around at least 5x bigger this time around.

22. There are 11 fully free-roaming regions.

Yep, free roaming is available in Fable 2; you can jump over the fences that restricted you all those many eons ago.

23. There are roughly 30 dungeons to explore.

Yep you can explore around 30 dungeons, I don’t know much about the dungeons in Fable 2, but I do know that they’re going to have some hidden goodies.

24. There are 100 augmentable weapons.

Don’t get confused here folks, 100 AUGMENTABLE weapons. In other words there could be more weapons but they just aren’t augmentable. Hopefully we’ll see some new augments

25. There are 70 augmentable clothes.

A new feature in Fable 2 is augmentable clothing. Sounds cool, now you can augment your clothes too, I wonder if they have that same glow that it gives to weapons.

26. There are 20 different tattoos and haircuts.

Yep, around 20 different Tattoos and haircuts in Fable 2 folks. Probably more wacky styles

27. There are 8 different spell types allowing for 80 different spells in total.

Yep there are 8 different spell types. Now I’m thinking this is like 8 spell bases such as fire, lightning etc

And you can upgrade them and have up to a total of 80 spells! Much more than fable

28. There are more than 150 unique quests.

Sweet, 150 unique quests sounds good, hopefully the plots are not that repetitive.

29. More than half a dozen mini-games.

That sounds good, hopefully the mini games will have gold on offer for all of you gamblers I think these mini games are beneficial for you – Polish up on your gambling skills Lol.

30. Over 160,000 recorded lines of AI dialogue.

Yep much more dialogue than fable, Fable had 20,000 Fable 2 has Over 160,000

31. Each tree in Fable 2 has roughly 120,000 leaves each.

Each tree has around 120,000 leaves! And all of them are individually animated!

32. Environment affects combat.

Yep, the environment around you will affect combat folks, so if you fought on some stairs you might not be able to pull out your sword etc.
Since environment affects combat a bit of strategy is needed

33. Fast travel Confirmed.

Yep Fast travelling is in the game folks, in place of the guild seal I presume.

Well this whole thing was a bit of guess work and a few facts I found out along the way, I hope you like it Lol.

P.S. It's a bit long and it was written by me :p

I'll try to go into more detail later on... in more detail as in Screenshots with an anylasis etc

By Reapers Request :- This is just my indepth version of what was posted on
Lionhead Community - Fable 2 @ GDC 2008


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

I had to post consecutively since i couldn't fit all of it all on one post :S

Edit :- If you know any new info about Fable 2 can you send me a pm about it xD


Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Jan 1, 1970
Reaction score
Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

+rep for the exceptionally well detailed posts, TcoWhite. I haven't read them all yet but so far so good. ^_^ Bear with me.


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

projectego;165486 said:
+rep for the exceptionally well detailed posts, TcoWhite. I haven't read them all yet but so far so good. ^_^ Bear with me.

Lol forgive me for some posts but i was in a rush so there might be typo's here and there and i never revised it :ninja:

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

Wow i must say im impressed with the detail you have gone into and explained. +rep


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

Very, very good info, some of this I didn't even know about like the safety and all clothing weapons and such. Where did you find this?
+REP =)

Edit: Ahh nevermind found it on IGN


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

Dark Drakan;165502 said:
Wow i must say im impressed with the detail you have gone into and explained. +rep

If only i could go into as much detail and explain much more in English. :ninja:

Edit:- Back to school tommorow Lol, btw have i missed anything out?
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

Assassin job would be crap, I can imagine just swinging your sword around and tryna kill the target like you would the enemy, there wouldn't be much element of surprise because one hit would alert the enemy and you'd probably end up brawling. Unless lionhead incorporate an assassin system perhaps.


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

Stealth systems have always been glitchy on console games, where in oblivion i could steal from a count in his throne room with a sneak skill of only 30, but when i tried to steal from a beggr with skill around 95 i got caught


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

skiboyne;166235 said:
Stealth systems have always been glitchy on console games, where in oblivion i could steal from a count in his throne room with a sneak skill of only 30, but when i tried to steal from a beggr with skill around 95 i got caught

I Wish the "Stealing" Expression won't be soooo.... so... crap Lol :ninja:


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

+rep for serious effort, typing skillz:) , must have took you some time :)

Im going to read it now

and then - rep not for saying where you found it and effectivly stealing :( it from Lionhead Community - Fable 2 @ GDC 2008

you did however give your own interpretaions , but some is pure speculation still.

The reaper knows , so just add the link to your post


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

XXXREAPERXXX;166501 said:
+rep for serious effort, typing skillz:) , must have took you some time :)

Im going to read it now

and then - rep noy for saying where you found it and effectivly stealing :( it from Lionhead Community - Fable 2 @ GDC 2008

you did however give your own interpretaions , but some is pure speculation still.

The reaper knows , so just add the link to your post

Lol, i asked that dude in a PM and i firstly posted this info on The Lionhead Forums, My Username is "Tco-White" so i never stole it ^_^ I asked The All Seeing Eye if i could go a bit in depth about it and he said - Word For Word "Sure, if its for the communities knowledge then be my guest"

Also "pure speculation still." I stated somewhere in my post that some of it was mere guess work :p


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

Ok, sorry then, but you still need to say where you got the info, I think:)

It's like if someone takes a sig from here and post there, but lets it look like they made the sig. Sorry I'm not trying to be a wise-*** :) But still you gave your own insights which is cool.

21. Albion is 10 times larger this time around.

Yep, Albion’s is much bigger this time around, I don’t know if this is due to free roam but I expect Albion to be around at least 5x bigger this time around.

Don't you mean 10X bigger


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

I must say Tco... that was some great info + rep

games master2

Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

+rep=tco white from the master of games


Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

I think for the assasin job you will need to snipe your victim's head off with your gun/crossbow.


Eccentric Genious
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

I don't hand out rep like candy but that is worth it.

You had mentioned the point about PvP and Molyneux killing his comrade in game. What if thats just part of the 'safety' system? Taking off safety gives your imported friend the opportunity to do everything you can do, which means being able to kill pretty much everything and anything, including you. It would make it more interesting during combat, especially if your friend who is in game with you is, for example, a level 60 and you are level 5, one wrong swing of his blade and he could insta-kill you.

What I thought would have been intriguing was the option for a split screen multi-player. As much I hate split screen it would be very cool to be able to venture round your friends world at your leisure and see how their villages and camps have progressed in comparison to your own- not to mention it would have opened a whole new way to do multi-tasked quests- one person fulfilling mandatory requirements at one end of the continent, the other at the other side of the world helping out.



Re: Fable 2 - In more detail

wat if u r aloud to just rob pple on the otherside of albion while sumone while whoever over xbox live is killin hobbes then the villages tell u to kill the other player