Hi there, I'm Snowy
Greetings! I've just arrived at these forums and I thought it would be nice to drop by and say hello to everybody. I'm Snowpact (call my Snow or Snowy, like I care
), I'm from the Netherlands, I am 16 years old and I have played Fable: TLC to the bottom of it, until I got tired of massacaring towns and villages to buy and rent out the the houses etc., so I quitted playing. Yet, I am looking forward to Fable 2 and I'd like to share the waiting with like-minded people. So be afraid, be very afraid... nah, just kidding, my (first) allignement was purer than pure good (until I started raiding everything in my path to the ground, just to have a laugh), so no need to be afraid (yet).
Greetings! I've just arrived at these forums and I thought it would be nice to drop by and say hello to everybody. I'm Snowpact (call my Snow or Snowy, like I care
