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Fable Creator Peter Molyneux Shares His Ideas For Fable 4

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
Staffordshire England
Peter Molyneux has been speaking about Fable IV & things he would like to see in the game after the rumours about its return started to surface. One of the ideas being more brutal combat mechanics...

Fable story hinted at a dramatic time before Fable 1 when the Guild was founded, this would be a perfect setting for Fable 4, the land of Albion would be much more primitive, the magic much more attuned to nature, the combat much more brutal. The story would follow the founding members of the heroes guild, why it was set up.

I would love to see brutal, visceral and fluid combat system that left permanent scars. Weapons like short swords, long swords, daggers, spears, longbows and crossbows all having a there own combat feel and specialties. The magic system should be revamped with the ability to ‘craft’ your own unique system. Having a familiar of your choice (bird, cat, dog (goldfish???) ) which assists you with magic and bonds with you.

A whole new creature Bestiary of opponents to fight with hordes of small creatures, to god sized giants and of course DRAGONS (rideable). Allowing a player to morph their own alignment, based on their actions, so you would become a Thief if you sneak and steal or a knight if you adhere to a code of honour etc. Having you own loyal horse which you train and bond with. Having your own home which you build from scratch up to an abode fit for a hero.

Marriage yes, Co-op yes, Town, cities and villages yes, Commerce yes, open world yes, first person option yes. I could go on forever about the beloved world of Fable.

Love that old man! What about hand cannons and evolving weapons?! They were a perfect addition. Shooting limbs off of undead felt so fluid and rewarding. I think if they do a full reboot, they should go all the way back to the Old Kingdom and the war between the Court and William Black.
Man, I literally screamed in the YouTube comments when I saw the coverage on my feed. I think what I want most in Fable IV, if it ever happened, is an overhaul of existing mechanics. I personally enjoyed all three of the main titles, with II being my favorite, but they aren't perfect by any means.

I straight up don't want to see any more "spin-offs" from those awful novels (I'm looking at you, Edge of the World). I'm not saying all of them were bad, but I need that eraser for big mistakes to erase some of them (I'm still looking at you, Edge of the World).

My big three are:
1. Combat. Magic needs a huge overhaul since it makes melee and range "useless."
  • I don't want to see the return of instant-god tier casting. Trainers should be implemented into the world.
  • Return Fable I and II's distinct weaponry. Weapons should morph based on their augments you find as treasure, or you find a schematic and pay a merchant to craft it.
  • Return of real armor. An option to enchant clothing would be so dope!
  • All rare weapons should be collectible in a game without some garbage gimmick to sell more copies.
2. Improvement to the moral system.
  • Fable II had a cool moral system which added more appearance variety (Speaking of appearance, can we finally play as someone that isn't white? I'm all for picking a selection of premade appearances).
  • More options to be a morally grey hero.
  • Choices need to make more sense. Perhaps this could be fixed by adding a more involved dialogue or choice system? It doesn't need to be a carbon copy of Mass Effect. Fable II offered players to select an emote and NPCs reacted.
3. An option to interact with unique NPCs more.
  • I like getting to know my hero's companions, so being able to interact with them more would be a nice touch. Romance is optional, but it should be an option. I wanted to interact with Logan and know what his opinions are on my choices.
  • I'm calling B.S. on the fact that Fable III had both Page and Reaver flirt with you, but they gave us that crusty "love interest" instead. Being angry is an understatement when you save your L.I., and they thank you by immediately running into the arms of someone else. When it's only been a week or two.
  • I also want more interesting generic NPCs too. That's just me.
4. Lastly, I better not see a lootbox, sell more copies of the game gimmick, multi-tier season pass, and/or microtransactions. I'm dead serious. I don't want it.

On a side note: I want to see a unicorn, but it can't be a traditional pony! It has to be a regular horse with a piece of corn on its forehead. The farmer that's trying to sell you the "unicorn" won't budge on the price either.
Man, I literally screamed in the YouTube comments when I saw the coverage on my feed. I think what I want most in Fable IV, if it ever happened, is an overhaul of existing mechanics. I personally enjoyed all three of the main titles, with II being my favorite, but they aren't perfect by any means.

I straight up don't want to see any more "spin-offs" from those awful novels (I'm looking at you, Edge of the World). I'm not saying all of them were bad, but I need that eraser for big mistakes to erase some of them (I'm still looking at you, Edge of the World).

