The Guild Seal
Unleash your heroic potential.
Achievement Points:
This would suggest Theresa gives YOU a Guild Seal, which means you probably enter the Heroes Guild, more specifically the Chamber of Fate. (You obtain from a moving statue via Walter, which gives you access to the Road of Rule, and eventually, the Sanctuary.)
And So It Begins
Win the support of the Dwellers.
Achievement Points:
The Dwellers are a support group, was hard to find out for me. I would assume their the ones at MistPeak. (Unavoidable)
Swift Justice
Win the support of the Swift Brigade.
Achievement Points:
Probably a small rogue group of fighters. (Unavoidable)
The Resistance
Win the support of Bowerstone.
Achievement Points:
Some poor folks in BowerStone wanting your help. (Unavoidable)
Distant Friends
Win the support of Aurora.
Achievement Points:
Aurora Supports you? Well, this could suggest Evil Players will eventually war with them, and Good Players will ally with them. (Unavoidable)
The Ruler of Albion
Become the ruler of Albion.
Achievement Points:
Nothing to see here. (Unavoidable)
For Albion!
This is where you *spoiler* the great, big *spoiler* and then it all *spoiler*.
Achievement Points:
Ha. (Unavoidable)
Save The Princess!
Rescue the princess from the evil Baron.
Achievement Points:
Side Quest
Ghost Brothers
Make sure Max and Sam get home in time for tea.
Achievement Points:
These two fools returning!? Undead!? (A quest.)
Help the celebrated thespians Lambert and Pinch put on the world’s greatest play.
Achievement Points:
I would assume a main/side quest you must do that requires you to use Expressions synchronizingly on stage.
(Actually: Side quest that requires you to make several choices during a series of different plays, the last ending with a fight scene.)
The Dark Sanctum
Reinstate an ancient, evil temple.
Achievement Points:
I would assume a Good Temple already exists, and Evil Players can restore this one and destroy the Good one. Just saying. (No "Good" temple from what I've seen yet.)
Island Paradise
Establish the island of Driftwood.
Achievement Points:
Basically, I assume you and some followers build this town for some reason. (Established by opening a bridge to a Driftwood.)
Knight Jumps Chesty
Defeat Chesty at his own game.
Achievement Points:
Chesty returns to haunt his former friend's child.
Coronation Chicken
Perform a royal judgement while dressed as a chicken.
Achievement Points:
This would suggest you can choose the outcome of prisoners/judge people and choose outcomes. Only this one requires a chicken suit.. (Along the main story line [unsure if it can be done afterward] : Make a court decision dressed as a chicken.)
Combine two gauntlets to cast a “woven” spell.
Achievement Points:
This suggests only two spell combos exist, no more than two. (Not quite; it means you can combine two different spells. Spells are cast from equipment items called Gauntlets, and 6 different gauntlets.)
Cast all 15 possible spell combinations.
Achievement Points:
This suggests there are... 15... spell combos.
Total Warrior
Kill enemies with melee, ranged and spell attacks.
Achievement Points:
Nothing to see here.
Send an enemy flying into the air and kill him while he’s airborne.
Achievement Points:
This would suggest you can flourish an enemy (or do something to sling him up high) then shoot him with a gun or spell to kill him. (Can just flourish a shot and then kill the target while it's still flying. Doesn't have to be a particular way, as long as it dies. There is also a flourish that kills the target midair with a gun.)
Gunning For Glory
Kill 500 enemies using firearms.
Achievement Points:
Nothing to see here.
If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It
Kill 500 enemies using melee weapons.
Achievement Points:
Nothing to see here.
Wizard’s Revenge
Kill 500 enemies using magic.
Achievement Points:
Nothing to see here.
Super Hero
Fully upgrade your Melee, Ranged, and Magic abilities on the Road to Rule.
Achievement Points:
This would suggest everything to do with combat is unlockable.
You Can’t Bring Me Down
Complete Fable III without being knocked out in combat.
Achievement Points:
I did it in Fable II.
This would suggest you get knocked out... and scarred.... only death penalty in game!? Bring back Fable I's death system thing.
My Weapon’s Better Than Yours
Complete 3 unique upgrades on one of the legendary weapons found around Albion.
Achievement Points:
This would suggest you can upgrade Legendary Weapons, majorly, and make them become stronger with use. I would assume. (They have a set of 3 different upgrades that are different depending on the weapon, excluding the Hero weapons from the beginning.)
