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How I feel about Fable III.

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I completely agree with the slow motion attacks and finishing moves.
On the occassion I would do a finishing move without it going into slow motion and to me that even looked cooler.
I just absolutely hate when I'm trying to fight and randomly it goes into slow motion when I just want to continue fighting.

Truly I believe if Lionhead listened to their fans they could make a great game.
Agreed with the horrendous nature of this game.

I bought an xBox and a 360 for Fable. I have five other games that I don't care as much for. So, I'm pretty devastated by the quality of this game.

We have enough money to throw some away. I'm not saying i'm rich, if it comes out like that.

It's not for you to say who can and cannot post in a thread. And there is nothing wrong with anything The DarkCynder has said.

I think the difference for me is that I tend to see each Fable game as a separate entity, up to a point. The little touches where they link with each other are nice but not essential for me to enjoy the games. For example, when I was doing the search for the Invocation book, the little area where you find it made me smile because of what was there...it was a nice touch, a nice throw-back to previous games.
I don't think it's for you to say that he's not. :/

And that's awesome that you can do that. I wish I could do the same. However, I have a hard time detaching Fable from Fable from Fable...from Fable...I would think that the game play be similar and improved upon (as it seems PM has a twisted definition of this), but this is not what happened. Accepting the differences with a separate mindset is something phenomenal, but none of us are capable, or willing, to do that.

I love how you completely ignore the point I was trying to make and just plow onwards, putting words in my mouth so that you can base an argument on something I never advocated. Would you like me to leave you alone so that you can have a more convincing debate with yourself? 'Cause I'd hate to ruin what you've got going with unrelated discussion.

My philosophy isn't about blindly accepting whatever I'm given, it's about appreciating art and enjoying what was done right instead of obsessing over what was done wrong. Flaws and imperfections should be pointed out, but they aren't what's important about the experience. It's essential to find flaws in order to correct them, yes, but the fact is there will always be flaws, even in the best games. You're robbing yourself of enjoyment because you can't get over them.
I never said not to question the quality of the games we play. We should critique, though, not damn them. As much as you harp on it, Fable III is a decent game. You say it is not and because I've read your posts I understand perfectly well why you don't like it. After carefully considering your point of view, I have come to the conclusion that I while I agree with you on many things, I think your dislike of Fable III is too extreme.
It doesn't seem like he ignored anything...

Right, but the things wrong with it overshadow the "good" things. However, this is subjective. If they're important enough or significant enough to distract from/ruin the game play, clearly they're important about the experience.

So? His dislike is extreme. Yeah...and it's not really far-fetched either :/

As for forcing you to believe in anything, there's nothing I can do or say that will make you see things my way. I never held any illusions of doing so from the beginning. I responded to your posts merely to have my say and allow others to read my opinions. It's kind of the whole purpose of a forum, or at least I assume that's what a forum is for. Am I wrong?
It sure seemed like you did.

"As much as you harp on" his failing characteristics, it's not really going to help too much. He's pretty stubborn and set in his ways. However, as unnecessarily "extreme" his views are, I accept them for what they are, partially because I agree with most/all of it and some more stuff in particular.

This seems to getting a little out of hand. Everyone in this part of the forums seem very emotional and quick to get offended and attack. It seems like every argumentative thread I've been on has had people "misunderstand" or "not read" a post that seems to have been implemented in some way in the response to said comment. Those parts left out are obviously not worth mentioning/responding to.

My observations and critique above are not without hypocrisy on my part as I've been a part and contributed to threads that have had nastier things said to people.
It's not always easy to keep things civil when opposing opinions clash. I wish that I could say I was sorry for the rude things that I said, but it would be a lie. I assume it's the same with my adversary. We disagreed, didn't like each other, and made no secret of it. Would it have been better if we became best friends right off the bat and spoke congenially of wizard kittens and motorcycles that run on sunshine? Sure, but we still would have disagreed on this issue. I'm ready to let it go and move on to new discussions. He said he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, so what can I do but honor his wishes?

