Caboose;186950 said:It Could be Dog toys or maybe the Scrolls for dog tricks that you can win in the fable 2 pug games?
I'm not dealing very well with my dog dying. I can only hope, I have him at least half way through the game. I've heard near or at the end of the game you get another puppy. I hope that's true. My dog will be good and maybe turn golden, from me being good.Ranger28;187188 said:Cool dogs, i like the good one.
I wonder if there will be different types of dogs.
It's going to be such a good addition to the game. I mean how much will the dog dying change the game. Something that is there all the time, suddenly goes,l you would have to change tactics if the dog was a big part of the way you fight.
Definitely going to have a good dog.
Ranger28;187216 said:That would be cool if you get a new dog after your life long companion dies.
PM is so smart wanting to incorporate a companion such as this dog. If it's anything like what we saw in that early dog preview there is gonna be a fair bit of emotion attached to that animal.
I hope mine begins to look like a Golden Retriever too. I just hope it's hair doesn't go white like the first hero's did if we were completely good. On second thought that could be rather cool...
But you're suppose to get a puppy, to replace the one that dies, later. I'm not happy about that either, but I so want to finish the game. It took me awhile to adjust to that.SimonKalevra;187419 said:Maybe I'm a bit slow, but
THE DOG DIES!?!?!? wtf no!
I heard it was a rumor that Lucien would kill the dog - but it sounds like you know the dogs gonna die?!?
I'm not even gonna finish the game now...
I know and it looks like he's doing a good job of it.SimonKalevra;187434 said:I loved the dog from the time when the first video was shown...
PM said he'd do his worst to rip out our hearts...
stingray00alex;188756 said:I'd like to see the dog affected by the same scales the hero is, not just good and evil. If your hero is long down the road to the corruption side of the force, it could have mangy fur and yellow fangs. If you are pure, it fur would be fine and well cared for. Also, if you are more of a gun person, the dog could morph to something sleek, agile, and ready to cross the distance to your enemies quickly. If you are a club carrying brute, your dog would be thicker with muscle. A will user, and your dog might glow faintly around the eyes, or seem a tad ethereal.