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Glitch in your Game?

ok, i was in the sand cave fighting some furys and they KOed me over a ledge and now im stuck inside a railing. is there any way to get out without having someone do it over xbox live? and if not how does someone do it online?
oh, i cant fast travel cause im in the middle of a quest....which is bs. is there anyway to restart a quest or what?
Has anyone else had a problem with there game glitching right after loading? In my second play through, I saved my game after being shipped wrecked in Aurora. When I loaded my game back up, Walter just stands there and won't move. I can't advance any further in the game. I had to start a new game with blows!!!
My one hero has suddenly taken a disliking to Brightwall, this isn't like the glitch of the century, but it does mean I have no way of entering Brightwall for the rest of said heroes life. Basically one of three things happens:
1. The game will crash on the loading screen to Brightwall.
2. If I am lucky enough to actually get by the loading screen the game will crash after a minute anyway.
3. If 2. doesn't happen first the game will crash if I try to save from the start menu.

I was thankful that the last DLC didn't involve Brightwall in anyway, but not being able to access it anyway blows. :(
I have this lil bug that in the sanctuary Jasper doesn't say a word and I can't teleport through the rooms. It's a bit boring but not very big deal :P also once when I was playing online and in the Chesty's Mansion the host was playing the chess, after it ended, I was invinsible! That was pretty cool but too bad it stopped when I left the game :P
I am currently on the understone quest (The Voice) and I cannot get through to the next area after you get off of the elevator. Apparently some hobbes are supposed to spawn and the electric gate unlocks when you defeat them, when I first entered this area the gate came up but nothing happened after that. Now I cannot leave understone unless I join another person's game.
I am at the end of the quest called "the game" and for some reason can't do anything to finish it. Can anyone help me? Will I have to restart?
did you get the special baron killing sword from the chest earlier in the quest?
Otherwise you cannot kill the baron and you can't finish the game.
If you have, well then I have nothing to offer you as a solution. Sorry.
Mine's a doosey <sp?>.

In your treasury in the sanctuary, if you gain more than 6 million in gold there's a nook in the wall that has a Golden Key. I obtained this key prior to fighting the final stage and then forgot about it having thought that I could use it later. Well, guess what. It's effin gone now and there's no way to replace it is there...I've gotten another golden key since, but it bothers me that there's one less door I can open because of this glitch. Well, doesn't matter. Golden Door I have opened was lame.

I also suffer from one of my files having a silent Jasper since after the credits roll. He just stands there. My other file there's a big panel in my Clothing sanctuary that's made of dark mirrored glitch phantom space. I've also seen the phantom treasure my dog points out in Aurora and Silverpines. The Auroran treasure, I've come to realize is actually supposed to be one of the flowers I need to collect, but it never shows up and I cannot get it. Bummer, as I wanted to finish that quest and dye my tats red too. I also really don't like the inconsistency of the fast travel from the map. Sometimes it puts me right where I pointed with the magnifying glass, and then other times it puts me way on the other side of the area.
Still love the game though. It's a keeper. Pity it ain't exactly perfect.
I am experiencing the whole "tiny magician girl turns into a ****ing giant" issue when others join my game.

Normally, it happens when theyre still with me. I leave an area that has civilians, but when i come back, i'm full on stature and i'm tall as hell, despite never shooting the gun (Yes, i haven't even shot a gun. I JUST made it to brightwall. Mistpeak and dweller camp: i'm smaller than my friend, who's max stature. I dont' have a sword or hammer, and all i have is the fireball spell. In the dweller camp, i'm correct size and stats. We get to brightwall, she leaves, i'm a giant and my strength is maxed out despite not even owning a sword or gun.)

