Re: Halo Energy Sword found in Fable II
wow fable just dropped a notch as in my book. too bad
if its real
wow fable just dropped a notch as in my book. too bad

It's not just halo being in games, in Mass Ef. I heard the 007 song as I solved a puzzle.Lee34;204155 said:wow fable just dropped a notch as in my book. too badif its real
Lee34;204155 said:wow fable just dropped a notch as in my book. too badif its real
Lee34;204155 said:wow fable just dropped a notch as in my book. too badif its real
TJ Griffin;204166 said:fable tlc made a reference to fable in the book "a heros journy III" if given to the school teacher he says "ah, a heros journy three! you know, there are some people who say thats the best role playing game ever, bit short though. better not let the children get it, or they will never get any work done." and in litchfeild graveyard there is a grave that says "J sparrow. may the wind always be at your back my captian (or somthing like that)." thats a referance to pirates of the carabean, and i bet thats not the only references to other stuff.
hobbes_pwn;204174 said:I don't think it is coming with LE probably downloadable content, Or just Photoshop, except they do have Ministrel Chief so i imagine Lionhead might of. Does anyone know if Fable 2 has any easter eggs of other video games in it. I know they're close with rare their might be a Bajo or Viva Pinata easter egg
Dentie;204217 said:it isnt the real halo 3 Energy Sword cuz in halo you don't have that thing where you hold your sword but it is rlly cool glad i get the LE
SimonKalevra;204254 said:Why did it get posted on myspace? thats r3tarded -_-
Goretex;204168 said:They're just being negative nancies, Griff.
Darg;204300 said:I'm not sure what the hell a "negative nancy" is, but I'm just stating an opinion. We don't all want to be wandering around someday in Fable 2 and constantly find idiot master chief impersonators running rampant, do we? It just seems a little odd to me. You don't see battle rifles or plasma grenades in Oblivion do you? Or rocket launchers in Fable TLC? It just seems a little out-of-place, that's all.
hobbes_pwn;204296 said:Exac i think, wouldn't it be on other websites, other than myspace.
It would be really hard to Photoshop an entire video.hobbes_pwn;204174 said:I don't think it is coming with LE probably downloadable content, Or just Photoshop, except they do have Ministrel Chief so i imagine Lionhead might of. Does anyone know if Fable 2 has any easter eggs of other video games in it. I know they're close with rare their might be a Bajo or Viva Pinata easter egg
Nope it's just a cool looking sword that looks sort of like the energy swordDentie;204217 said:it isnt the real halo 3 Energy Sword cuz in halo you don't have that thing where you hold your sword but it is rlly cool glad i get the LE
Agreed! Here are a couple of other linksSimonKalevra;204254 said:Why did it get posted on myspace? thats r3tarded -_-
I'm not particularly keen on the Master Chief suit but it could be fun for some. That's the real point anyway. Fable never went for a completely authentic. When have you seen an authentic medieval scene with someone playing air guitar or wearing union jack briefs.Darg;204300 said:I'm not sure what the hell a "negative nancy" is, but I'm just stating an opinion. We don't all want to be wandering around someday in Fable 2 and constantly find idiot master chief impersonators running rampant, do we? It just seems a little odd to me. You don't see battle rifles or plasma grenades in Oblivion do you? Or rocket launchers in Fable TLC? It just seems a little out-of-place, that's all.
Darg;204300 said:I'm not sure what the hell a "negative nancy" is, but I'm just stating an opinion. We don't all want to be wandering around someday in Fable 2 and constantly find idiot master chief impersonators running rampant, do we? It just seems a little odd to me. You don't see battle rifles or plasma grenades in Oblivion do you? Or rocket launchers in Fable TLC? It just seems a little out-of-place, that's all.
Velez;204369 said:You Sir are a "negative nancy."
1. You will not encounter "idiot" (condescending are we?) Master Chief impersonators running around your world unless one of your friends happens to be one and you invite him in. The armor is special LE content for your character to wear, if you so choose.
2. What one game does, does not set a mandatory guideline for all others. If your hoping for this game to follow Oblivion in it's footsteps then you are in the wrong place.
3. It is not out of place because it is not the actual armor and energy sword from Halo. The wearer is not Master Chief. The whole look has been re-visualised to fit in with Fable's atmosphere. The armor isn't a super-enhancing bio-suit, it is just green plate armor. The sword is not pulsing blue energy originating from an alien handle, it is simply two blades attached to one base with a bright blue tinge.
The point is you're trying to blow a simple set of items, in a game which contains thousands of other choices if you don't want these in particular, to be something to truly get upset about. So how about you leave it at what it is. A special gift in LE for those who would enjoy it.
Velez;204266 said:They changed the look of it to fit in with the Fable world.