Ill trade you a swinging sword for a chickenbane.I need: Swinging sword, Briars blaster & sorrows fist.
I have every other legendary weapon if you need a trade.
Gamertag: WastingLight96
Need the chickenbane only, willing to trade, money clothes or any other legendary weapon in exchange. GT:NERF EM UP99
What I have:
- Mr. Stabby
- Scattershot
- Desert Fury
- Faerie Hammer of the Moon King
- The Casanova
- Mirian’s Mutilator
- Facemelter
- Lunarium Pounder
- The Love Sword
- Defender of Faith
- Holy Vengeance
- Dragonbone Hammer
- The TYPO
- Scythe’s Warhammer
- Avo’s Lamenation
- Souldrinker
- The Sandgoose
- Bloodcraver
- The Ice Maiden
- Briar’s Blaster
- The Bonesmasher
- The Swinging Sword
- Gnomewrecker
if your still selling the dragon stomper and still want the chicken bane then i can tradeI need Chickenbane and , I can trade clothing, money or any of the following weapons in exchange:
Beadle’s Cutlass
Really Sharp Pair of Scissors
The Love Sword
The Splade
The Swinging Sword
Hammer of Wilmageddon
Scythe’s Warhammer
Sorrow’s Fist
The Tenderiser
Aurora's Shield
Simmons Shotgun
The Equaliser
Dragonstomper .48
Tee Killer Shooter
The Bonesmasher
The Ice Maiden
If interested reply here or send me a message on Xbox LIVE.
GT: War is Chuck
(Note: I play on the xbox 360)
id like thati can give u dragon stopmer
the time i post this is 11:57 (united states west coast) i'll be back on in about 6-7 hours befor i go back to school, so just add me on xbl "swordman600" and if your on when i get one lets tradeok im just speading time with my wife b4 i go 2 work
we;; i sent you a friend request so i hope we can trade soon, sorry i'm latei be on in a min and my is HammerDyer
nvm i just got it in the castle garden's silver chesti be on in a min and my is HammerDyer