Better an honest enemy than a false friend, I say.
People are hurt most by the things they love. I'm pretty sure that MaleficRaven doesn't, in fact, hate Fable. Actually, you could say he loves it too much. It's every flaw and imperfection enrages him because he wanted too badly for it to be the greatest game he has ever played. When it turned out not to be, he became bitter. Fable II and III are games that didn't necessarily improve on the original in any great way. They are not terrible games if you judge them based on their own merit or in comparison to similar games on the market, but he doesn't see that. He, and others like him, many of them hardcore fans of the original, feel betrayed by the apparent mediocrity of the sequels. They don't just want to recapture the glory of the first Fable, they want to see it made greater than it ever was. I can understand how they feel.

They are the most disappointed and the angriest of fans because they are the biggest fans.

An astute, insightful and accurate post - you describe me perfectly. I almost sob when I consider what this game could have been.

The range of foes is woeful and lazy - reskins, WTF?
The weapon morphs are sloppily executed and lack variety.
So much of the beautifully rendered landscape is....empty. No temples, castles, lost towers? Where are all the villages, towns and paved roads?
Way too short overall, too - 30 + hours, my arse.
Sudden Balvarine population booms?
Knee-high obstacles that my 6.5 ft, 300 lb uber-hero can't cross?
Still no ability to climb/use rope?
Another inane and immature range of expressions?
Hand-holding and homo-dancing?
The dog is still chronically indecisive and scenery-blind?
The King-on-rails 'half' of the game is tragically underwhelming.
The myriad of features we were promised, but didn't get.
Don't even get me started on DLC......

I could go on, but I've depressed myself. I'm absolutely choked - this could have been a game for the ages, an absolute classic, but in less than a (working) week, I know every inch of Albion, every dig-spot, chest and key. All done, everything seen.

I pre-ordered, bought the LCE and took leave to be able to collect F3 on opening day. Now I feel like I've been mugged, and that PM and LH are laughing at my expense. I wonder if they ever even read the posts on sites like this....or care what we think.

*Sigh* Time to look forward to the next Elder Scrolls, I guess.
I must say, I am in complete agreement of this thread. Perhaps I should break down exactly why:

-The combat. Why is it like this? What was wrong with the combat in Fable 1? All it does is make the game ridiculously easy. In Fable 1, downing two balverines was an achievement. Now, it just requires holding down block and then flourishing backwards.

-The magic. What the fu**? Is there even going to BE magic in Fable 4? Cuz at this rate, there won't be... Bring back my magic! Yes, that means my ghost swords, multi-shot, assassin rush, ect, ect, and put Slow Time and Raise Dead BACK as spells. FFS.

-The choices. Should I be an evil king, thus being good, or should I be a good king who can make his own money and fund the war himself and still be good? Choices, choices...

-The characters. I seriously could care less for any of the characters but Elise, and that was only because she was hot. (Seriously, it seems like an Angel snuck into the LH office just to carve out her face, but I digress.) The only people you know long enough to make you care about them is Walter, and I wanted to kill him simply because he refused to let me walk in front of him- despite how slow he walked. I guess it didn't matter, though, as you didn't actually have the choice to kill any real characters in the game... Why not have Reaver make you and Whisper Page fight to the death in the arena? Why not give you the option of killing Sabine off in a massive fight for the trees in Mistpeak? I personally would have sliced the sh** out of Jasper if given the chance, similarly to how I killed the Guildmaster. Nope. (That brings me to my next point, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.) I just want to feel like it's actually my world. Fable 2 was guilty of this same thing.

-Alignment. Where do I start... Why is being evil losing all of it's cool factor? In Fable 1 I had a dark shroud form under my feet, I actually looked like a demon, and, most of all, people RAN AWAY when they saw me. Not none of this "Please don't kill me! I don't want to die!" BS the NPC's do nowadays while blocking your way. It was just annoying. Watching a guy in Fable 1 drop his cargo and SPRINT out of town at top speed while crying like a little girl (Exaggerated) was satisfying. Hearing several people crowd around you and beg for you to spare them is not.

