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Just a little hello


Take my hand if you dare
Sep 5, 2009
Nowhere, USA
Just a little hello

Hi there everyone. I thought that I would say hi even though I have already responded a couple of times to some threads. This is my first time joining any type of forum, unless you count deviantArt, but that is kind of different and even there I have not been to the forums.

Anyway, I have loved fable since it first came out as it is a great place to loose yourself in after a rather hectic day. I am a little over detailed and long-winded, especially when I am passionate about something. Fable is one of those things I am afraid. Please accept my apologies now. I will try not to reply much as it is quite bothersome to most people; at least that is what my family says anyway.:blush:
Thanx LadyO
Re: Just a little hello

Long-winded good. Mostly, because if I thought it was bad, I'd be perpetually in a state of self-loathing, which would be very depressing.

So long as you aren't long-winded and an asshole, it's fine. Unfortunately, I'm both. It's very sad.

Also, just to make absolutely sure-- you are female, right? Your name would seem to imply so, but well, this is the internet, and I want to make damn sure I get the pronouns right. I'm touchy about that these days. Because I forgot too often in the past.

Oh, and duh, I almost forgot the most important part: welcome to the forums!
Re: Just a little hello

Thank you so much TJ Griffin, JackOfSpades (I hope you get those Union Jack boxers;) and Daemon.

I have to say it is nice to be welcomed by you guys. I have seen your posts quite a bit and have been impressed with them.

TJ Griffin my husband LOVES family guy too (peter gets on my nerves though Stewie IS BA).
Daemon I kind of got a little hint that you MIGHT like AC, but wasn't positive about it:D.I have never gotten to play, but do have hopes of it one day. It is on the "to do" list.

I hope that this won't be the only time we exchange words, ideas or just pleasantries. :D
Re: Just a little hello

Thank you Walker. You are another I have read much from on here. Yes I am a woman, so your pronouns are doing just fine. I don't think I am an asshole, but sadly enough I do cycle between self-loathing and simply ignoring myself. Having been told that long-windedness is a negative personality trait for such a long time now by everyone that surrounds me I try to curtail it as much as possible. Perhaps my mind will change about it now. :)

Well, I dunno if it is sad or not really. Are YOU sad about being long-winded and an asshole? If not then it isn't a sad thing at all. I have read several posts of yours and while you are quite direct I don't think that you are an asshole. Sometimes you have to spell things out for people who are of little intelligence and after the 1000th time you may need to be a little harsh with them to get through. That to me warrants what others might call being an asshole; besides they will get over it. Maybe it will encourage them to look things up and learn something to come back and be an asshole back to you. In that case, you have done them a service right? ;) Thanx Again Walker ...
Re: Just a little hello

Nope, I'm just a smartass. No actual sadness involved.

But yeah, I'd rate your longwindedness as... maybe 1.16 on the "Loquaciousosity Measurement Scale As Derived By The Terminally Bored." It's a very impressive rating, I tell you.

Oh, and speaking of telling people things-- just for future reference, there's no need to doublepost. If you have more to add to an earlier post, just click the "modify" button down in the lower right of your original post. That'll open it up so you can add things.

EDIT: Okay, so it's actually the "Edit" button. I think it's "Modify" of halowarsx.com. Sorry.
Re: Just a little hello

Welcome to forums, i hope you have a great time here. I have seen your posts and i think they have been really great, im sure you will fit in just fine. :D
Re: Just a little hello

A yes, yes, Fresh meat. Have you come to be eaten by our administrator? Dark Drakan? Have thou come to have thy fridge invaded by our other admin. Angel? Oh..... wait.... forget I said that. :lol: Welcome to Projectego, a haven for alll things Fable. I am AFable2Fan. You may call me Dragon IV.^_^
Re: Just a little hello

Walker: I am glad to hear that it is not sadness that rules your world. Being a smartass myself I would say that cynicism has more of a hold on you and I can definitely connect with you on that. I will take your compliment, such as it is, and quietly back away before the axe falls ..;)
Thank you for telling me about the double posting. You know, I kind of knew about it because when Phantom was catching so much hell the other day he did that and someone told him not to do it. I just didn't think about it and to be quite honest, wouldn't have known how to do it if I had. See ...directness has paid off once again.

Thank you Vero Caerso for the welcome. Yes we have been in the same threads a couple of times already and have been in agreement on most things. Thank you for the great. :blush:
I can't tell you how nervous I was when I posted them and of course AFTER I posted it I was told that it was too long for a first post and everyone was going to jump on me. :unsure:
So thanks for not jumping on me and being nice.

Dragon IV thank you for the welcome and I guess we will have to see which one gets to me first won't we? I mean, I can't invite Angel to raid my fridge if Dark Drakan has eaten me now can I? Well wait ...depends on how he....oh nevermind. It can go either way..uhmmm anyway ...thank you for the most interesting welcome. You may call me Lady Onya.:kiss:
Re: Just a little hello

Welcome to the Forums, I'm actually quite impressed that you personally replied to almost every one of the welcoming messages here. ^_^

You mentioned DeviantArt - care to share some of your artwork on these Forums?
Re: Just a little hello

Okay ...let me start by apologizing to you Rheckameohs for not responding to your welcome last night when I saw it, but I was dog tired and figured since it was essentially your standard welcome you wouldn't care too much if I responded today. I have to tell you ...I love your name. It slips off the tongue nice and easy and is very memorable.

droded thank you for the welcome. It's really very easy to respond to each of you personally as I have read at least one post made by each of you and was impressed by them.

Adding ya'll with T J Griffin, JackofSpades, Daemon300, Walker, Vero Caerso, Dragon IV (AFable2Fan) from earlier, I feel like a beggar in Fairfax surrounded by the elite.:D

Yes I am a member of deviantArt and I will definitely share anything I have of interest with you guys. Right now I don't have a whole lot up. Mostly a few pictures of myself and some crafty stuff. I am working with my photoshop now. Thing that sucks is I just changed computers (I was sharing with my son) and I lost an butt load of pictures. If someone wants to see a picture of me then I have that, but not much more right now. Plus I am actually a writer so there will be more of that then there will be of the photomanips anyway. Long story short( sorry ...long-winded pain-in-the-ass I know) yes I will share anything you see you like let me know and I will either get permission or manip it for you.

Thank you so much Dark Drakan. Well, if you ever need a meal...I will be around. We can't have our co-founder starving now can we? I can't imagine a better meal for one who follows a dark path then one who always follows the light ...with the exception of a few harmless walks through wraithmarsh with wives who disappointed me. Hey, it was the Banshee though, not me.;) Love Sylar btw!

Thank you so much InnOcent vOice, I may just do that. I do get hungry after all.

Anyway..thank ya'll so much for such a warm environment. I was a little intimidated as I came in on the Phantom bash thread ....the one where the letter wasn't being shown and I was so scared to even post. Now I am glad I did. Thank you all.