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Re: lol

Wow that the most strangest ever thing heard by me evah!
Re: lol

Like how Majoras Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess is another sequel to it and how Four Swords and Windwaker is like another timeline XD
Re: lol

somedude21;202778 said:
Like how Majoras Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess is another sequel to it and how Four Swords and Windwaker is like another timeline XD

But it's not. Fable 2 is set 500 years after Fable 1.

Future Fables, maybe.
Re: lol

I was never really into the Zelda series but I had heard the timeline was a teeny bit disjointed. Here's hoping that Lionhead don't decide to make Fable 3 set a million years into the future... ^_^ Then again... that could be quite cool...
Re: lol

The split time line theory in Zelda is interesting indeed, but I fail to see how Fable being like it is "lol".

^It could be quite cool. Like if the world got flooded (like in Zelda:Wind Waker) and you could hire a crew and go out exploring all the islands on a boat. Fable style of course:cool: ...Yeah.

Heh I wonder if Nintendo would have something to say about that. Peh its not like they can copyright a flood...or a boat for that matter.
Re: lol

Id like a fable before the original, it doesn't have to have anything to do with jack or the first hero, but as fable II advances tecnology and weapons, lets have one that goes backwards
Re: lol

^ Yeah that would be good. I am still holding out for one with mounts ^^. If a game has a horse in it it seems to be some unwritten rule that I will end up spending 10hours worth of the total game play time just riding around. Pathetic I know.
Imo It's disappointing that there are no horses in fable. I mean just because technology has advanced. It's not like there are any cars driving around....
Re: lol

I think thery should have a Fable in the orginal Ablion 9before everything when tits up)
Re: lol

Twilight Wolf;203138 said:
^ Yeah that would be good. I am still holding out for one with mounts ^^. If a game has a horse in it it seems to be some unwritten rule that I will end up spending 10hours worth of the total game play time just riding around. Pathetic I know.
Imo It's disappointing that there are no horses in fable. I mean just because technology has advanced. It's not like there are any cars driving around....
I'm hoping for that too. What gives me hope are that there have been a few pictures of wagons. Where there are wagons there are horses :w00t:
Another thing is in the livewire demo you see on the screen it says "Travel time 20 hours on foot" why would they say "on foot" unless there were another way to travel?
Re: lol

Strange that this conversation started out of something so next-to-pointless...
Re: lol

lol So yeah imagine Fable III (or 3) being set 800 years before Fable or TLC :w00t:

The guildmaster would be like, 1 year old! (he was pretty old in TLC)
Re: lol

somedude21;202778 said:
Like how Majoras Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess is another sequel to it and how Four Swords and Windwaker is like another timeline XD

Haha I didn't get a word of that...
but a Fable 3 taking place before Fable 1 would be... wierd, it could take place while Jack, Queen and Knight of Blades roamed around, and you could be William defeating them..
But that would kinda ruin the whole idea about making choices, cause we already know whats gonna happen (Consequenses is seen in Fable 1+2).
Im currently at work... there's nothing to do and I gotta be here for another 2 and a half hours
Re: lol

Albion Knight;203265 said:
I'm hoping for that too. What gives me hope are that there have been a few pictures of wagons. Where there are wagons there are horses :w00t:
Another thing is in the livewire demo you see on the screen it says "Travel time 20 hours on foot" why would they say "on foot" unless there were another way to travel?

Yeah hopefully! Maybe there will be horses, just ones you can't ride. I think it was confirmed in some video that there would be no mounts or ships. I think the other way to travel is teleportation.
Oh well, there's always Fable 3. :D

Oh and somedude21 I somehow don't think the guildmaster would be 1 year old. No offense but none of your posts seem to make much sense or be thought out...