-The story. Wow... where to start? The first Fable had such an engaging main enemy, who posed such a threat and was an actually formidable opponent... and then Fable 2 had... Lucien. Oh, and that fat bit** that wouldn't stfu that you're unfortunate enough to have to stick with through most of the game. Guildmaster>Hammer by far. In Fable 3 my guy stopped Logan from killing 3 workers. He then turned around and massacred Brightwall (100+ kills) because people wouldn't stop begging him for money. And what the hell is up with the final choice? Who's bright idea was it to base it on money? I mean, the first one made me think HARD, even as an evil hero. Now, it's like there isn't an evil hero at all. Be evil and ultimately be good, or be good and ultimately end up... good. Blah. Hurts my brain.

-Being king. You know what the worst part of being king was? The guards let you break the law. That means that not only does Fable 3 not have ANY quests for after you kill the Crawler, but you can't even go on a good killing spree because the guards don't care and all the civilians run. Yay~.

-Weapon morphing. Raise your hand if you haven't looked up how to not get something or how to get something else. Thought so. It's a good idea in concept, but in practice it fails. I mean, WHY do I have to get that damned hollow man handle EVERY TIME? So what if I killed them? IT'S A LINEAR GAME! YOU ARE MAKING ME KILL THEM! Even worse, it doesn't even work all the time... My rifle morphed to take on an arcane design due to my prowess with combat magic. I hadn't used any magic since I got my sword because I deemed it overpowered and swore not to use it. ...Yeah...

-The glowing trail. Wow. That thing is a mind-fu**. When it's not leading me in the wrong direction or just downright disappearing, it's handicapping me from exploring the rest of the regions, although on the rare occasions I did manage to ignore it, I never found anything...

-The Road to Rule. It needs to be closed. Unlocking magic and skills is more fun than learning to give someone a high five.

-The touch system. Please let it die. I don't wanna drag everyone around. It takes AWAY from the experience. This trader is a grown ass man! Why am I holding his hand like I hold little Sally's when it gets dark in her room? Ugh.

-Slow motion effect in combat. Honestly, I do not care. Sometimes it even slows down when I don't actually hit anything.

There's much, much more, but I have school tomorrow and it's already pretty late.
Yes! All of it! Don't forget the useless dog that does more to distract you from finding treasure than he does to actually help find it.
"RUFF" " What is it doggy?" *stands there waiting for him to show me* "Hmm, must have been nothing." *Walks a few yards further* "RUFF" "Ahhh ****!"
Actually, I do. This is my thread and to prevent anything bad from happening, I'm politely requesting that she not post.
Actually - ya don't. So stop it.

If there had been any flaming or trolling on the part of DarkCynder, reporting would have been the route to take. As there was NOTHING said that was out of order - not in the slightest - reporting wasn't necessary and therefore saying to not post in the thread was unnecessary. Politely asked or not, it really isn't for you to decide whether someone is permitted to post or not.

If you don't like it you may feel free to leave at any time. I am not using "double standards" and I don't think you are fully aware of how to use that term because you throw it around a lot. If you could show me precisely in this thread where the double standards are...?
I actually have to agree with most of the OPs points. I REALLY find Fable III underwhelming and lacking in features that, I guess, I simply expected because they were in previous titles. There wasn't enough variety in the gameplay because they limited you to something like ten hairs, ten clothes, four weapon types, and a total lack of interesting customization. You aren't given enough choice which is what this franchise is based on.

This is all made worse because I spent more getting the limited edition of the game (which were hard to find). Now I don't really even want to play it. :(

My hope is that Lionhead addresses all these shortcomings, faults, and problems with some patches. Otherwise, I'm probably going to skip future releases...

EDIT: After reading through this whole thread things are getting out of hand like ssjbc said. So the OP doesn't like it, it's not the perfect game in his mind... Well, that's the case for many of us and we have a right to express this on these forums, that should NOT be discourage just because you love the game or are a 'fan boy'.

