LHT...the web novel!(Only on projectego.net)
Welcome...to Albion. You are a new Hero that seeks worthyness to all, whether truly good or evil..it is your destiny and duty to either slay, or save the ones you dear the most. You will do this..and as your fate churns like a barrel of butter on a hot summer day in bowerstone...*cough*..you will be perfected into a legend. But be warned, legends aren't always good. A legend is a one who is remembered. But to be a legend...you must choose good or evil, slay foes, take down sinister villians...find treasures...find bombs...blow up bombs...get cool armor..change your hair..all you have to do is choose your path. And whoever doesn't choose good or evil, will die from rabies.
But apparently, one man changed those rules.
(Suddenly..and ninja like doofus appears from the shadows, trips, and regains his dignity by shooting lightning at the man who he thought tripped him, but he really didn't..so he's in a pickle)
You know, I just insulted you right
Jesus you need to take some medicine...clean your house once in awhile..and stop stealing books for bonfires in the guild!
I did save one book...if it is a book...Boy Play...Boy's Play...what is it called again?
Play Boy!
Haha, got you there...looks like Mr.Voice Over Guy has some secrets...:ninja:
Jesus Christ...i'm leaving...this f**ing sucks. Is this how the announcer job is supposed to be like?Just tell them who you are Tex..
I am a human :0
No...describe yourself before I fail so much I have to go do voice overs for the upcoming hobbit movie
OK.My names James Theodore Texran the third....the second...and a half
My god...
I'm also known as LionHeadTex..because my brother was a lion...and...well I swore those mushrooms I smoked had nothing to do with making my name!
Oh no..
I'm also known as TechnoTex...:sly:
I got a IPhone...did you know it holds 60 trillion songs?:frenchy:
IPhone?Is that a sword?
Strange...looks like this it's someone elses IPhone..hey announcer...do you like German Mix Music?:wassat:
oh wait....werent we talking about your life..and your background
Ah. Well I have a cool Gears wallpaper...it's got Marcus mowing down some locust with his chainsaw gun..man..if I had my 360 right now...ownaggge!:360:
We're all doomed...
LHT The Web Novel
Coming Soon
^This is just a preview:ninja:
The story..novel..thing will be coming out soon..still in production..
You will get to see the background of LHT...some humor..and other stuff
From jokes about Jack..to chasing chickens..it will all be in this novel
Welcome...to Albion. You are a new Hero that seeks worthyness to all, whether truly good or evil..it is your destiny and duty to either slay, or save the ones you dear the most. You will do this..and as your fate churns like a barrel of butter on a hot summer day in bowerstone...*cough*..you will be perfected into a legend. But be warned, legends aren't always good. A legend is a one who is remembered. But to be a legend...you must choose good or evil, slay foes, take down sinister villians...find treasures...find bombs...blow up bombs...get cool armor..change your hair..all you have to do is choose your path. And whoever doesn't choose good or evil, will die from rabies.
But apparently, one man changed those rules.
(Suddenly..and ninja like doofus appears from the shadows, trips, and regains his dignity by shooting lightning at the man who he thought tripped him, but he really didn't..so he's in a pickle)
You know, I just insulted you right
Jesus you need to take some medicine...clean your house once in awhile..and stop stealing books for bonfires in the guild!
I did save one book...if it is a book...Boy Play...Boy's Play...what is it called again?
Play Boy!
Haha, got you there...looks like Mr.Voice Over Guy has some secrets...:ninja:
Jesus Christ...i'm leaving...this f**ing sucks. Is this how the announcer job is supposed to be like?Just tell them who you are Tex..
I am a human :0
No...describe yourself before I fail so much I have to go do voice overs for the upcoming hobbit movie
OK.My names James Theodore Texran the third....the second...and a half

My god...
I'm also known as LionHeadTex..because my brother was a lion...and...well I swore those mushrooms I smoked had nothing to do with making my name!
Oh no..
I'm also known as TechnoTex...:sly:
I got a IPhone...did you know it holds 60 trillion songs?:frenchy:
IPhone?Is that a sword?
Strange...looks like this it's someone elses IPhone..hey announcer...do you like German Mix Music?:wassat:
oh wait....werent we talking about your life..and your background
Ah. Well I have a cool Gears wallpaper...it's got Marcus mowing down some locust with his chainsaw gun..man..if I had my 360 right now...ownaggge!:360:
We're all doomed...
LHT The Web Novel
Coming Soon
^This is just a preview:ninja:
The story..novel..thing will be coming out soon..still in production..
You will get to see the background of LHT...some humor..and other stuff
From jokes about Jack..to chasing chickens..it will all be in this novel