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If you could be any Fire Emblem class...


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

What would you be?

Rules are: Prepromotes are always weaker, so don't choose an advanced class, just the basic ones.

Can be chosen from any of the Fire Emblem games, (using that particular game's mechanics that is).

No Lord or Dragon-kin classes.

I would be a Mercenary for first choice (they remind me of Gatts from Berserk!). For my second choice (a close second) Myrmidon. I'm aware they're similar, but I like swordsmen and one is big sword while the other is skillful katana. ost likely I'd be a Mercenary though.


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

I...Don't...know. I haven't played it. Sorry you've gotten no replies otherwise. :)

Recycled Human

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

If I had played it I'd answer!!! Out of curiosity are there other myrmidons other than the main characters?

Can I commission you to put in the extra effort to provide a list of the classes with like little sprites next to them...plus what they turn into?

I love pushing people to do more work...so long as I don't have to do any!


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

:lol: that's not a bad idea


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

I can certainly try. I'll have Sephi help me with the forumy technical parts. But it shouldn't be that hard considering I know all of the classes.

I do hope you won't mind me NOT doing the gamecube ones... so... many.... classes T_T


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

First thing is first, the weapon triangle and magic triad:

Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords (so swords beat axes, axes beat spears etc)
-I have to add that while Bows are physical weapons, they exist outside the weapon triangle, and always deal x3 damage to fliers(making crits x9).

Anima > Light > Dark > Anima (same as above, anima is elemental magic)

What these triangles of weapon types means is this: You get a slight damage boost and increased evade and to hit if you have the advantage, on top of the opponent dealing slightly less damage and having a lower change to hit and to evade your attacks. The opposite is also true however!

I'll be giving basic info on each class. Please let me know if you want to know possible promotions as well to further influence your choices.

Things to keep in mind when choosing:

-You aren't a solo unit going up against armies, you are a part of a small, but highly skilled force.

-A team oriented mindset is very welcome, although there ARE Fire Emblem characters who, after leveling up enough, are fully capable of taking on an entire scenario solo (but that's in the post-promotion stage).

-Despite the above two, chose what you feel you like best, or the one you feel fits you best or that you like the best. Do all three or just two if you want!

-Strength is damage, magic replaces this for magic units and it is your damage
-Skill directly increases your to hit, and is the primary stat for critical hits
-Speed increases your evade mostly, but also grants you a second attack in a 1 round battle if you have 4 higher than the opponent (max stats in this game are low 20's to 30 tops depending on class)
-Luck helps a little bit in evade, to hit, and critical hit chance, but it's small. The real benefit is that Luck is directly your defense against critical hits. If I have 10 crit and you have 10 luck I can't crit on you.
-Defense is simply your defense to physical attacks. Damage is their attack - your defense.
-Resistance is the same as Defense only for magic.

-The listed promotions are in the order of: Standard Promotion, Alternate Promotion.

Okay... let's get started after that long winded introduction! I wanted to post the normal attack animations and the critical attack animations, but I'll just post the critical hit animations unless asked to otherwise provide them ^_^

(I want to add the link to where I found these sprites at as well: http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-battle-animations/8, happy spriteness!)


Class: Cavalier
Movement: 8
Weapons: Lances, swords
Promotes into: Paladin, Great Knight

Basic Stats: Cavalier have high mobility due to being mounted but suffer from difficult terrain more than other classes. Such terrain types are: Forests/Deserts make movement slow to a crawl and they are unable to cross rivers without a bridge. Despite that they tend to have well rounded stats, sporting decent growths in almost every stat except luck and resistance. Mounted units have the added benefit of being able to move, act, and finish their movement, allowing them to strike and retreat. Another tactic is to attack and reposition into a defensive line. They have good HP growths.


Class: Knight
Movement: 5
Weapons: Lances
Promotes into: General, Great Knight

Basic Stats: Knights have poor speed, luck and resistance, on top of a poor mobility often causing them to lag behind on missions requiring a large amount of covering ground quickly. However it's in defensive situations where they really shine. They have a high strength backed by a decent skill, allowing them to be accurate and capable of high damage. Although they usually lack the speed for a second attack, they have such high defense that they can hold their own against an onslaught of melee opponents without budging to the advance. Finally, they have very high HP.


