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Is There Away To Good And To Save A lot of People? (This could be a spoiler to some)

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New Member
Nov 6, 2010
I chose to be a good king and put all possible money i could get into the treasury i only ended up with about 700,000 gold
assuming you still have time left as king before the end of the main story line, buy every property you can and hike the rent up to "highest" (this causes villagers to become upset but is VERY EASILY fixed later) you should be able to rake in about 70,000 g every 5 mins (real time) and have enough gold to save everyone rather quickly. then, once your done making all the good choices return rent to "normal" or lower and let the game cycle a few times and the villagers wont be mad anymore.
I posted this in another thread, but it works for you:

There are TWO types of "days" in the game

1) "days" as in the game going from 00:00 back to 00:00. When that happens you pay your family upkeep. I think this is 15-20mins.

2) "days" when you are a king. Those "days" will NEVER advance until you finish your "daily decisions" So if you have 339 days till the attack, you can keep it there, FOREVER, and keep doing side quests, MP, etc until you go into the throne room, make the decisions, then usually do the "quest" that will "end" that "day" or time period.

Where you really need to be careful is when it says 121 (i think) days to the attack. It will JUMP from there to 1 (which is really 0). So don't do ANY kingly duties when it's day 1xx till the attack unltil you are 100% ready.

On another quick note:
People running around, FREAKING that they lack money.. or became king with low money.. DO NOT NEED TO WORRY... just hold off the story line AS LONG AS YOU LIKE.. earn enough $$ to make the decisions you want to make as king.. THEN move the story forward ;)

If you are out of quests (and don't have anything else to do in game), you can simply just repair all houses and business and leave your Xbox on and idle for like 7 hours while you work/sleep/school. Even with rent at LOW on everything... as long as you own everything ownable.. you will rake in about 70,000 every 5mins... or 840K/hr. If rent is normal on everything, that ammount is doubled... and you make about... 1.7M/hr. Don't worry if your xbox "pauses".. the game's internal timer NEVER pauses... so you can sit in the sanc or the internal menu and once you leave, you will instantly get all the money you would have normally gotten while playing about. This trick works WONDERS for people who have to go to work/school. Just remember, most houses go from 100% to 0% in about 10 hours. Also make sure, if you do this, to tell the xbox itself not to turn off after 6 hrs of inactivity ;)

Bowerstone industrial houses seem to drop faster... Also I noticed that the higer rent you charge, the faster the houses need repairing (not sure why they do that)​
I dont recommend high or people will hate you... plus if you leave it on low.. and you make all good decisions... 80% of albion will be in love with your or your best friend when it is all over :)

That also instantly will upgrade any weapon that reqs you have xxx friends or xxx people in love with you ;)
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i had all my rent set to "highest" for the majority of my game. once i became queen and deposited enough money into the treasury i set everything back to "normal" (not even low, just normal) and after a few hours of game play and making all the popular decisions as Queen there are VERY few villagers who are at neutral or below. if a player wants to make money stupidly fast the negative consequences of high rent are easily fixed later.
That's true.. that does work. I just prefer that after all is said and done, people are "maxxed" out with me.. then I don't have to do those STUPID fetch or whatever relationship quests that LH put in.. I mean seriously.. if someone in RL told me that to be their friend I'd have to go GET them something? I'd tell them to sod off. This is actually the only thing I REALLY hate about the game.. are those stupid relationship quests. a date I understand... but a QUEST? come on... absurd... as it is gifts are virtually USELESS in the game.. my children ask for gifts. not ONCE have I had an adult request a gift nor does the game let you gift people to make them like you.

If you keep rent to low AND can wait it out, AND make all good decisions, most of the population will either be fully in love with you (ready to marry you w/o a quest and w/o a date), or your best friend.

.. but what this above person said does work too.. if you are in a rush.. you can let everyone hate you.. get the $$$ you need.. put rent to normal/low.. then people will be mostly neutral to you.

Plus this also instantly affects any weapons requiring friends/love, and you don't have to go do those "quests" ;)
to donate money of yours to the treasury go up to the ledger in either your sanctuary or the treasury room in the castle. it will give you the option to transfer money either to the treasury or from the treasury. follow the prompts from there :)

as far as i know the decisions you make as king/queen are final :( only way to fix it is if your game hasn't saved since you made the decision...but you will lose progress.
i would assume that if you own all the properties in Aurora and set their rent to "low" or "free" this should help in their opinion of you. maybe try that and let me know if it works? also you could theoretically go around making nice expressions at every citizen of Aurora but that would take forever. I think the rent thing should help though. (the official game manual says lowering the rent causes opinion of you to rise)
That helps, but you will have to do a relationship quest for each person... Hence why I prefer to max them out the way I said above which bypassed the need for a relationship quest for most ppl
My RL name, seen here, is my gamer tag ;)

However due to massive multi player bugs, I don't go into other people's games where there are houses and shops... This is a known, major, mp bug.

If you go to someones... Bowerstone market... The come back to your game... All rent us reset to normal... And often any furniture u put in those houses are lost...

So I'm avoiding mp until try fix it... If someone wants to come to my world, i have no problems as that doesn't screw with my houses ;)
The only bad decision I made was keeping the diamond so that I can get the $700,000 to buy properties. After that, I played a lot of the game BUT the main story until I had enough money to do all the rest of the decisions good and save everyone.
just for future people you need somewherre around 8-9 million to kae all the good decisions and to save everyone
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