We all know about the term "U MAD BRO?" - but during a high school football game, one of the teams held up a huge banner with "U MAD BRO?" plastered on it, and as a result the NAACP is looking to press charges of hate crimes because to them it's a racial degrading slander, and they believe bro is being used as a degrading term as well against blacks. Apparently only black people can be called "bro" or "brother" now. I guess I've been doing it wrong for years............
On another NAACP note - they claimed recently that Republicans are racist due to the Republicans voting in a law which enforces drug tests for those on welfare. The NAACP has claimed they are racist for doing that. What's funny; Blacks are not the only ones on welfare. AND for the NAACP to say that - it's almost like them saying all of the blacks are on drugs. They're actually degrading their own race with their accusations.
On another NAACP note - they claimed recently that Republicans are racist due to the Republicans voting in a law which enforces drug tests for those on welfare. The NAACP has claimed they are racist for doing that. What's funny; Blacks are not the only ones on welfare. AND for the NAACP to say that - it's almost like them saying all of the blacks are on drugs. They're actually degrading their own race with their accusations.