Class: Mercenary
Movement: 6
Weapons: Swords
Promotes into: Hero, Ranger

Basic Stats: Mercenaries are offensive powerhouses, getting high growths in strength, skill, and speed, often in some random order of the three. Most often they grow to have a high defense as well either early on or later after promotion. This makes them capable of going toe to toe with fierce opponents and lots of basic soldiers alike. They lack mounts, and so can lag behind in missions required to cover a lot of ground quickly, but not anywhere as bad as Knights. Mercenaries tend to also lack in Luck, and like all non-magic units get low resistance. Their only weaknesses are magic and archers(until he closes the distance with the latter). Units with high Critical can pose a danger as well, but if they survive they may just kill whatever it was anyway. As a final note, their HP tend to be fairly high, so they can soak some damage before needing to heal.


Class: Myrmidon
Movement: 6
Weapons: Swords
Promotes into: Swordmaster, Assassin

Basic Stats: Myrmidons are similar to Mercenaries before promotion except that their growth in speed is guaranteed to be high, as well as their skill. They have less strength and defense than a Mercenary as well, and they make up for this by having decent luck, making them hard to hit and therefore kill. Myrmidons don't take damage as well as other melee units, and usually need higher grade swords to keep up in damage, but they make up for it with a high critical hit chance (especially after promotion). They tend to have similar HP to a Mercenary as well.


Class: Fighter
Movement: 6
Weapons: Axes
Promotes into: Warrior, Hero

Basic Stats: Fighters have very high strength and HP, but tend to lack in defense and speed, giving them no real defenses while having a LOT of attack power. They have decent enough skill, and barely any luck and no resistance. Their promotion classes make them far more powerful however. As the true glass cannons of melee, they are capable of dealing absurd amounts of damage, but they take a lot as well. Against any lance user they are bound to win, but swords are their downfall.


Class: Pirate
Movement: 6
Weapons: Axes
Promotes into: Berserker, Warrior

Basic Stats: Pirates are similar to fighters, except that they can move in onceans, which no other unit is capable of! They tend to get higher speed than fighters, at the expense of just a little less strength. Their defense is still low along with virtually no luck and NO resistance. Like the other, few, axe users, they are exceptional at fending off lance users and even are capable of killing Knights with ease.

Please forgive me! I forgot the two axe weilding classes OH NOES!!!

Please post character responses in this format ^_^



Reasons for choosing class

Any optional stuff you wanna throw in such as names or back stories.


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

Looks great so far, I know you have more coming. ;P Rep. I'll chose one perhaps when I'm not so sleepy.


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score

Class: Pegasus Knight
Movement: 8
Weapons: Lances
Promotes into: Falcon Knight, Wyvern Knight

Basic Stats: Pegasus Knights are the 'lighter' of the two fliers, as such they only have decent strength and defense, as well as low HP. However, they make up for it with their high speed, good skill and luck, and decent resistance. In fact, Pegasus Knights may be the most suited to attacking magic units due to an okay growth in resistance. They end up being fragile, but fast like Myrmidons. Bows are their main weakness, as a regular strike from a bow to a flyier inflicts critical damage, making a critical hit in this case go from x3 damage to x9! Also, Axes tend to rip these frail fliers apart as well.


Class: Wyvern Knight
Movement: 8
Weapons: Lances
Promotes into: Wyvern Lord, Wyvern Knight

Basic Stats: Almost like a counterpart to Pegasus Knights, Wyvern Riders have high Strength and defense, and decent speed and skill. They lack the resistance or luck that Pegasus Knights enjoy however, so both magic units and units with bows will easily strike them down. They fare slightly better against axes than Pegasus Knights, but it's still not a good idea. Also, they get significantly more HP.


Class: Archer
Movement: 6
Weapons: Bows
Promotes into: Sniper, Ranger

Basic Stats: Archers are a well rounded class as far as stats, minus resistance which is low. They shine a bit more in skill, while strength and speed lag behind a bit, but not so much. They usually tend to get okay defense for a non-melee unit as well, saving them from some damage. Obviously melee units will kill an archer easily, as the archer is unable to counterattack a melee attack or close range magic attack. They get okay HP growths.