I know i'm being impatient, but seriously: most of these are bugs that should have been weeded out pretty early into the development of the game. I mean, hero stat overwriting? seriously? you would think that they would have caught this. Other than that, i have one glitch where i had just grabbed the guild seal. OF COURSE, i was with another player and the screen turns white like it should. Only, it stays white. No loading, nothing. Just white. I can hear footsteps though. and i can tell my character and hers is moving around. Of course, i deleted that save since it was so early, only for the next character that i spent roughly an hour transfering items into the inventory of to turn into the giant amazon women that i hate so much.

Last glitch i've experienced is (say it with me) WHILE PLAYING ONLINE, i attempt to move to a new zone. The ally is with me and everything, but it states that they are not there. I was able to fix this however by simply having the companion leave and come back. or, if fast travel works (so far it hasn't when this happens), use that to go where i need.

i may be raging for nothing and whatnot, but they really need to hurry with that patch because these are just ridiculous glitches that shouldn't occur. Silent jasper? should have been caught. Fail zone transfers: should have been caught. Overwrite: should have been caught. Did they just get lazy or are they part of the extremely lucky few that don't suffer any glitches when they beta-tested the game?
im stuck in a rock. i jumped over a short wall in Aurora to get to one on the quest items and i landed right inside a rock. loading isnt an option either... how do i get out of this damn rock? oh, and i cant move. only rotate in placed.

EDIT: this is getting annoying. can someone join my game and try to interact with me or something? ive tried everything else and i just want out of this damn rock.
OK got tipped off about the Treasury Key deal, but now my hero is stuck in forever falling after taking his stupid noble wife out on a date and in a flash of lazy brilliance decided to use fast travel. Dammit.
so, i married catherine the servant from the castle, we moved into 'The Old Townhouse' in bowerstone market. in my attempts to keep her happy, i have had to do several relationship quests, the most recent of which was where she asked me to redecorate the house to be worth an extra 478 or so gold, or to move to another house. so, with the quest accepted, i bought 'Hauteville Heights' through the 3D map, then took her hand and led her there, and chose the option to make it our marital home. after she went from fine to happy, i then went inside and attempted to redecorate. after a couple mishaps with the furniture, i was unhappy with what i had done and wanted to just reset it all. since there is, to my knowledge, no option for that, i quit to the dashboard, and reloaded the game. im not sure the last time it autosaved, but i figured it was fine cause i hadnt done anything that i would miss recently. however, when it finally loaded, i was still standing in front of 'Hauteville Heights', and the icon above the sign indicated that i owned it, and it was our marital home. upon interacting with the sign, i found that i actually could not interact with it. i press A, and it brings up the description (Owner:, Price (Best Offer):, House Condition: ), but no available options. no change upkeep, no divorce. cannot sell, repair (though its 100% so it shouldnt be an option atm anyways), rent out, or anything, except go back. out of curiosity, i went back to 'The Old Townhouse'. turns out it is still my marital home. just to see if it would change anything, i went and made 'House of Cards' our marital home. 'Hauteville Heights' still indicates that it is also our marital home, and still provided no options. i then attempted to access the house through the sanctuary map. i noted that the flag over the house indicates that i own it, but that it is NOT a marital home. it also would not give me any options for interacting. i then saved the game and divorced her. now, with no wives (or spouse of any kind), the sign in front of 'Hauteville Heights' still says that it is my marital home and provides no interactability (if thats a word).

also, the more i play, the more sluggish the game gets. third playthough now, and laggy sessions are growing longer. first playthrough, only noticed laggyness a few times, and was seconds, or fractions of a second. now it will sometimes last several minutes.

another odd bug. happened on the escort quest where you take the guy from bowerstone to driftwood. you know how when holding hands while going down stairs, or a somewhat steep hill, or if the person whos hand you are holding gets caught on something, your hands will seperate, and then reconnect when they catch up? well, everytime that happened, when his hand reconnected with mine, it dropped my speed down to walking. really slow walking. like when you go to aurora the first time, after leaving the crawlers cave, when walter tells you to leave him behind and if you say no, you carry him a short distance further VERY SLOWLY. thats how slow it was making me walk. i could fix it by letting go and re-grabbing his hand, but that only worked until we seperated again. and let me tell you, it happens a lot. i finally made it through the quest, and figured it was over, until i went to take a girl on a date. it was ****in me off so i saved and reloaded the game, and it hasnt happened since.

