Darkness blocked the sun, with darkened clouds streaming across the sky. The houses were empty, no tenants or neighbors, no civilization except the very men that guard it. Three men, in black uniforms walked low in the desolate streets of the suburban neighborhood. Their machine guns loaded and ready, their eyes set firm behind their goggles, their teeth gritting hard behind their closed mouths covered by a black cover. No words were heard, no thoughts were imagined, no dreams were hoped for. As the sky grew darker, with shadows creeping upon the tree line, and whispers in the night came louder, the sound of a siren rattled the empty neighborhood. This siren, which was used to warn the people of enclosing doom is now used to alert the few who still remain to fight. The siren rang in the soldiers’ ears, their boots slammed into the now grass covered pavement, their bodies darting through the thick night air, their gear shaking on their muscled backs, they had perfected this. The way they did this was as if they had done in 1000 times and 1000 times again, like living a nightmare. Their path of interest was set, they ran to the house at the bottom of the neighborhood, which laid on a hill with a small ditch to the left of it. Stringy barbed wire ran across both sides of the ditch, with obstacles covering and littering the front lawn, with a tank to the left of the house, next to the ditch and humvees in the closed off garage. The soldiers had flushed through and over the obstacles, and entered the house through the front door, the last one in peeked his head out of the lightened house, as if watching for something, leaning his head both ways up and down the street, before going back in, closing the door and locking the door, as if it will help keep them out. Nothing can keep them out. Only ammunition can keep them away.
Darkness blocked the sun, with darkened clouds streaming across the sky. The houses were empty, no tenants or neighbors, no civilization except the very men that guard it. Three men, in black uniforms walked low in the desolate streets of the suburban neighborhood. Their machine guns loaded and ready, their eyes set firm behind their goggles, their teeth gritting hard behind their closed mouths covered by a black cover. No words were heard, no thoughts were imagined, no dreams were hoped for. As the sky grew darker, with shadows creeping upon the tree line, and whispers in the night came louder, the sound of a siren rattled the empty neighborhood. This siren, which was used to warn the people of enclosing doom is now used to alert the few who still remain to fight. The siren rang in the soldiers’ ears, their boots slammed into the now grass covered pavement, their bodies darting through the thick night air, their gear shaking on their muscled backs, they had perfected this. The way they did this was as if they had done in 1000 times and 1000 times again, like living a nightmare. Their path of interest was set, they ran to the house at the bottom of the neighborhood, which laid on a hill with a small ditch to the left of it. Stringy barbed wire ran across both sides of the ditch, with obstacles covering and littering the front lawn, with a tank to the left of the house, next to the ditch and humvees in the closed off garage. The soldiers had flushed through and over the obstacles, and entered the house through the front door, the last one in peeked his head out of the lightened house, as if watching for something, leaning his head both ways up and down the street, before going back in, closing the door and locking the door, as if it will help keep them out. Nothing can keep them out. Only ammunition can keep them away.