My big three are:
1. Combat. Magic needs a huge overhaul since it makes melee and range "useless."
  • I don't want to see the return of instant-god tier casting. Trainers should be implemented into the world.
  • Return Fable I and II's distinct weaponry. Weapons should morph based on their augments you find as treasure, or you find a schematic and pay a merchant to craft it.
  • Return of real armor. An option to enchant clothing would be so dope!
  • All rare weapons should be collectible in a game without some garbage gimmick to sell more copies.
2. Improvement to the moral system.
  • Fable II had a cool moral system which added more appearance variety (Speaking of appearance, can we finally play as someone that isn't white? I'm all for picking a selection of premade appearances).
  • More options to be a morally grey hero.
  • Choices need to make more sense. Perhaps this could be fixed by adding a more involved dialogue or choice system? It doesn't need to be a carbon copy of Mass Effect. Fable II offered players to select an emote and NPCs reacted.
3. An option to interact with unique NPCs more.
  • I like getting to know my hero's companions, so being able to interact with them more would be a nice touch. Romance is optional, but it should be an option. I wanted to interact with Logan and know what his opinions are on my choices.
  • I'm calling B.S. on the fact that Fable III had both Page and Reaver flirt with you, but they gave us that crusty "love interest" instead. Being angry is an understatement when you save your L.I., and they thank you by immediately running into the arms of someone else. When it's only been a week or two.
  • I also want more interesting generic NPCs too. That's just me.
4. Lastly, I better not see a lootbox, sell more copies of the game gimmick, multi-tier season pass, and/or microtransactions. I'm dead serious. I don't want it.

On a side note: I want to see a unicorn, but it can't be a traditional pony! It has to be a regular horse with a piece of corn on its forehead. The farmer that's trying to sell you the "unicorn" won't budge on the price either.

All great Ideas.

If they decide to take PM's setting for fable 4 when the guild was first formed by Nostro and Scythe.

Like Nostro forming the arena, would love to be one of the first contestants.

Since the guild wouldnt have Weaver and Maze yet to revolt allowing good and bad quests to take instead of just good ( or maybe this happens early enough on in the game) you can only take good quests at first.

Being the Assassin who poisons Nostro as an evil quest taken without the guild knowing.

Actually being a part of the battle of the bloody harvest and Jack not being the main antagonist and just a side character.

knowing the 3 heroes in the grave that give you Avos tear

The signifigance of the Grey family and why a family in Barrow fields are the Mayors of bowerstone..

Something about the shadow court of fable 2 looming over Oakvale

A map that ties fable 1 & 2 together ( exluding 3 since the map sort of sucked and too many locations that didnt appear in the game.
Man, I literally screamed in the YouTube comments when I saw the coverage on my feed. I think what I want most in Fable IV, if it ever happened, is an overhaul of existing mechanics. I personally enjoyed all three of the main titles, with II being my favorite, but they aren't perfect by any means.

I straight up don't want to see any more "spin-offs" from those awful novels (I'm looking at you, Edge of the World). I'm not saying all of them were bad, but I need that eraser for big mistakes to erase some of them (I'm still looking at you, Edge of the World).

My big three are:
1. Combat. Magic needs a huge overhaul since it makes melee and range "useless."
  • I don't want to see the return of instant-god tier casting. Trainers should be implemented into the world.
  • Return Fable I and II's distinct weaponry. Weapons should morph based on their augments you find as treasure, or you find a schematic and pay a merchant to craft it.
  • Return of real armor. An option to enchant clothing would be so dope!
  • All rare weapons should be collectible in a game without some garbage gimmick to sell more copies.
2. Improvement to the moral system.
  • Fable II had a cool moral system which added more appearance variety (Speaking of appearance, can we finally play as someone that isn't white? I'm all for picking a selection of premade appearances).
  • More options to be a morally grey hero.
  • Choices need to make more sense. Perhaps this could be fixed by adding a more involved dialogue or choice system? It doesn't need to be a carbon copy of Mass Effect. Fable II offered players to select an emote and NPCs reacted.
3. An option to interact with unique NPCs more.
  • I like getting to know my hero's companions, so being able to interact with them more would be a nice touch. Romance is optional, but it should be an option. I wanted to interact with Logan and know what his opinions are on my choices.
  • I'm calling B.S. on the fact that Fable III had both Page and Reaver flirt with you, but they gave us that crusty "love interest" instead. Being angry is an understatement when you save your L.I., and they thank you by immediately running into the arms of someone else. When it's only been a week or two.
  • I also want more interesting generic NPCs too. That's just me.
4. Lastly, I better not see a lootbox, sell more copies of the game gimmick, multi-tier season pass, and/or microtransactions. I'm dead serious. I don't want it.

On a side note: I want to see a unicorn, but it can't be a traditional pony! It has to be a regular horse with a piece of corn on its forehead. The farmer that's trying to sell you the "unicorn" won't budge on the price either.

Agree on all plus unicorn.
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agree but shouldn't get we able to create spells and tame the animals of the wild
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Those ideas sound incredible. I would have loved to see those in a Fable from him. Maybe we'll see some of that in the one from Playground Games. Here's hoping!