I Am The Keymaster
Collect all 50 Silver Keys and 4 Gold Keys.
Achievement Points:
Your dad/mom seems to have spread these out... after finding all 50 in Fable II. Regardless, this suggest 50 Silver Keys, no doubt bringing back the Silver Chests. GOLD KEYS? Only 4? Must be rare. (Gold: Fairly so, and half cannot be obtained until you've beaten the game.)
Flower Power
Collect all 30 Auroran flowers.
Achievement Points:
30 Flowers to find... in Aurora... wonder what it unlocks?
Gnome Invasion
Destroy all 50 gnomes.
Achievement Points:
Gargoyles are no more! (Not quite... Gargoyles shaped like Garden Gnomes... )
Brightwall Book Club
Collect all 30 rare books for the Brightwall Academy.
Achievement Points:
Side Quest. Like The Archeologist Quest in Fable II? (Unsure; never did that quest.)
Dig up 50 items.
Achievement Points:
We Need Guns, Lots Of Guns
Collect all 50 legendary weapons. They won’t all appear in your world, so trade with other Heroes!
Achievement Points:
Though I truly doubt it, wonder if all Legendary Weapons are Guns? Nah, just a title. I would assume only limited ones are in your world, so you got to trade... as the description suggests. (No, every weapon in the game is a 'Legendary Weapon,' aside from DLC/preorder gifts.)
Fashion Victim
Collect every item of clothing.
Achievement Points:
He’s a Woman. She’s a Man
Wear a full set of clothing intended for the opposite sex.
Achievement Points:
Yay. (Unavoidable as a female Hero for one of the main story quests. Not sure if you can attempt to go forward without doing it, but might as well just do it.)
Dye Hippie, Dye
Dye each part of an outfit you’re wearing a different colour and have long hair.
Achievement Points:
Woodstock sons of bitches!
Hand in Hand
Hold hands with someone.
Achievement Points:
Long Distance Relationship
Get married to another Xbox LIVE player.
Achievement Points:
Cross-Dimensional Conception
Have a child with another Xbox LIVE player.
Achievement Points:
Online Merger
Enter into a business partnership with another Xbox LIVE player.
Achievement Points:
Barrel of Laughs
Kill 30 enemies with explosive barrels.
Achievement Points:
Barrels return!
We Can Be Heroes
Earn 1,000 gold in henchman wages in another Hero’s world.
Achievement Points:
Cool? We can get money now? This would also suggest Gold IS counted...a while ago Peter said it was simply stacks, not numbers, you bought stuff depending on how big your gold pile was. (Can earn money in two ways to my knowledge while playing with another hero. 1: 10 gold every 5 minutes. [This replaces your building based income. I'm unsure if it's relative to how much the other hero in the game gets every 5 minutes, though.] 2: Chests. When either player opens a normal (non-gold/silver/special key chest), both Heroes receive items.)
Score 2000 on the Mourningwood Fort mortar game.
Achievement Points:
This would suggest the mini game is playable at any time you unlock it. (Unlocked mini game by purchasing a fort in Mourning Wood; easiest to do with another Hero.)
Lute Hero Tour
Play in each town as a 5 star lute player.
Achievement Points:
Lute Playin' job!
Touched By A Hero
Use touch expressions to interact with 20 different people.
Achievement Points:
Popularity Contest
Make 20 Friends.
Achievement Points:
Meh. (Villager friends. Easy to get if you aim for a good character.)
Remodel 5 different houses by changing the furniture.
Achievement Points:
Neat idea.
Magnate Personality
Build a property empire worth 2,000,000 gold.
Achievement Points:
Meaning over 2 million dollars worth of property exist. (Quite a bit more.)
Crime Spree
Get a 15,000 gold bounty placed on your head.
Achievement Points:
Wonder if that's considered high? (I got a 12k gold fine with a new character.)
Henry VIII
As ruler of Albion, get married 6 times and kill 2 of your spouses.
Achievement Points:
Chest Grandmaster
Unlock all of the chests on the Road To Rule.
Achievement Points:
Suggesting all Chest are unlockable.
Tough Love
Save the maximum amount of Albion citizens.
Achievement Points:
Suggesting all citizens are savable. (Possibly? Costs a lot, especially for good characters. [Literally, start saving. You'll need around 9.5 million gold.] )
Adopt Or Die
Adopt a child.
Achievement Points:
Confirming adoption. For Homosexuals I reckon.