Fable - Ultimate Freeze Glitch
I'm surprised no one has brought this up before. This glitch is amazing.
I'm surprised no one has brought this up before. This glitch is amazing.
... 1. Walk up to any "load-able" entryway.
... 2. Face toward it, or face away from it, as long as you are lined up fairly straightly to it.
... 3. Unsheathe any Bow of your choice (Longbow or Crossbow).
... 4. Press and hold the (L) trigger button.
... 5. Press and hold the (X) button with your right index finger to charge the Bow up so that it vibrates hard.
... 6. Creep up to the entryway VERY, VERY, VERY slowly until the letter-boxing and name of the next region just barely pops up.
............... * NOTE: Please bear in mind that the sole purpose of this action is to function as a tool and guide ONLY. Generally, you will want to have your Hero positioned such a distance from an entryway so that he is at the very end of his roll as the screen segues into loading the next area.
... 7. While continuing to hold both the (L) trigger button, and the (X) button, you must now :
......... A. Push forward(up) on the Left Analogue Stick, if you are facing toward the chosen entryway.
......... B. Pull back(down) on the Left Analogue Stick, if you are facing away from the chosen entryway.
......... C. Press and hold the (Y) button(with your right middle finger) AT THE SAME EXACT INSTANT YOU PUSHED/PULLED ON THE LEFT ANALOGUE STICK, thereby rolling through the entryway.
............... ** NOTE: It is extremely important that you synchronise the depressing of the (Y) button simultaneously with the motion on the Left Analogue Stick when rolling through to the new area.
... 8. As the screen is loading the next area, continue pressing ALL of the buttons mentioned in the previous steps (L, X, and Y), while making certain to also :
......... A. IF YOU ROLLED BACKWARDS — Continue to Pull back(down) on the Left Analogue Stick.
......... B. IF YOU ROLLED FORWARDS — Release the Left Analogue Stick(as the screen is still loading) from pushing it forward(up); pull it back(down), and hold it in that (down) position.
............... *** NOTE: You may or may not feel a "vibration" while the screen is loading, however, it is highly likely that you will feel your control-pad vibrate, even if ever so slightly.
... 9. Continue holding down all the buttons, along with the Analogue Stick, once the new area has completed loading, as it will cause your Hero to immediately roll back into the previous area once again.
... 10. As the previous area loads, you may release ALL of the buttons, including the Left Analogue Stick.
... 11. Testing to make certain it worked is easy, and may be done in several different ways :
......... A. GUILD SEAL TEST — This is the quickest and easiest one. Press and hold the downward portion of your D-pad to activate your Guild Seal. The Guild Seal's screen icon will not "shine" as it charges up while this Frozen-World Glitch is active; you will see a half-circle bar fill up instead.
......... B. SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENTAL GRAPHICS — Such as trees and grass blowing in the wind, along with all the NPC's, will be utterly still. Outdoor fires will be frozen, and indoor fireplace fires will be out, yet you will still hear them crackling.
......... C. CULLIS GATES — All Cullis Gates will usually appear dead (as the fireplace fires do), but either way they will not work.
......... D. ARROWS — All arrows from any Longbow will freeze in the air, wherever you shoot them.