fablefreak1;37240 said:I never said anything....
Dark Drakan;34076 said:Im sure if they incorperated Guns into the game they would not have bows aswel as in 500 Years in sure they would be pretty dated.
Oni_Azif;37579 said:ill be sportin a bow for my assassin charecters deffinantly
but im intrested to see how the guns work out and if there common through out albion.
Fable-kid;37391 said:Hey we have bows in this day and age why wouldent they?:ninja::ninja:
Ivan;39147 said:I prefer the gun/rifle. Bow is more stealthy and your enemies dont know what hit them and dont **** in their pants.
TRA Rotid;39229 said:Thats a good point.
fablefreak1;34231 said:Thinking in a historical way bows, crossbows, and muskets (along w/ arquebusiers, and hand cannons) all fought side by side between the 1300's and late 1500's and even later than that. See, bows have long range accuracy over early muskets, crossbows have power and range over longbows, but muskets have stopping power and long range over both sinew powered weapons. So here is an easy guide:
Long range accuacy
Awesome fire rate
Weak stopping power
Bad at close range
Good stopping power
Good at close range
Good at long range
Difficult to load
Slow fire rate
Incredible stopping power
Good range
Awesome "carnage" effect
Mildly effective at close range
Terrible fire rate
Hard to reload in a fight