Kari is here!
Be afraid!
No seriously, hi there! *waves*
I'm Karioudo, or Kari, whatever floats your boat
About me: I'm a 19 - almost 20 - year old girl from the Netherlands and I... erhm... love Fable? LOVE LOVE LOVE I SAY!
I study animal care and I draw a lot, though less than I used to. I have serious inspiration issues.
My days are pretty lineair: sleep, school and games. Especially games. I love gaming, runs in the family XD RPGs are my favourite, with Morrowind (I still love MW!), Oblivion (if only it would work properly! *kills PC*) and Fable, all competing over the title 'Best-Game-In-Kari's-Possesion'.
Currently, Fable is number 1, I just can't put it away. I blame Jack of Blades and his evil coolness. Damn you, Jack, and your coolness! *shakes fist* You make me hopelessly obsessed!
I bought the Lost Chapters for the PC a couple of months ago, because I heard some good stuff about this game and I wanted to try it out. It certainly wasn't a waste of money XD
Actually, to be honest, for me it took a lot of guts to sign up here. I'm certainly not a hero on forums (bad pun D: ) because they are rather intimidating to me. Especially big ones like this one. I have a bit of a social phobia so that's often a problem for me when it comes to posting. But I'm not here to talk about my social problems so yeah! I'm still glad I signed up here though, because it seems like a fun place with a lot of nice people ^-^
I hope you can all survive my future ramblings about the awesomeness of Jack, because I am a hopeless fangirl and should be shot for it XD Damn my weakness for evil, inhuman, cool-looking bad guys! *coughDavyJonescough*
Right. So yeah, that's me in a nutshell ^-^
Be afraid!
No seriously, hi there! *waves*
I'm Karioudo, or Kari, whatever floats your boat

I study animal care and I draw a lot, though less than I used to. I have serious inspiration issues.
My days are pretty lineair: sleep, school and games. Especially games. I love gaming, runs in the family XD RPGs are my favourite, with Morrowind (I still love MW!), Oblivion (if only it would work properly! *kills PC*) and Fable, all competing over the title 'Best-Game-In-Kari's-Possesion'.
Currently, Fable is number 1, I just can't put it away. I blame Jack of Blades and his evil coolness. Damn you, Jack, and your coolness! *shakes fist* You make me hopelessly obsessed!

I bought the Lost Chapters for the PC a couple of months ago, because I heard some good stuff about this game and I wanted to try it out. It certainly wasn't a waste of money XD
Actually, to be honest, for me it took a lot of guts to sign up here. I'm certainly not a hero on forums (bad pun D: ) because they are rather intimidating to me. Especially big ones like this one. I have a bit of a social phobia so that's often a problem for me when it comes to posting. But I'm not here to talk about my social problems so yeah! I'm still glad I signed up here though, because it seems like a fun place with a lot of nice people ^-^
I hope you can all survive my future ramblings about the awesomeness of Jack, because I am a hopeless fangirl and should be shot for it XD Damn my weakness for evil, inhuman, cool-looking bad guys! *coughDavyJonescough*
Right. So yeah, that's me in a nutshell ^-^