If playground are making a fable game, one of their first decision regarding story and lore is to decide between making Fable 4 or Fable (reboot).
If they make Fable 4, they'll simply pick a timeline within the lore and expand upon it. If it's a full reboot that would enable them to have much more creative freedom on the world and story while hopefully retaining core elements such as the heroes guild, magic, creatures, towns like Bowerstone, etc...
Personally I don't mind either of them but I do think that the studio might prefer to go full reboot to signal a fresh start, have more creative freedom and introduce fable to a new younger audience.
Which would you prefer Fable 4 or Fable (reboot)?
If they make Fable 4, they'll simply pick a timeline within the lore and expand upon it. If it's a full reboot that would enable them to have much more creative freedom on the world and story while hopefully retaining core elements such as the heroes guild, magic, creatures, towns like Bowerstone, etc...
Personally I don't mind either of them but I do think that the studio might prefer to go full reboot to signal a fresh start, have more creative freedom and introduce fable to a new younger audience.
Which would you prefer Fable 4 or Fable (reboot)?