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In-game Xbox Live Marriages and Children

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If people want to add me they may. My hero is female. GT:queenofdisco
Hey everyone , i am looking for players for co-op achievements ,weapon trades etc
I completed the game twice already
Gamertag is VincentVesperia add me
Gamer-tag is DamionRayne, got a female character, willing to help. Drop me a line. I need all achievements to.
Frisky Qunari male LF partner

You will need armor, I think. And a helmet. And something to bite down on. How strong are human teeth?
Qunari teeth can bite through leather, wood, even metal given time. Which reminds me, I may try to nuzzle.

If that happens, you'll need an iron pry bar. Heat it in a fire, first, or it may not get my attention.

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Reactions: GrimBaggins
I need a female to help me get the marriage and child achievements, please and thanks. GT: Charon5Claw
I want a nice GOOD guy to have kids with and help me get the legendary weapon in the Sanctuary. I can help with games as well.

GT: Aerista
I need these achievements, in addition to "Online Merger". My character is female. Thanks in advance!

GT: The Dream Shake
Hey everyone, I just finished beating the game twice, and I need the co-op achievements including: we can be heroes, online merger, cross-dimensional conception and long distance relationship. I also need the female exclusive cloths for the fashion victim achievement. I'm a male character, and my gamer tag is: FierceEncounter
i too would like some help. im a male but my (second and current) fable character is a female.

gt: xxcyylonexx2
No one will ever marry my character, they are not worthy. No one will ever be able to match my hero's
evilness. The only NPC evil enough was Sue the Street Whore, who wanted me to bump off her competetion.
Except further relationship with her was not acceptable by NPC storyline rules. *cough cough FU Lionhead scripters*

I am the prince of darkness, well, my characters a girl so princess or whatever...
It doesn't really matter, I'm dark and that all that counts.

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