Not sure where the best place is to post this but I choose here.
Okay, Fable 2 and 3 have sent us into the future. How about a change of pace. I think it would be cool if Fable 4 was in the past. Bring back the trolls, dragons, kraken, hero’s guild, and all kinds of stuff. Maybe instead of Theresa being in it, a character like her that sends you into the past. Maybe instead of being sent into the past, you just start out there. Maybe you can play out the story of the original rulers of Albion. They were legendary heroes after all. Maybe introduce more types of magic that was common at the time of the heroes but was lost over the years. Keep everything that has made Fable as a whole better, bring back everything that made Fable 1 sweet, and add even more. By going into the past you open up all kinds of possibilities in things you can fight. Maybe find the origins of that giant Scorpion in the Arena from the 1st game. As it is, in Fable 3 the only mention of trolls at all that I noticed at least was in the info about the hammer Trollblight. Apparently they were all hunted and killed. Maybe you could be fighting side by side with the Guildmaster and repeatedly let him know his magic is low and to watch that. The possibilities are endless. I just want to see Fable as a game looking more like a Fable. Let me know what you think.
Okay, Fable 2 and 3 have sent us into the future. How about a change of pace. I think it would be cool if Fable 4 was in the past. Bring back the trolls, dragons, kraken, hero’s guild, and all kinds of stuff. Maybe instead of Theresa being in it, a character like her that sends you into the past. Maybe instead of being sent into the past, you just start out there. Maybe you can play out the story of the original rulers of Albion. They were legendary heroes after all. Maybe introduce more types of magic that was common at the time of the heroes but was lost over the years. Keep everything that has made Fable as a whole better, bring back everything that made Fable 1 sweet, and add even more. By going into the past you open up all kinds of possibilities in things you can fight. Maybe find the origins of that giant Scorpion in the Arena from the 1st game. As it is, in Fable 3 the only mention of trolls at all that I noticed at least was in the info about the hammer Trollblight. Apparently they were all hunted and killed. Maybe you could be fighting side by side with the Guildmaster and repeatedly let him know his magic is low and to watch that. The possibilities are endless. I just want to see Fable as a game looking more like a Fable. Let me know what you think.