Re: Happened to Hex?
Hi guys,
I disabled her account yesterday. Why? Well, here's the funny thing: Turns out, judging by all the negative PM questions I've received, that Hex has been continuing to spread rumours and slander me. Coming out with all kinds of rubbish that isn't even remotely true.
I've heard all excuses under the sun for why people think I removed her from staff. Here's a few of the more common ones:
- I'm apparently racist against Canadians all of a sudden.
- I apparently demoted her because she's no longer together with Andy. *sigh*
- I have apparently been out to get her since day one (even though we used to play Gears of War co-op together
- I can't hate her that much if I wanted to play online games with her, can I? Think about that one)
Know who started them? Hex. How do I know? Because that's half the rubbish she was throwing my way while I was attempting to have a decent conversation with her.
What's even more annoying is that people hear her side, which judging by the PMs I've been receiving are all absolute bull****. You don't hear me going around saying she did this and that, do you? I thought she was more mature than that. Her pride has been hurt and clearly she won't let it rest.
The funny thing is, I've let a few of you get on with dragging my name through the mud and, believe me, I would LOVE to post the contents of the PMs me and Hex exchanged when she decided to begin launching slanderous and offensive insults my way. And I STILL didn't ban her. I ENCOURAGED her to stay even while she was INSULTING me. I kept the PMs for proof. Thank God that I did. I am itching to take screenshots and post them on the front page of to prove that what Hex has been saying is bull***. To be honest, I don't know what's holding me back aside from the fact that I'd personally like to see the end of it and allow her to move on.
Seems to me like she conveniently missed a lot of stuff out while spreading her gossip.
I disabled her account because she still has the PMs that she sent me and I sent her. In case any of you decided to say: Steve, you Photoshopped those PM pictures! I have the contents of her PM inbox as backup - should it ever have to come to that. If she wants to make another account, she's more than welcome to. I haven't disabled any of the accounts she has on the other forums so she can even carry on from where she left off if she wanted to.
Sorry guys, but despite what you may think, Hex was demoted because of her
recent outburst and complaints; not because of the whatever gossip you've been hearing.
One last thing to bear in mind: Maybe, just maybe, I played everything by the book and was totally fair. Perhaps what you've been hearing from other people is only one side of the story, and not a very truthful one at that.
Wanna hear my side? It's not nearly as exciting as Hex's but it contains a whole lot more truth: Hex wasn't very nice to members, refused to act appropriately, followed by totally clearing her profile and leaving - so I demoted her. She understandably didn't like that and PMed me to throw accusations my way. The convo went alright for the first PM or two, I believe, before she began insinuating that I am a racist and a whole lot of other rubbish. I responded in a polite manner to all replies despite the offensive nature of hers and overly sarcastic tone. She never replied to my final PM and I haven't heard from her since.
I also found out recently that Hex hates my wife, Angel. Why? I have no idea. I know for a fact that she refers to my wife as a "Nazi" and "Hitler" amongst other unpleasant things. My wife sent a PM to Hex to bury the hatchet and Hex didn't even have the decency to reply.
Sorry to disappoint those of you who were hoping for some kind of conspiracy. Guess my version of what happened is just too boring.
Believe who you like, guys. Doesn't make any difference to me but I'd hope some of you trust that I'm a very fair person. I don't bear grudges and I forgive and forget.
But to be honest, though, I'm sick of all this crap and I bet Andy is, too. To be honest, I don't know how Andy has kept it together the way he has and not let it affect his attitude on the forum - he's a much stronger person that me.
What has happened is between me and Hex. Andy had nothing to do with her demotion or the disabling of her account. Give him a break.
/wall 'o text