The point is that these game developers need to get a hint and stop making the same mistakes they keep making and producing lower quality games because of bad feedback. I honestly feel that Fable III was ruined because of the feedback they got from Fable II. I hope Lionhead learns that the things they implemented in Fable III were in poor choice or gimmicky.

Furthermore, I don't understand why so many people JUMPED to DEFEND the new hand holding system when, as people have said in this thread, it is homo-erotic to hold hands and dance with other men (at least, this is the case where i live in America where that would be frowned upon). Lastly, if were at a time when that makes me a homophobe then we have problems. Regardless, poor design choice.
Why do you capitalize certain words like "You" when it's not at the beginning of a sentence? I've noticed that quirk of yours for a while now and I still can't quite grasp why you do it. Oh well. (Not trying to attack you or anything.)

When refering to a person in any way or form I always use a capital letter. I don't know whether it's grammatically correct or not, but it's just something I've always done I suppose.
It's not always easy to keep things civil when opposing opinions clash. I wish that I could say I was sorry for the rude things that I said, but it would be a lie. I assume it's the same with my adversary. We disagreed, didn't like each other, and made no secret of it. Would it have been better if we became best friends right off the bat and spoke congenially of wizard kittens and motorcycles that run on sunshine? Sure, but we still would have disagreed on this issue. I'm ready to let it go and move on to new discussions. He said he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, so what can I do but honor his wishes?

Better an honest enemy than a false friend, I say.
This was my point. Though, why, when people disagree, it gets out of hand? Why is it so important for people to see the "truth" when they already know it? Like you said, you can't make him feel or think a certain way, but that's not how you were behaving or what you were saying.

I'm not saying it's your fault entirely, but you were just as argumentative and insulting. I clearly already defended both of you and chastised both of you for your behavior, but I'm not your mother (as much as I feel like it) so I really have no power of your brain.

Actually - ya don't. So stop it.

If there had been any flaming or trolling on the part of DarkCynder, reporting would have been the route to take. As there was NOTHING said that was out of order - not in the slightest - reporting wasn't necessary and therefore saying to not post in the thread was unnecessary. Politely asked or not, it really isn't for you to decide whether someone is permitted to post or not.

If you don't like it you may feel free to leave at any time. I am not using "double standards" and I don't think you are fully aware of how to use that term because you throw it around a lot. If you could show me precisely in this thread where the double standards are...?
Actually, as a human, he does. I found that post about "having money to waste" extremely inappropriate and pompous as well as naive and ignorant. If you don't, then that's great, but it offended him greatly which gives him the right to say they "can't post here anymore." However, does he have the power to do this? No, and he knows it. There's nothing he could have done if she posted here again except whine and lash out more.

When refering to a person in any way or form I always use a capital letter. I don't know whether it's grammatically correct or not, but it's just something I've always done I suppose.
You only capitalize "you" if it's the beginning of a sentence or you're talking about God or whoever you worship as the creator of the world. So, doing it every single time, you're pretty much saying that they are God, or that that's who you're talking to/about. Yes, it's grammatically wrong.

It's not a big deal though, I just thought you should know and he just wanted to know out of curiosity. Cool? :)
...I really have no power of your brain
I don't have power over my brain either. My brain is a rebel. He doesn't want the man holding him down and telling him what to do. He wears a leather jacket at all times and wants to live fast, die young, and leave behind a good looking corpse.
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Methinks you are taking this rather too far. This is the last I shall say on the this matter: Nobody but staff can tell someone where they can or cannot post just because you don't like it that someone says they have money (which is really not something to get all uppity about in the first place). It really is not worth trying to wriggle around this matter - otherwise we can just allow people to be obnoxious to one another all over the boards because "as a human" they have the "right" to.

Let's get back on the topic now.
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We all know that only the staff has any power, but I'm just saying it isn't "rule breaking" in any sense of the term. Like I said, it doesn't matter if it doesn't offend you, the one who made the post was and that's all that really matters here. I don't believe that he had any intention of making her magically disappear with his mock powers over others. He happened to "ask" in an imperative manner which led you to think that he thought he had the power to. Reiterating yourself isn't going to help him understand what he already knows.

