It would be funny if Fable's timeline was like Zelda's.
Imagine Fable 2's time before Fable or Fable TLC
It would be funny if Fable's timeline was like Zelda's.
Imagine Fable 2's time before Fable or Fable TLC

somedude21;202778 said:Like how Majoras Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess is another sequel to it and how Four Swords and Windwaker is like another timeline XD
I'm hoping for that too. What gives me hope are that there have been a few pictures of wagons. Where there are wagons there are horses :w00t:Twilight Wolf;203138 said:^ Yeah that would be good. I am still holding out for one with mounts ^^. If a game has a horse in it it seems to be some unwritten rule that I will end up spending 10hours worth of the total game play time just riding around. Pathetic I know.
Imo It's disappointing that there are no horses in fable. I mean just because technology has advanced. It's not like there are any cars driving around....
somedude21;202778 said:Like how Majoras Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess is another sequel to it and how Four Swords and Windwaker is like another timeline XD
Albion Knight;203265 said:I'm hoping for that too. What gives me hope are that there have been a few pictures of wagons. Where there are wagons there are horses :w00t:
Another thing is in the livewire demo you see on the screen it says "Travel time 20 hours on foot" why would they say "on foot" unless there were another way to travel?