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Information: Pre-Order Weapons (Cost, Scarcity and Demand)


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
Okay, ladies and gents, I see lots of people around here being very, very uninformed as to how they're playing the exchange game. I feel like it's my duty to clear it up for you.

To put it simply: The codes are not worth equal "value" due to scarcity of supply (due to the place the pre-order weapons are gained from being more expensive than another place) and demand (how cool / useful the item is).

Roughly, the codes go like so in terms of rarity:-
Champion's Hammer (bought from Amazon.com and .co.uk) < Inquisitor's Sword (bought from Gamestop) < Absolver (bought from Game) < Channeler's Sword (bought from Australian shop or something and a BestBuy)

In terms of price, the Champion's Hammers are on the lowest rung, with Absolvers coming a close second (despite their rarity, no one seems to want them or their tattoos :P). The Inquisitor Swords are only marginally better off than the Champion's Hammers. Standing above ALL of them are the Channeler's Swords / Tats, those things are expensive.

At the moment, prices are relatively high. The market will get flooded with sellers (and buyers, to be fair, but not as many) when the game gets released in the various countries. This will crash the price down to a very minimal one.

Over time, as the scarcity of the codes gets higher (within about three to six months) the codes are going to start running out and demand will greatly outstrip supply. I estimate the prices will return to just above current values (to about $15-$20 for Inquisitors within three months time limit, probably about $100 for Channeler Swords) depending on whether or not Fable 3 is worth long-time playing.

Now, mind that this is just speculation. IF the game isn't very long-lived, it's highly unlikely you'll get any money out of it post-collapse since no one will be playing it and therefore not want them. It's a matter of whether or not you want to hedge your bets.

Try to keep all this in mind whilst offering trades for your items. Some of your items (The Channeler Swords, notably) are worth far more than the rest especially in relative value. Don't trade them for a much more common item, try to get at least two or three before you get one.

On that note, I'm willing to buy any non-Channeler Swords. ;D

Hope this was helpful, guys.

TL;DR: NO ONE WANTS YOUR DAMN HAMMER FOR THEIR CHANNELER SWORD. OKAY?! (Some may, but they're so rare you're stupid for trying.)

EDIT: Oh, Shardborne Swords have the lowest cost on this list, since the supply (the publisher printing more books) far outstrips any possible demand (since those people can just buy a book, instead).

EDIT2: If the Australian Channeler codes are able to be used in the US, you can grab them for cheap (EXTREMELY cheap, since they're the only pre-order bonus weapons in Aus) from there. This might effect the prices slightly, but not enough to considerably change the philosophy.
im glad to know the absolver is worth the second highest.
and id like to trade it for the channeler like everyone else...
i could also probably also offer some extra items, custom swords, legendary weps(the ones i dont like/need) or just gold once ive started playing fable for a week.
im glad to know the absolver is worth the second highest.
and id like to trade it for the channeler like everyone else...
i could also probably also offer some extra items, custom swords, legendary weps(the ones i dont like/need) or just gold once ive started playing fable for a week.

I'm still warning you it might drop post-haste after the UK released, depending on how many people pre-ordered from Game. =p
just read that reavers tattoo lets u complete a quest in Aurora but i have not read anything about the other pre order items would this affect the value of the set if its also used to complete a quest ?
So does this mean I'm lucky if I'm trading my Inquisitor code to someone for their Channeler code tomorrow?
just read that reavers tattoo lets u complete a quest in Aurora but i have not read anything about the other pre order items would this affect the value of the set if its also used to complete a quest ?

People like the look of the tattoo and sword, anyway. I think the tattoo is in the Limited Collector's Edition guide, so it might not.

So does this mean I'm lucky if I'm trading my Inquisitor code to someone for their Channeler code tomorrow?

Pretty much, man.
Yes! im getting the channeler, wolfsbane, and shardbone.
Same here! I have my book down for Shardborne on Amazon, and pre-ordered LCE Fable III at Gamestop! HI FIVE BRO!!! Something else, I've got my unused Fable III controller tattoo code in mah drawer, so I don't know how valuable that is. (I didn't pre-order it! I got the only extra they had in the shop! XD
I just got my book ordered on amazon with one day shipping and am getting it tommorrow! *high fives back*
I managed to collect the various pre-order DLC and here are the links to them in the marketplace:
- Champion Hammer & Balance Tattoo
- Channeler Sword & Crystal Tattoo
- Inquisitor Sword & Industrial Tattoo
- Absolver Hammer & Dragonbreath Tattoo
- Shardborne Sword
These links are currently broken, I assume due to the recent 'upgrade' to the xbox.com web site, but hopefully they will fix it soon so people can refer to them.

EDIT: actually, it would appear that ALL limited/pre-order DLC content (i.e. available only via codes) are no longer visible on the new and improved marketplace? It may be that they are no longer going to have web pages for these items, since they would not be available to purchase in the marketplace anyway.

EDIT2: added the link to the Shardborne Sword, just in case those URLs ever get fixed.
Well just to get what I'm looking for out there, I AM willing to trade my Channeler sword for a Champions
Hammer. Why you ask?

Because I have two Mwahahahha, but really anyone that wants to trade me the Champions Hammer for one of my Channelers msg me.