There's nothing to wriggle out of. He was offended and wanted her to leave.

I don't think I'm taking it too far, I'm only bringing my own ethical mind into this. Ethically, we all have the right to "be all obnoxious all over the boards." However, when it's taken too far and too much flaming ensues, that's when temp or perma-bans are issued. However, I didn't see anything going to this extreme, though I tend to believe that people are (relatively) rational, though, clearly, it went past that.

It's hard to take you authoritatively when you can't understand people's disposition toward things said. I don't understand why you're trying to preach your opinion as truth to those offended, but our pain/embarrassment/anger isn't going to dissipate because a grown woman says we shouldn't. Clearly I have no trouble pointing out faults in my "elders" and calling out "wrongs" of them. It's just...unethical the way you're trying to push ethics on the rest of us.

On Topic?: I don't understand why people need to go on threads that they disagree with just for the sake of argument/trying to change other's opinions which will, logically, never work. I mean, how do you suppose my post count is so low regardless of the fact that I've been here a year and I'm on the actual forums several times a day? Apparently I have the power to ignore threads that I disagree with to avoid conflict. This is not to be taken as: I don't post unargumentative things...clearly this is an example, but I'm not going to comment on a thread about how great Fable III is because I, personally, find nothing especially good about it. I may read it and and think how misled I think they are, but who am I to say that? (My post count also has to do with the fact that I only post in the Fable II and III Discussions and Bowerstone South Tavern (and occasionally the help sections) because I have no interest in the rest of them. (I know I have a couple times...))

However, Angel, you seem to be keen on posting "you're wrong's" in threads people make about how terrible we think it is. It is not for you say otherwise to our opinion. Everyone failingly states negatives in a definitive manner, but that doesn't welcome opposition.
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It's not Grim's say who can and who can't post in this thread. As soon as he created it, he made it public, thus ANYONE has the right to respond. Grim has no right shoving people out of something that has become public.
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The posts are too long to read, and also they are confusing. I'm not trying to offend anyone or whatever. Honestly, I, I can't believe it! I'm speechless at every sense. Just making a point.

About the main subject. Everyone has his/her own opinions about the video game in question. There's no need that everyone makes a post about his/her feelings about a game. Right?
We all know that only the staff has any power, but I'm just saying it isn't "rule breaking" in any sense of the term. Like I said, it doesn't matter if it doesn't offend you, the one who made the post was and that's all that really matters here. I don't believe that he had any intention of making her magically disappear with his mock powers over others. He happened to "ask" in an imperative manner which led you to think that he thought he had the power to. Reiterating yourself isn't going to help him understand what he already knows.
you're right, he obviously didn't seem to have any intention of muscling her out. but what he wrote was a black and white display of intolerance. you can't make social divides based on opinions, it's just the death of a community. devilmaycry.org used that Plessy Vs. Ferguson logic recently to justify keeping people with one opinion in one thread, and everyone with an opposing opinion in another thread. the simple fact is that people can post what they want in a thread, and shouldn't be discriminated from doing so. if you can't handle reading what someone else has to say, then you should just ignore them so you don't have to. if you can't handle discussing something without getting annoyed and flaming, then maybe it's better to avoid discussions. so yes, while you're right that he did nothing wrong in what he said it was a clear indicator of intolerance.

It's hard to take you authoritatively when you can't understand people's disposition toward things said. I don't understand why you're trying to preach your opinion as truth to those offended, but our pain/embarrassment/anger isn't going to dissipate because a grown woman says we shouldn't. Clearly I have no trouble pointing out faults in my "elders" and calling out "wrongs" of them. It's just...unethical the way you're trying to push ethics on the rest of us.
between me and you, ssjcb, it's a democracy. when gikoku, tsuyu, angel, drakan, or projectego get involved it is in no uncertain terms fascism. honestly, you don't have a right to tell the staff where they are wrong when it comes down to it. the staff here are all open to discussion and criticism - which is wonderful in every way. but here's the thing, there is no higher power telling them what they can and can't do. when it comes down to it, they do have the raw power to ban who they feel like.
but that's also beside the point. there's hypocrisy in your arguement. you're saying that raven is ok, that he's free to say what he wants, and that angel isn't. that's a huge contradiction.
raven did have every right to say what he did, and was under no threat from the rules, and angel was justified in retaliating to the implications of such a statement, as anyone should be in any discussion. it seems almost like you're saying the staff don't have a right do discussion or debate.