Class: Nomad
Movement: 7
Weapons: Bows
Promotes into: Ranger (no choice)

Basic Stats: Nearly identical to archers, save that they get less defense and luck. Otherwise, they get slightly more strength and nothing else other than the nifty benefit of a mount.


Class: Thief
Movement: 6
Weapons: Swords, Lockpicks
Promotes into: Rogue, Assassin

Basic Stats: Thieves sometimes tend to lack in strength and defense, as well as resistance. They get only decent skill and luck, but have incredible speed, even better than a Myrmidon! They too have low resistance, and also a low HP growth. They may seem horrible at first, but these characters are the only ones who can open locked doors and treasure chests without the need for any sort of keys. They also have a much larger sight distance at night, in fog, and in rain, much farther than any other unit. Upon promotion they gain large stat increases, making them into much more able fighters, though still not so much to make them front line fighters.


Class: Dancer
Movement: 6
Weapons: Swords
Promotes into: No promotion, however max level is 40 instead of 20.

Basic Stats: Dancers have the use of swords mainly for self defense against enemy attacks, they are not meant for combat but their unique ability. Their dances restore any units around the dancer, allowing for those units to have an extra turn, provided they've already made their action during the current turn. Because of this, Dancers tend to lag behind, but they gain low stats in everything but speed and luck for the most part. They get okay strength and skill, but not enough to be a contender for any melee unit.


Class: Mage
Movement: 6
Weapons: Anima tomes
Promotes into: Sage, Mage Knight

Basic Stats: As most magic units do, Mages have low defense. They tend to have high magic, skill and speed however, with varying specialties between them and often ending up fairly balanced. Like the other Magic units, Mages get good resistance, often higher than the other two offensive magic units. Sadly, they suffer from a mediocre luck and low HP as well.


Class: Shaman
Movement: 6
Weapons: Dark tomes
Promotes into: Druid, Summoner

Basic Stats: Out of the magic units, Shaman tend to be the most unbalanced. They get high magic, and often high skill, but low speed and virtually NO luck. They do seem to get a decent defense, especially for a magic unit, and still get good resistance as well. Their spells are what matter, and although very heavy (thereby reducing their evade...) they have a high power. Luna negates resistance on the defending unit, but has no attack bonus so it deals your magic stat in flat damage. The other is Nosforatu, which deals less damage than the basic attack but still good enough for a life drain attack. Shaman tend to have higher HP than other magic classes.


Class: Monk
Movement: 6
Weapons: Light tones
Promotes into: Bishop, Sage

Basic Stats: Compared to the past two units, they get very high speed and decent skill, but usually low magic and defense. Low HP is offset by a high luck stat, and a resistance stat that often ends up higher than mages. Their tomes are also very light, increasing their evade by a lot more than the other magc units, whose stronger tomes become quite heavy.


Class: Cleric
Movement: 5
Weapons: Healing Staves
Promotes into: Bishop, Valkyrie

Basic Stats: This is it, the basic healer. You have no means of defending yourself, however your efforts could means the difference between life and death for a comrade! Despite not being able to fight, Clerics gain high magic that boosts their healing, and a high skill and resistance usually accompanies this with a decent luck. Their speed is always at least decent. In the end, they are able to survive an attack or two, but focus on healing their allies.


Class: Troubadour
Movement: 7
Weapons: Healing Staves, Swords
Promotes into: Valkyrie, Mage Knight

Basic Stats: Like the Nomad and the Archer, Troubadours are nearly identical to Clerics, except they are mounted. They tend to have less magic however, as well as luck. You'll notice they can use swords, however they do not get strength very often, and so deal very low damage. They can however fight off axe users with reletive ease due to their high evade and natural weapon bonus. Still, they, like Clerics, are better suited to healing their allies.

There, that's all of the basic classes, never mind the two possible promotions most classes have. Each of these units excels at certain aspects of battle, and not so well in others. A well balanced and coordinated formation is necessary. A powerful unit is only as reliable as the others who fight alongside him/her.

As I said, I'd be more than happy to post the possible promotions of the basic classes tomorrow or the day after, as well as posting their battle sprites ^_^

Also I'll fully answer my question tomorrow as well.

