Re: Huzza! Hail, Darkwings!
SorenSwift;44957 said:
Just a joke

seriously half my friends are girls and they still woop my but at Red Dead Revolver

It's okay, I figured you were joking ^_^
Well, sort of. :lol:
I got so good at Halo, I actually beat my homocidal x boyfriend

21 to 12!!! Even I was wayyy surprised, it was almost effortless! Of course, Jeff got 5. And towards the end, they both ganged up on me :getlost: But I guess that's okay, I liked the challenge. Hahah, winning combination of shot gun and plasma sword... my favorite weopons

Of course, Luis seemed to like me even less. First I dumped him (he had a crush on another girl, too), then I beat him at Halo. Now he hates it, and he used to love Halo

! *Sigh* Was it a victory at all?
...well, yes. Yes it was.
Plus, I actually just
barely beat Paul.
The Paul. Aka, Rebecka's brother

It was awesome! I couldn't believe it... plus, I beat the grown-up dude I borrowed Halo from :lol: But that one dude that was the son of the trainer of a horse my mom owned? Man, he was an awesome sniper! He beat me with almost no problem!