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Fable on xbox live

Wonderfoole WINO

Schizoid Misanthopist
May 19, 2008
Fable on xbox live

ok, Iv been wanting to play Fable again, the only problem is I loaned my copy of Lost Chapters to my cousin in Vegas and there is no way Im hoping in the car for 8 hours just for a game Iv played a few hundred times. I could play my copy of Fable, but its just not as good as Lost Chapters (I still have both).

sooooo, I was wondering if anyone knows if the xbox live download of fable is Lost Chapters or not. I guess its safe to say it wouldnt have any acheivments. :(

I could play it on PC but then I just mod the hell out of it for godlike power, also Im not to handy with the keyboard, I gotta have a controller.
Re: Fable on xbox live

I have been playing TLC. On xbox market it should say what it is, I think they have both.:unsure: But I could be wrong. Go look at it, and see.:)
Re: Fable on xbox live

well, I checked it out and they only had one. I coundt tell for sure which one it was so I bought it. pft, wadoya know, its not Lost Chapters. what a waste of points. why they would chose to put Fable instead of Lost Chapters on marketplace is beyond me. looks like if I wanna play Lost Chapters again Im gonna have to get lucky and find a copy somewhere.
Re: Fable on xbox live

yeah that would work. but hes like 13 and he loves that game so Im thinking I will just let him keep it. I figure I can find it at a used game store somewhere and it would be quite cheap. Iv seen new copies of it as low as $10. the trick is finding it. Im just annoyed that the xbox marketplace version is non TLC.
Re: Fable on xbox live

Last time i checked it was Lost Chapters. You looking in the right place?
Re: Fable on xbox live

i got it for 8 euros here for a used version besides pc is better since you can hotkey more stuff and easier to mod(especially with fable explorer).
Re: Fable on xbox live

so it really is just the original, whats the difference b/ween original and Lost Chapters.