Recycled Human

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

I thought I'd go knight but I think I'm picking mercenary...

Class : Mercenary
Color : Blue
Reason : I feel like the cavaliers are the supreme warriors, the myrmidons the skilled swordsmen but the merc is the jack of all trades and sort of a glass cannon. I like that.


soldier of the fallen
Jun 27, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

Class: knight


Reasons for choosing class: knights might be slow but they can take a beating and deliver damage aswell.


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

@Recycled Human: You should probably look at the rest of the classes first silly! I know Mercenaries are awesome but there's a lot to choose from. (between me an you I'm not beat up about it, just think you should look at the rest)

@orion: Wow! Cool! Someone chose Knight?! I'm honestly surprised, really. Well, you'll be the one who means the difference between victory and defeat in a castle defense!

Since it has been requested, I'm going to list the promoted classes here, or at least start them.


Class: Paladin
Movement: 9
Weapons: Swords, Lances
Promotes from: Cavalier

Basic Stats: Paladin's are glorified Cavalier, they continue to remain average in stats, thus remaining very balanced characters. They gain nothing except bonus stats upon promotion and more movement. They are, however, the farthest moving unit in the game, ably suited to hit and run tactics. They still lack in luck and resistance, however they tend to be the fastest of the ground mounted units, if maybe a little lacking in HP.


Class: General
Movement: 6
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes
Promotes from: Knight

Basic Stats: A walking wall of armor, the General is nearly un-defeat able in physical combat. Their ability to use any of the weapon triangle gives them an advantage over most, if not all, melee combatants. They continue to shine in defense and strength, getting good skill gains as well. They pick up SLIGHTLY in speed, but still get no luck or resistance. They are over-exaggerated Knights with an extremely high HP gain.


Class: Great Knight
Movement: 7
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes
Promotes from: Cavalier, Knight

Basic Stats: The Great Knight takes a loss in movement to gain defense. They tend to get less than decent speed, but better strength and defense. They are mounted Knights essentially, and also have control over the weapon triangle. They are a mix between mobility and armor. High HP gains.


Class: Hero
Movement: 7
Weapons: Swords, Axes
Promotes from: Mercenary, Warrior

Basic Stats: My favorite class, they continue what the Mercenary started, getting high strength, skill, and speed, with a decent defense to back it up. They gain use of Axes, which gives them a ranged attack and a bit more mastery over the weapon triangle. They still lack in luck and resistance however, but make up for it with High HP... They are all around good fighters, excelling in everything needed to be a front line genocide machine.


Class: Warrior
Movement: 7
Weapons: Axes, Bows
Promotes from: Fighter, Pirate

Basic Stats: High HP, low defense, and incredible strength are the good points of a warrior, along with the use of bows! They get a bit better skill than their predecessors, but still lack in speed. They hit hard, and can now do it from a range.


Class: Berserker
Movement: 7
Weapons: Axes
Promotes from: Pirate

Basic Stats: Berserkers are the anti-thesis for Warriors. They're largely the same, minus the bows, except that Berserkers get higher speed than skill. They focus more on crits than hitting normally, however, they still tend to be fairly slow. As with the warrior, they are one of the hardest hitting classes. Instead of bows, they gain +15% to crit on all strikes.


Class: Swordmaster
Movement: 7
Weapons: Swords
Promotes from: Myrmidon

Basic Stats: My second favorite class, Swordmasters excel in Skill and Speed, getting better strength gains than their lesser counterparts. They have a mediocre defense, and still little resistance. Swordmasters do sport okay luck gains however, and as a class bonus (as with Berserkers), get a 15% bonus chance to crit.... ON ALL STRIKES! They tend to attack often and hard, evading almost every attack (and imo negating the need for defense). The best part? They have an ability that activates rarely to allow them to attack 5 times for 1/2 the dame, essentially 2.5 attacks. This can activate up to TWICE PER BATTLE! Still they suffer from low strength and defense.


Class: Assassin
Movement: 7
Weapons: Swords
Promotes from: Thief, Myrmidon

Basic Stats: Either Myrmidons or Thieves can become this deadly class... They get much better strength than either of their former classes, but only enough to be barely noticeable. They LOSE the ability to use lock picks, but can still steal from enemies. They are Battle Thieves, or for Myrmidons promoting into this, more so for the special ability (trading off for increased crit). This special ability causes crits (25% of them to be exact) to instantly kill the enemy. That's right, Assassin's get a OHKO!!!


