Take Rome, multiply the graphics times 2, multiply the hard drive space it takes up by three, add a dash of better gameplay, stir in some better cinematics, add better unit features and control, more assassins and spy work (along with merchants, princesses, priests, bishops, witches and heretics, and imams), and more factions, along with better in game technology (better ships, gunpowder units, etc.) then you have yourself Medieval 2.Fable_Fan005;31521 said:is Medieval total war 2 as good as thay siad it was gona be?
nice GUN medieval 2 total war and hitman series are some of my favoritesfablefreak1;31517 said:1. Rome Total War
2. Medieval 2 Total war
3. GUN
4. Fable: TLC
5. HL 2
6. Mercenaries: PoD
7. Hitman series
8.FarCry series
9.Half Life and Half Life Expansions
10. Any STEAM source games
weirdkidinabox;31631 said:I dont usually play games a lot, but the Resident Evil series and Command and Conquer series would be amoungst my favourites.
Sephiroxas;31716 said:I still have yet to play Resident evil 4. I want too. It looks a little difficult and on edge though. Stupid suprising zombies. they just come out of NOWHERE and cut your head off with a chainsaw.
Dark Drakan;31723 said:Sounds like a good twist to me :lol:
Sephiroxas;31727 said:I didn't say it was bad, but they fricken come out of no where. I wish I had a chainsaw.![]()
Angel;31744 said:Sad as it is I'm actually a big fan of the old Sim series - been debating whether to get SimAnt again - I used to be obsessed by it, but the I was about 10 so maybe it's lost some of the magic by now...
Am liking Age of Mythology Titan thingy - but I'm utter crap...![]()
Angel;31751 said:Did you ever have it when the ants cussed each other and the spider used lasers to kill them? Only in free play, though...
I miss old games - the graphics were crap but there was something special about them...
Angel;31761 said:Ah, the Amiga...happy days...
Nah, my dad had the real old fashioned Apple Macintoshes before they got all cute and cool - each and every one of them was the colour of vomit and only operated in black and white...took me forever to get used to a PC...
Angel;31771 said:They were pretty damn cool - the software wasn't demanding so there was no game lag and no crashes or anything. Computers are certainly not what they used to be - they've gone all girly since the 1980's...
(man, I am so damn old it's embarrassing)