Re: How NOT to use an automatic door.
*various curse words* I've been pressing wrong keys all day... Lets type this again.
"lets see, how do you work this thing? Hmm, mabey its in the manual..... Damn! Nothing.... Mabey someone else will use it and I can see. Come on.... Come on.... One of you has got to be leaving this place.... Damnitall. Hmm... Is it like an elevator? Mabey if I wait for it, it will open. Wait, this is stupid, Its not going anywere, why should I wait? I dont see a button.... Mabey you just go? Yeah, thats it! I think. But what if it doenst open? I'll look like a fool! No. I've got to have confidence in myself. The door will open. I hope. Uh.... Uh..... Ummm... **** it I'm goin'!"
Actually, with the way hes looking all around waiting for nobody to be watching, and then rams his head through the glass, I'd say he was trying for the lawsuit. But really, if you must go faking an accident so you can sue sombody, there are better and easyer ways of going about it. We had to deal with people at my old workplace that would go looking around for a wet spot on the floor or anything they could trip over, and then try as hard as they could to "accidently" fall while looking around obliviously. It doesn't usually work, but it beats walking through glass doors.