Class: Rogue
Movement: 8
Weapons: Swords
Promotes from: Thief

Basic Stats: Rogues are less suited to combat than Assassin's, and actually get very thief like stats. High speed and luck, good skill, low strength and defense and resistance. They also lose the ability to use lock picks.. but they can now open any lock WITHOUT the use of lock picks!!! YAY free treasure! Also their crit animation is damned cool.


Class: Sniper
Movement: 7
Weapons: Bows
Promotes from: Archer

Basic Stats: The better version of Archers, they get better strength and speed and defense. Otherwise, they remain the same as Archers. They do, however, get a special ability which rarely activates, making their next attack auto-hit.


Class: Ranger
Movement: 8
Weapons: Bows, Swords
Promotes from: Archer, Mercenary

Basic Stats: Rangers gain the use of swords if promoted from an Archer, and the use of bows if Promoted from a Mercenary. For a Nomad (rare class anyway) this is their only option. Their stats are close to a nomad's as well. They get cavalier like stats, and tend to be average. They can, however, fill a variety of roles.​


driftin' along.
Town Guard
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

Class: Pegasus Knight

Colors: White, Red, and Green.

Reason: I always prefer classes that are light on their feet even though they lack power, I like the strategies where I have to rely on my speed and cleverness rather than smash, smash, smash.. POWAHHH!!!

Forgive me for not knowing much in the series, I've never played a Fire Emblem game before.


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

That's alright, no experience needed. But good choice, you'd be the one to kill mages and go toe to toe with the quicker classes. However, a strong axe user or archer could kill you easily!

But the point is teamwork anyway so good pick ^_^

Here I continue the promoted classes:

(I cannot find a sprite for this one, sucky)
Class: Falcon Knight
Movement: 9
Weapons: Lances, Swords
Promotes from: Pegasus Knight

Basic Stats: This class continues the stat gains of the Pegasus knight, but gains a bit more in defense and strength, but only barely noticeable. They remain caster killers, due to their high resistance, and their high luck makes them good opponents for high crit enemies. Having swords on top of lances makes their one true weakness, axe wielder, nearly disappear. Bows are still their weakness however... but all in all they are a speedy and dodgy unit capable of dealing good damage through multiple attacks.


Class: Wyvern Lord
Movement: 9
Weapons: Lances, Axes
Promotes from: Wyvern Rider

Basic Stats: Again, much like their lesser form they have high strength and defense, with decent skill and speed, and no resistance or luck. They get even higher strength and defense, and get better speed and skill. With their high HP, they are almost like the Great Knights of the air. A powerful unit that is only scared of bows and magic. The use of axes gives them a greater control of the weapon triangle, and further increases their potential damage.


(sorry no crit on this one, could only find enemy ones)
Class: Wyvern Knight
Movement: 9
Weapons: Lances
Promotes from: Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Rider

Basic Stats: Wyvern Knights walk the middle ground betwen Wyvern Lords and Falcon Knights. They gain no new weapons, but tend to get fairly even stats. They usually get no luck, but get an okay reistance, lessening their fear of magic. They get good strength, a little better than Falcon Knights, and good speed and skill. They get decent defense as well and are overall like the Paladins of the air. Average but with little drawbacks. They also gain an ability that allows them to rarely pierce enemy defense, dealing damage without their defense lessening the blow. These units can be deadly against Generals and the like.


Class: Sage
Movement: 7
Weapons: Anima tomes, Light tomes, healing Staves
Promotes from: Mage, Monk

Basic Stats: Sages are powerhouse mages, built for raw power and their ability to use both anima and light tomes allows for more advatages in combat. They get great magic growths, and good speed and skill. Like all other promoted casters, they get great resistance as well. All around a great unit and probably tied for best caster.


Class: Mage Knight
Movement: 9
Weapons: Anima tomes, healing Staves, Swords
Promotes from: Mage, Troubadour

Basic Stats: Mage Knights are like sages, only they get a mount and no light tomes. However, having a mount makes them well suited to hit and run attacks, however Valkyrie tend to be a much better class overall. Mage Knights get very generic and balanced stats, they don't really shine anywhere. But they aren't a bad unit either. They are better at dealing damage than Valkyrie's, mostly because they started out as a damage dealing class.


