Mountains are now where Wraithmarsh was, has only been 50 years is stupid. And the land north of Bowerstone (Rookridge, Oakfield..) has disappeared.. Along with Witchwood/Knothole Glade, and Albion is viewed north of Aurora when Aurora is to the westnahh man, im pretty certain the sanctuary is just some hidden place and doesn't have much of a story seen as its main purpose is to replace the start menu. And im pretty damn sure the guild chambre is now the catacombs look at the windows etc i just dont get how it go to the middle of bowerstone? the geography on fable 3 is pretty messed up i mean a massive hill can't disappear in 50 years anyhow the hill in Driftwood looks more like hero hill and it has a cullis on top... but its in the sea not the lake, oh any of you find the weird lionhead symbol on the bottom of the sea? I want to find my dogs grave... Anyhow i want to know what happened to Oakvale i want to find the bridge so i can reminisce about when I crossed it the first time I played Fable and then again killing hollowmen in fable 2. And what happened to bloodstone? I loved that place. Man, the geography on fable 3 annoys me.