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Kari is here!

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Kari is here!

Be afraid!

No seriously, hi there! *waves*
I'm Karioudo, or Kari, whatever floats your boat:D About me: I'm a 19 - almost 20 - year old girl from the Netherlands and I... erhm... love Fable? LOVE LOVE LOVE I SAY!

I study animal care and I draw a lot, though less than I used to. I have serious inspiration issues.
My days are pretty lineair: sleep, school and games. Especially games. I love gaming, runs in the family XD RPGs are my favourite, with Morrowind (I still love MW!), Oblivion (if only it would work properly! *kills PC*) and Fable, all competing over the title 'Best-Game-In-Kari's-Possesion'.

Currently, Fable is number 1, I just can't put it away. I blame Jack of Blades and his evil coolness. Damn you, Jack, and your coolness! *shakes fist* You make me hopelessly obsessed!:P
I bought the Lost Chapters for the PC a couple of months ago, because I heard some good stuff about this game and I wanted to try it out. It certainly wasn't a waste of money XD

Actually, to be honest, for me it took a lot of guts to sign up here. I'm certainly not a hero on forums (bad pun D: ) because they are rather intimidating to me. Especially big ones like this one. I have a bit of a social phobia so that's often a problem for me when it comes to posting. But I'm not here to talk about my social problems so yeah! I'm still glad I signed up here though, because it seems like a fun place with a lot of nice people ^-^

I hope you can all survive my future ramblings about the awesomeness of Jack, because I am a hopeless fangirl and should be shot for it XD Damn my weakness for evil, inhuman, cool-looking bad guys! *coughDavyJonescough*

Right. So yeah, that's me in a nutshell ^-^
Re: Kari is here!

hehe :D
nice intro
welcome to the ranks of the wicked, hope you like it here
Re: Kari is here!

ahahaha. another Jack of Blades Worshipper. Welcome to the ranks. *salute*
I have the same social anxiety shy I don't talk to a lot of people problem. But as you said the people here? VERY NICE and VERY HELPFUL.
glad you decided to sign up. :D

Don't worry dear. I have lots of unholy attractions towards video game characters. Like Jack of Blades. Leon from Resident Evil. Sephiroth..:thumbsup: :devil::shifty: ^_^;;

if you need a sig, an avatar, or just someone to rant at about games, bad guys, and Jack. I'm always here.

I have MSN (the one I use the most), AIM and Yahoo. as well as my projectego e-mail. and so on and so forth. :D
Re: Kari is here!

And her phone number, home address, social security number and entire family history can be found at...kidding - just kidding :lol:

Nice to meet you and more girls! Yay! Any questions, problems and issues please feel free to contact either Dark Drakan, Projectego, Tsuyu or myself with the private message function and we'll sort it all out....well, that's the plan, anyways.

Don't be intimidated by ANYONE here and enjoy your time on the forums - you'll actually find this place to be pretty cosy despite its size and the locals don't bite so much since we started handing out the e-rum and letting them out for runs in the yard occasionally. Most of our members are house trained....:ninja:

Posting on a forum can be a bit eek but just dive in as and when you feel able and above all have fun. :D
Re: Kari is here!

Welcome to the Fable 2 community forums, Kari! ;)
Re: Kari is here!

Hehehe - Kari. I remember that being a character from Digimon for some reason...

Anyhow, I am the Super Moderator here, and I am always happy to be in touch with our female users....So yeah, got any questions, feel free to PM me.
Re: Kari is here!

Yay, thank you for the welcome everyone ^-^

Sephiroxas;48388 said:
Don't worry dear. I have lots of unholy attractions towards video game characters. Like Jack of Blades. Leon from Resident Evil. Sephiroth..:thumbsup: :devil::shifty: ^_^;;

Jaaaaaaaaack~~ :heart: I don't have a lot of video game character attractions actually... Jack obviously, and Lucien Lachance and Martin Septim from Oblivion. And I totally love Davy Jones from PotC:D Who needs Jack Sparrow/Will Turner/Norrington when you have DAVY JONES!

Angel;48395 said:
Don't be intimidated by ANYONE here and enjoy your time on the forums - you'll actually find this place to be pretty cosy despite its size and the locals don't bite so much since we started handing out the e-rum and letting them out for runs in the yard occasionally. Most of our members are house trained....:ninja:

Posting on a forum can be a bit eek but just dive in as and when you feel able and above all have fun. :D

Eek indeed. ^-^ I'll try not to chicken out this time, like I usually do when I've been on a forum for a while.

Albion Knight;48428 said:
Welcome Kari,

Okay, I think I am afraid! You hair is going to Eat me after all :P

Yes, you should be afraid XD My hair tries to eat my own face at least once a day ¬¬; I can't be bothered to cut it short though.:D
Re: Kari is here!

Oh I forgot to add: You shouldn't feel intimidated at all. We run a pretty clean forum here, we've not really had much problem with bickering, trolling and other nasty things forums tend to pick up.

I feel like I never really use my moderating powers other than accidently messing up other people's posts when I happen to edit them instead of quoting them! :(

*Cough* My lacking of control of Moderator powers aside, you should feel at home here: Go silly in the off-topic/spam forum, get even sillier in the Pub Games forums, discuss games. And of course: Talk about Fable and Fable II until you puke! :lol:
Re: Kari is here!

Hi there Kari and welcome to projectego.net, seem like you will get on with everyone here just fine. Make yourself at home and get to know a few of the members here, they are harmless really ;)

More importantly than anything just enjoy yourself and have fun on the boards ^_^
Re: Kari is here!

Tsuyu;48507 said:
Anyhow, I am the Super Moderator here, and I am always happy to be in touch with our female users
Yes...in more ways than one...:ninja::lol:

(he's harmless really...just avoid low-cut tops and have plenty of tissues handy to mop up the drool when he stands too close...:P)
Re: Kari is here!

Sephiroxas;48694 said:
Watch out for the bots though. They'll try to get you.

I wouldn't worry - they seem either drunk or stoned out of their biotronic brains at the moment! :lol:

They've...become hemp-smoking hippies. Fablefreak won't be happy about that...
Re: Kari is here!

Well this is a nice welcome, too bad I didnt see this section when I joined..
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