So Ive spent the past while skimming videos and stuff to do with this mutt....
One thing I want to know: Did it really clear off behind a tree to take a **** because thats gonna be funny as hell...
Seriously though, if this dog cant die, and I bail off and leave it roaming around for days on end, injured, how hilarious is it going to be when I come barrelling down a road with about eight hobbes and a troll after me and to see the dogs eye light up as it trys to get close to me just before I dart past it and leave the damn thing to get royally owned by whatever the hell was chasing me.
I see promise here, despite the huge let down of an announcement I actually see something decent about it.
Technically the dog is an automated context sensitive device thingy then- depending on the context which my character appears to be about to attack in the dog will alter what its going to do. Just a problem here possibly; If I draw my gun to try and aim at a single melee enemey in the distance and I dont want the dog to do anything what happens then? My gun is still drawn so my dog is going to go for what is ultimately a threat to me, the only enemey is the Im aiming at which is obviously the threat so the dog will try to go for it...
And also; I highly doubt I am going to love throwing a ball for a dog for hours on end or consider it something I must show my new girlfriend- maybe in real life I would throw a ball to my dog but I dont want to do that crap in a game- and if I did, I would steal my little sisters copy of Nintendogs.
Flaws ahoy... yes... interesting idea... very....
Oh and also the emote thing that changes- does that mean if your having sex you can use the yes emote once- and then a second time and it will get more passionate... and a third time it will sound like youve just.... well you know what I mean....
Second Post Automerged:
My god, I voice my opinion, go a little OTT and now apparently Im the guy who sent PM death threats. This is just getting ridiculous.
Yeesh, if I did have any kind of life outside of WoW I would probably use that time trying to trick some poor lady into being my sex slave or something.... I would say thats a more worthwhile endevour of my time than threating Peter Molyneux, wouldnt you agree?