I agree with Drew2686, the only ones complaining are the loud minority. forums are the only place i see people complaining about games over every little thing. so i gotta represent the silent majority. Everyone of my friends who played fable they all loved it and so did i it was a fun game. It just makes me dissapointed to see all these "true fans" just criticize every little thing about the game plague forums ( not just this forum, EVERY FORUMS, but the people on this forum are tolerable and not jerks). but i have to say, there will always be a loud minority, they will try and ruin the majorities experirnces (co-op, not dying, the dog, the fun arcade games and family friendly games like journey and heroes for little kids should just go because we dont like it so we will complain about it and try to ruin everyone elses fun with an amazing franchise).
So Lionhead being fed up with "Fans", i dont blame them, you dont want pure bantering on your website so when the silent majority goes on to check out the game, they might get turned off.
p.s why all the hate for fable III, if someone says story, it had a good story, but most people, including me, dont play games for story, we play to have fun and entertain ourselves, most people dont even notice the story. so story is no excuse to say the game was ruined.
So Lionhead being fed up with "Fans", i dont blame them, you dont want pure bantering on your website so when the silent majority goes on to check out the game, they might get turned off.
p.s why all the hate for fable III, if someone says story, it had a good story, but most people, including me, dont play games for story, we play to have fun and entertain ourselves, most people dont even notice the story. so story is no excuse to say the game was ruined.