• Awesome armor! This added a new variable to the game, making users feel more ‘comforted’ when they find a nice new suit of shiny armor.
Armor is gone because guns are around. There is no point or place for armor any more in Fable, I liked it too, but do you think Armor would be fitting in future Fables? No, imo. However I did like them, it just doesn't fit.
• The ability to STEAL! This was a great addition. It made me (and most likely many of you) feel like I was sneaky and conniving. Not to mention I had a brand new piece of equipment I could test out.
Oh yes, that was fun (but hard). They might add it in, seeing that you actually go to shelves to purchase items, maybe you can steal them.
• The graphics. The graphics were great for the original xbox, and they gave a fantasy feel with the soft textures and glowing environment. This was great.
I LOVED the character models and designs for the first Fable, completely epic. They need to take them, smooth them out and fit them into the 360 for modern-day smoothness. They'd be epic, but Fable III doesn't have them, it is seen in the demos that they use 2's designs.
• AWESOME storyline. I loved how the storyline in the first fable came together. The arena and the notorious ‘Jack of Blades’ was ingenious concepts within the storyline. The first fable actually TOLD the storyline in artistic-like cut scenes..as though it was a FABLE. Fable 2 didn’t really have that element.
Yeah, a great storyline. Awesomely epic, a powerful enemy, many different threats, branches of storylines, I loved it too.
• The Bosses. There weren’t many bosses, but DEFINITELY more than the amount of bosses in Fable 2. The first fable had Whisper, The Scorpion Giant, Thunder, Jack of Blades, Jack of Blades in Dragon Form, Wasp Queen, Twinblade, Evil Nymph, Arachanox, Kraken, and Maze. Fable 2 only had Thag, and a giant triangle…am I missing something? If I am then it was not memorable.
I hated the idea of bosses in 2. I don't even remember 'bosses'. In Fable II, a boss died the same way a normal guy did, hack n slash, shoot, burn. In 1, you actually needed to strategize and mix things up (Hydra, Twinblade etc)... I miss them.
• The chests. W00t, the chests actually had some good stuff in them, like armor, weapons, and clothes. The chests in Fable 2 only had potions and food…how boring.
Well, as you can see Fable 1 had some GREAT qualities that Fable 2 is obviously missing.
Now let’s take a look at some of the qualities that Fable 2 has that aren’t so desirable.
I liked finding actual TREASURES in the game, good ones.
Well, as you can see Fable 1 had some GREAT qualities that Fable 2 is obviously missing.
Now let’s take a look at some of the qualities that Fable 2 has that aren’t so desirable.
• Jobs. Oh wow, where to begin…The jobs in Fable 2 are BORING. They merely require you to push a single button when the time is right. How in the world can this be fun? This also makes it so getting a desired piece of equipment is easy. Not SHORT, but easy. By this I mean, getting what you want takes long, and tedious time, making you want to chuck the controller at the screen the first couple of minutes of pushing the ‘a’ button.
Jobs were a good idea, just not implemented right. They should've worked on them, made them better. I mean, the addition of jobs made you feel like part of the town (which I like to do after beating it), they should've deisnged them differently.
• The dog. This addition has a few different views. Many like it and some don’t. I however am one of the people who don’t. Yes, throwing a little rubber ball into an abyss, and having the dog act like it found the ball 100 ft. short of where you threw it seems like fun…it has nothing to do with the RPG, and is utterly pointless and boring. I also LIKE to find the treasure chests ON MY OWN. I don’t want to know where every single chest is in the game without even trying to search for it, it completely defeats the purpose of even having them.
The Dog was cool I think. I'll leave it at that,
• Pure AND Corruption. Yes, I am sure that many of you may disagree with me on this one as well. However I think two friggen bars saying that you are evil are too many. Yes, I understand that you can be “pure and evil” at the same time, giving you a new look…who actually has those stats? I mean..you have to go significantly out of your way to get both notches on opposite ends of the bar to achieve such a look. Why don’t they just make the notch exceed the length of the bar? By this, I mean just have the notch quite literally run OFF the page if you are truly that evil or good. This by far would make playing more enjoyable, knowing that there is not ‘limitation’. I would also like to have seen more significant transformations. I am sure most of you have seen the demon on the cover of the fable 2 box…why not make it so your character can be transformed to that extent? THAT would be cool.
This added better character morphing, more diverse areas of morphing and made me want to check them all out. I liked it.