UPDATE: now my wife is missing, and our marital home is haveing the same non-funtionality of 'Hauteville Heights', except it still shows up as my marital home on the 3D map, and i can 'move family' even though all that does is change which house the problem is at. i have also noticed that the game says i have been married 3 times, though i have only married twice.
...Can't help but feel I've been lied to by Peter Molyneux & co. Been sold a broken game and it doesn't seem like Lionhead are doing anything about it - not seen a single patch, and even if they did, without my knowledge, patch it the effects are much less than obvious: Jasper is still ignoring me, I still only have the option of accepting gifts when there are none, which just takes me to the interaction interface and it also seems the travel trail is broken - leads me all over the place.
To add the coup-de-grace my game also sometimes freezes for no good reason and the only solution is to turn off my 360 and turn it on again - doesn't happen with any other games.
Also found many issues with co-op... I could go on but eventually I'm gonna run outta space.

To summarise, it seems Lionhead have are either incompetent or cruel...
Okies, so I have the Jasper glitch, as many others do, but the weirdest thing happened yesterday.

I started the game up, and it told me that there was an update, which I was pleased about because I thought it might finally be a patch for the Jasper glitch. So I updated, and when I went on, sure enough, Jasper was talking again. He was saying loads of things that didn't make sense, as he was obviously catching up on all of the things that he'd missed while the glitch was there, and so all of the things he was saying were out of context. So, EVENTUALLY, he stopped talking, but now it's for good again. And now, to top it all off, when I go into the Sanctuary, not only can I not talk to him, I can't interact with him AT ALL.

This is really starting to bug me, because I haven't been playing for a while because of this glitch, because it just doesn't feel right without him talking.

Also, I had the glitch that someone above me mentioned, about walking really slowly when you take someones hand, but I think it might be gone now. I discovered it when I was trying to do a relationship quest, and this guy wanted me to go on a date with him to Millfields, and I was in Bowerstone Market -.-. Needless to say, I didn't do it :L.
Here's another glitch I found: made a guest account which I made into an evil 'black queen' whilst my main (Wackajackattack) is good; Traded some weapons over to upgrade - fully upgraded a Chickenbane, Swinging Sword and Jack's Hammer (a real pain in the ass) - traded 'em back and guess what? no upgrades.
Kinda feel like I've just been flipped off by my own video game (not a great feeling, as you can imagine) and thus I have more to be unhappy about concerning this game.
Soon as I get this last achievement (weapons - got 46/50) I'm gonna put the game to rest - probably forever as a broken game doesn't really have a great replay value in my eyes.
Okies, so I have the Jasper glitch, as many others do, but the weirdest thing happened yesterday.

I started the game up, and it told me that there was an update, which I was pleased about because I thought it might finally be a patch for the Jasper glitch. So I updated, and when I went on, sure enough, Jasper was talking again. He was saying loads of things that didn't make sense, as he was obviously catching up on all of the things that he'd missed while the glitch was there, and so all of the things he was saying were out of context. So, EVENTUALLY, he stopped talking, but now it's for good again. And now, to top it all off, when I go into the Sanctuary, not only can I not talk to him, I can't interact with him AT ALL.

This is really starting to bug me, because I haven't been playing for a while because of this glitch, because it just doesn't feel right without him talking.

Also, I had the glitch that someone above me mentioned, about walking really slowly when you take someones hand, but I think it might be gone now. I discovered it when I was trying to do a relationship quest, and this guy wanted me to go on a date with him to Millfields, and I was in Bowerstone Market -.-. Needless to say, I didn't do it :L.

If Peter Molyneux is a god (lmao - reminded of Black and White) he's an evil God.