However, Angel, you seem to be keen on posting "you're wrong's" in threads people make about how terrible we think it is. It is not for you say otherwise to our opinion. Everyone failingly states negatives in a definitive manner, but that doesn't welcome opposition.
again... that's such a *facepalm*ing contradiction. why can't she give her opinion on yours? nobody has ever been banned for posting "you're wrong"s in threads, especially GrimWhim. but the difference is, her word is law, and the law is only up for revision from the citizens of a democracy.
you're right, he obviously didn't seem to have any intention of muscling her out. but what he wrote was a black and white display of intolerance. you can't make social divides based on opinions, it's just the death of a community. devilmaycry.org used that Plessy Vs. Ferguson logic recently to justify keeping people with one opinion in one thread, and everyone with an opposing opinion in another thread. the simple fact is that people can post what they want in a thread, and shouldn't be discriminated from doing so. if you can't handle reading what someone else has to say, then you should just ignore them so you don't have to. if you can't handle discussing something without getting annoyed and flaming, then maybe it's better to avoid discussions. so yes, while you're right that he did nothing wrong in what he said it was a clear indicator of intolerance.
Right, but the posts opposing the leading opinion are there to change the other's opinions or just to say that they're wrong and they need to get over themselves. This intent is welcome? Though people do it otherwise, and we have no power to stop them, there's really nothing we can do. I think you took it to an extreme that I didn't mean or even consider/isn't relevant. Intolerance was never rule-breaking either. Everyone is intolerant of something, and the inability to express that isn't fair. I just don't understand why that one phrase was taken to unnecessary and irrelevant heights. Wordplay is a tricky thing.

between me and you, ssjcb, it's a democracy. when gikoku, tsuyu, angel, drakan, or projectego get involved it is in no uncertain terms fascism. honestly, you don't have a right to tell the staff where they are wrong when it comes down to it. the staff here are all open to discussion and criticism - which is wonderful in every way. but here's the thing, there is no higher power telling them what they can and can't do. when it comes down to it, they do have the raw power to ban who they feel like.
but that's also beside the point. there's hypocrisy in your arguement. you're saying that raven is ok, that he's free to say what he wants, and that angel isn't. that's a huge contradiction.
raven did have every right to say what he did, and was under no threat from the rules, and angel was justified in retaliating to the implications of such a statement, as anyone should be in any discussion. it seems almost like you're saying the staff don't have a right do discussion or debate.
When have I not had the right to say when I think someone is wrong? You're saying that the admins are never wrong...which is just stupid. Of course they can be wrong, and they can know it, but acknowledging it is one thing and acting upon it is quite another.

You're taking one thing I said and applying it to every situation. That's a faulty analogy. I said that it was wrong for her to say that it's wrong to say who they want in their thread. I never said that she was wrong for stating her opinion. I, personally, think it's wrong to say someone else is wrong for something they said that's based on opinion or personal comfort (as well as others that I won't get into).

I actually never thought they weren't allowed to discuss or debate anything. However, I do believe it's wrong to limit the human rights we are born with and to silence people's feelings.

again... that's such a *facepalm*ing contradiction. why can't she give her opinion on yours? nobody has ever been banned for posting "you're wrong"s in threads, especially GrimWhim. but the difference is, her word is law, and the law is only up for revision from the citizens of a democracy.
I never condemned her for her opinion against mine. They're just unnecessary and prodding.

And that's a dangerous thing to claim. But, fine, whatever. I accept your point of view, but I can't understand or agree with it.
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