Hotkeying Items, Expresions, etc.
Hey, I was just wondering if theres a way too hotkey items, expressions, etc. I wanna hotkey potions and other stuff so I dont have too go through all the trouble just too select 1 potion and each time i want too use it i keep having too redo the same process. It starts too get annoying after a while. Anyways Fable rules and i couldn't really find a lot of annoying stuff, but this just annoys me. Dont mean to be a troll. FABLE RULES. thanks for your replys.
Hey, I was just wondering if theres a way too hotkey items, expressions, etc. I wanna hotkey potions and other stuff so I dont have too go through all the trouble just too select 1 potion and each time i want too use it i keep having too redo the same process. It starts too get annoying after a while. Anyways Fable rules and i couldn't really find a lot of annoying stuff, but this just annoys me. Dont mean to be a troll. FABLE RULES. thanks for your replys.