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Idea for Fable 4

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I'm your huckleberry, that's just my game
Dec 6, 2010
Not sure where the best place is to post this but I choose here.
Okay, Fable 2 and 3 have sent us into the future. How about a change of pace. I think it would be cool if Fable 4 was in the past. Bring back the trolls, dragons, kraken, hero’s guild, and all kinds of stuff. Maybe instead of Theresa being in it, a character like her that sends you into the past. Maybe instead of being sent into the past, you just start out there. Maybe you can play out the story of the original rulers of Albion. They were legendary heroes after all. Maybe introduce more types of magic that was common at the time of the heroes but was lost over the years. Keep everything that has made Fable as a whole better, bring back everything that made Fable 1 sweet, and add even more. By going into the past you open up all kinds of possibilities in things you can fight. Maybe find the origins of that giant Scorpion in the Arena from the 1st game. As it is, in Fable 3 the only mention of trolls at all that I noticed at least was in the info about the hammer Trollblight. Apparently they were all hunted and killed. Maybe you could be fighting side by side with the Guildmaster and repeatedly let him know his magic is low and to watch that. The possibilities are endless. I just want to see Fable as a game looking more like a Fable. Let me know what you think.
You're not the first to come up with that idea. Everyone wants to go back to the past.

So to spruce this up, here's my idea. It's in the FUTURRRRRRRRE.


And err...everything is run on Will instead of electricity because the populace decided to be douches and harness the power of heroes, ergo permitting mandatory breeding from the singular King/Queen from the last game. It's no longer an autocracy, but a war of democracy and everything looks like the modern day world...except it looks like a huge Apple store with the shiny Will lines all over the place. And it's very...dirty.

You start out as a child hero, spending most of your life in a pod, having be forced to harvest your natural Will energy. It's like the Matrix, only less confusing. Theresa wakes you up and saves you, claiming that you are chosen because she did the 'eeney meany, miney, moe' on all the pods and lo and behold, yours gets chosen out of sheer luck.

She's decrepit now, with cybernetic Will parts in places around her body because her Spire's being drained by the Will-suckers that the population made and demands that you stop them before the last of the Will drains away and leaving the heritage of the world magicless and dreary. If she cannot predict the future of the world, it will perish without her.

So you start on your journey to be rid of the factions, being run by no less obviousness than Reaver, taking the helm of future technology again. This time, you discover that the Shadow Court wants Reaver gone, because when all magic disappears, so will their connection to the world. And if they're gone, Reaver will no longer be bound to their contract. (My head's spinning from all the inconsistencies. Give me a moment to breathe.)

As you gain allies by freeing heroes from their imprisonment all over the world, you slowly gain back your Will and grow in strength. You will also make decisions based on finding alternative energy for the people or simply leaving their race to rot allowing only the heroes to survive the final apocalypse that Theresa finally predicted when you save her Spire from destruction.

The final battle commences when you challenge Reaver and his massive armies only to find that there is another being pulling Reaver's strings and as you finally slay the last Hero of Skill, the real boss emerges, summoning the final apocalypse of the world:

A large demonic...


That's right. You thought he wouldn't get his revenge, did you? After all the trials and tribulations that he went through, he came out on top. And he swore that one day he was going to fly...and he was.

His plan all along was to wipe the entire world clean using all the Will he accumulated just so evolution can start over...and his kind would finally be granted the chance to fly.

The battle is long and difficult. You have to slaughter nearly a million people to get to him, be it his army or innocent people depending on how you choose. His HP is through the roof and you'll need to utilize all you can to defeat him and survive.

There are four endings to this story. One, you are killed and the world is wiped away to start over, as your enemy hoped it would. Two, you finally defeat the boss, but you elect to destroy what's left of the simple humans and have a new world where only heroes roam. Three, you defeat the boss and because you helped find alternative resources to help with the energy crisis, both heroes and common folk can live in peace once more. And four, it is like number three, but if you spare the boss long enough, he will finally fly away before dying, it's dream finally realized at least.

Fable IV officially ends and Fable V opens with an MMORPG. Just sayin'. (This is what I get for drinking)
Unofortunately as much as we all would love to see something done in the past so we could live what weve learned from ALbion history. Lionhead has stated that they will not do a "prequel" or anything going backwards besides flashbacks and snip-its for the story
personally i have agreed with this theory for fable 4 for quite some time. Only my theory is a bit different. You see, i would think it would take place as william black ( first archon) slaying the void. But it was impossible due to fable 1 and 2 being too much an " rpg " but now since fable 3 is an action adventure and a bit less customizable its almost possible. It wouldnt really **** off players im sure, if instead of being a decendent of archon, you are in fact HIM. like it never said in his youth if archon was good, nuetral, or evil riiight? so in the end as scythe he canonically follows the path of righteousnous. just my opinion.

Another is this. Every decendent of archon was named archon. Do you think that Hero of oakvale, Hero of bowerstone, and Hero of brightwall are all named archon canonically as well??
if their not making a prequel they have got to make 4 and 5 only a few years away from 3 because any more further in the future just wouldnt be fable also they gotta bring back the spire
PM's confirmed that the Fable series is only going to be moving forward chronologically.
I don't understand why people say ''if they do [this], it's not Fable anymore''. Lionhead makes Fable, Lionhead knows what Fable is. Fable 1 =/= Fable 5; we can't have all Fables be exactly alike. But they are all Fable.

Anyway, I do hope that Fable 5 contains a great enemy, once and for all ending the threats against Albion, with a glorious Hero. Refering to the previous Fables, and then making it all epic-like.... 'n shizzle... Hm... We can't have it end like Fable 2, and leave a lot open, and have no spectacular stuff. That's my opinion.
You're not the first to come up with that idea. Everyone wants to go back to the past.
I guessed I wasn't, but I have never heard anyone suggest it before. I'm relatively new to the Fable forums and have never talked about any video games on any forums before. Again, I'm not suprised but I thought the idea sounded cool. Also, the Fable Matrix idea sounded cool. That might actually keep me interested in Fable. For me personally, a lot of it is getting repetitive. I want to see something completely different for Fable 4.

Unofortunately as much as we all would love to see something done in the past so we could live what weve learned from ALbion history. Lionhead has stated that they will not do a "prequel" or anything going backwards besides flashbacks and snip-its for the story
That's sad to hear. I didn't really research it at all. Oh well.
First of all it's stupid to not release anything from the past.. the future can go on so much.. atleast before doing another game! but.. I would like to see both the past and the future.. And the inbetween! :P
First of all it's stupid to not release anything from the past.. the future can go on so much.. atleast before doing another game! but.. I would like to see both the past and the future.. And the inbetween! :P

your not the only one.... alot of people would just unfortunately for us I dont think its gonna happen
if their not making a prequel they have got to make 4 and 5 only a few years away from 3 because any more further in the future just wouldnt be fable also they gotta bring back the spire

would love that... you could have it as Teresea who is now taking care of (or whatever) over The Spire a dark force comes in and wipes her out and plans to use The Spire for evil... as it was intended for... idk may work but then would be to much like 2 i suppose
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