no it isnt necesary, its just what i dew.
yup, after all, dew is my drug of choice. or anti drug. or super drug. or mabey my beverage of choice. who knows. i do.
he shouldnt be afraid of me. the only thing to fear is fear its self. and spiders. and snakes. and volcanos, the plauge, rabid midgets, cluster bombs, global warming, heat stroke, ganarea, the magnetic reversal of the poles, sun spots, alien invasion, bigfoot, radiation, nuclear weapons, war, desease, poverty, filth, distruction, hunger, baldness, vampires, the boogie man, drowning, death, canibalism, rape, torcher, frost bite, heart attacks, kira, tofu, gama bursts, unstable dinamite, decaffinated pork chops, evil monkeys, evil twins, the CIA, angry dogs, avalanches, and
but not me.
this rant was inspired by my personal hero and idol George Carlin (R.I.P) and his always helpful list of
things to watch out for. enjoy.