Class: Bishop
Movement: 7
Weapons: Light tomes, healing Staves, (auto crit on monsters)
Promotes from: Monk, Cleric

Basic Stats: Bishops are special in that they are a monster slaying class. Against regular humans they are a glorified monk, however against monsters they really shine. They always crit against monsters, and a crit ends up being a super crit (x9 instead of x3). Like all other casters they get high resistance, and unlike most casters they get good luck as well. They tend to have very high skill, and good speed as well even if they lack a bit in the magic department. A good unit, but better for monsters than anything.


Class: Valkyrie
Movement: 9
Weapons: Light tomes, healing Staves, Swords
Promotes from: Cleric, Troubadour

Basic Stats: The only caster to have the use of swords, they are also mounted which allows for hit and run tactics. By far the best of the mounted casters, they get light tomes instead of anima like Mage Knights do. They get very monk-like stats however, and tend to have low magic AND low strength, making them less suited to damage dealing. However, since this class HAD to start out as a healer, they will likely remain that way with their offense being largely supplemental.


Class: Druid
Movement: 7
Weapons: Dark tomes, Anima tomes, Healing Staves
Promotes from: Shaman

Basic Stats: Tied for best caster is the Druid. They have access to their usual dark tomes, but also anima magic as well thus increasing their mastery over the magic triad. This class tends to have very high magic and resistance, but sometimes lacks in skill or speed. They do, however, get MUCH better skill or speed than their former class but still suffer from abysmal luck Like their predecessor, much of their strength comes from the useful life steal and resistance negating spells of the dark tomes. Much like sages, only more focused on raw power than finesse. Also, out of all caster types, they get the highest defense.


Class: Summoner
Movement: 7
Weapons: Dark tomes, summon
Promotes from: Shaman

Basic Stats: Summoners get okay stat gains, but they end up being mostly for support due to their unique ability. They can summon a skeletal warrior with 1 hp to do battle for them. When it dies it can be re-summoned. It gains levels along with the summoner, so despite the summoners low speed and skill and defense stats, their summon is not only expendable, but incredibly powerful and useful. The Skeleton is great for drawing enemy attacks, filling gaps in formations, killing off units that are well placed to kill your weaker units, and all in all battle fodder. The use of healing staved really boosts a Summoner's ability to support.​


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

I don't know. Howler, how about you pick a class for me? Find something you think suits me best but my color is black, most definitely.


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

For you, I'd say either a thief (for the future promotion of assassin), or Druid. Something darker for some reason.


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

Really? A thief? Or a druid? Wow. I had no idea my personality was like that. I think I'm going to cry. I was deluding myself into believing I was more of the pirate type or something along those lines.



Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

Well, they can become Berserkers.

Nah, it's because assassin's get lethal blow, which has a chance of insta-killing an enemy. Plus they open chests and doors without any need of tools.

Druids are a caster class with a lot of options, and probably the most strategic unit due to it's spells. They promote into either Summoners (necromancer really) or Druid (I actually mispoke the base class is shaman >.<) which is simply a more powerful shaman. They get a lifesteal, a high damage basic attack, and a spell that ignores magic defense (amazing against other casters). I figured Shaman, to correct myself from earlier, because of ow powerful, yet strategic they are.


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

You know, I may have some traits akin to that of an assassin but I'm more of a pirate/archer than that. But yes... I think Shaman then Summoner would also be very fitting.

Still... I have no idea what class I'd want to be, haha.


Werewolf Sage
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

It's personal choice really. Just keep in mind you'll NEVER be alone, unless sent on a mission requiring something only one class can provide. Like Pirates, you could save someone on an island from invading enemy pegasus knights.

From what you say, I'd say Pirate then Warrior. Warriors get axes and bows, but youcould start as fighter too (imo pirates> pirates). BUT, could start as Mercenary too, better stats in skill and speed than either and can still be Warrior.


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: If you could be any Fire Emblem class...

Maybe you should post what each class can turn into? It would really help when choosing.